This is an introduction to **Computer Skills **for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and extras.
The resource is intended to introduce students to basic computer skills, including:
Parts of a computer, e.g. monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, computer tower, etc.
Using a computer
Using software, e.g., Microsoft Word, Windows Media Player
Logging onto the Internet
Using Google Search
Computer safety
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
(CS1) Identify significant components parts of a computer, e.g. mouse, monitor, keyboard, printer
(CS2) Use a mouse/joystick/input device for simple functions, e.g. to click, double click, click and drag, use different pointer shapes
(CS3) Use a software package, e.g. a game, educational/personal software
(CS4) Enter short text/graphics with appropriate input device
(CS5) Name possible uses for selected software package
Topics include:
Some features of the keyboard
Types of software and their uses
Switching the computer on and shutting it down
Using the mouse
The desktop
Opening and closing a word processing program
Opening and editing a document (basic)
Printing a document
Browsing the Internet
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and extras…
Student Worksheets: 79 Pages
Teaching Slides: 48
This is an introduction to Using Technology for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and extra slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to the concept of technology, including:
Recognising technology, e.g. in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, garden, at the shop, for enjoyment, in the classroom, at work, in healthcare
Technology symbols, e.g. on remote control, appliances, mobile phone, online video, shopping categories
Using technology safely
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
(1) Identify technology in common use
(2) Identify the symbols on familiar technological devices, e.g. on/off switch, temperature symbols
(3) Use simple technological equipment for home/personal and workplace/educational use, requiring up to two functions, e.g. household appliance, telephone, swipe/clock system
(4) Pay attention to safe practice
Topics include:
What is technology?
Technology in the home
Technology out and about
Technology for entertainment
Technology for learning
Old and new technology
Social media
Icons and symbols
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and extras.
Student Worksheets: 177 Pages
Teaching Slides: 75
Teacher Preparation Table
Teacher Verification Records
This is an introduction to Computer Skills for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and files for students.
The resource is intended to introduce students to Computer Skills, including:
Computer & Internet terminology
Using the computer, including the use of the keyboard, function of special keys, common icons and tools in Microsoft Word and on the Internet
Topics include:
Hardware and software
Creating and amending documents
Creating folders & saving
Using symbols
Browsing the web
Social media
**These worksheets are designed to covers the following learning outcomes: **
(1) Turn a personal computer on and off safely
(2) Use frequently-used keys appropriately
(3) Use a software package, involving opening a package, entering and manipulating text/image/data, save to file, print and exit safely
(4) Identify common information/symbols
(5) Access websites on the Internet
(6) Name some benefits of electronically stored information packages and the Internet
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teacher slides and student files.
Student Worksheets: 113 Pages
Teaching Slides: 55 Pages
This is an introduction to Computer Literacy for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to computers and technology, including:
Introduction to I.T.
Using a computer application
Health, safety, hygiene and security
Topics include:
I.T. in everyday life
Social media
Computer hardware
Word processing exercises
Online safety
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
1 Outline how Information Technology affects everyday life
2 Explain commonplace Information Technology concepts and terminology
3 Describe the health, safety and personal hygiene considerations of working with computers
4 Describe information security considerations
5 Outline the functions of the main hardware elements of a computer
6 Operate computer hardware by performing all required steps including connecting all required devices, and powering up and shutting down equipment appropriately
7 Use a range a keyboard capabilities
8 Use a computer application to create a file
9 Apply relevant environmental impact reduction, health, safety and personal hygiene procedures when working in an ICT environment.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 85 Pages
Teaching Slides: 46 Pages
This is an introduction to Using Technology for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to using technology, including:
Technology in everyday life
Using technology
Topics include:
Technology at home
Technology for entertainment
Technology in learning
Technology in work
Using technology at home
Using technology for learning
Using technology to do banking
Benefits and risks of technology
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Identify areas of everyday life where she/he interacts with technology e.g. for learning, working personal and home management and for fun
Consider some benefits and risks of using technology
Use technology requiring not more than 3 functions for personal, home and educational/workplace use e.g. assistive technologies, electronic information retrieval/communications devices, mobile phone, photocopier, computer, cameras, personal technologies
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
Student worksheets and teaching slides
Student Worksheets: 105 Pages
Slides: 109
This is an introduction to Word Processing for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, files for students and sample exams.
The resource is intended to introduce students to word processing, including:
What is word processing
Key features and functions of Microsoft Word
Creating and modifying text
Topics include:
Page formatting
Cut, copy, paste
Create, name and locate files
Inserting shapes, tables, text boxes and pictures
Fonts and texts
Practising all concepts
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
1 Outline typical word processing functions, to include document creation, saving and retrieving and enhancing documents
2 State the primary functions and processes involved in creating word documents
3 Carry out common word processing functions including creating, naming and locating files and folders
4 Use with confidence a word processing application to create and modify text including inserting, copying, cutting, pasting, deleting, finding and replacing
5 Produce a range of printed documents by selecting different printers, changing paper size and orientation and adjusting document margins
6 Demonstrate character and paragraph formatting skills to include font type, size, style, colour, tabs, indents, line spacing, alignments, bullets, numbering, symbols, special characters
7 Complete object insertion skills including creating a basic table and locating, aligning and re-sizing graphic images
8 Carry out a range of editing operations on a document containing proof reader’s marks using the spelling checker, thesaurus and grammar tools
9 Produce a range of word processing documents, e.g. letter, memo and form, to a publishable standard.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not fillable online, and it is recommended that worksheets are printed. Alternatively, students can split their screens to read the instructions and carry out the activities at the same time.
What is included?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, files for students and sample exams.
Student Worksheets: 78 Pages
This is an introduction to Desktop Publishing for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and files required for students.
The resource is intended to introduce students to the concept of desktop publishing and Microsoft Publisher, including:
Common uses and features
Accessing a desktop publishing application
Planning a publication
Creating, saving and printing a publication
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Outline the significance of using desktop publishing applications in terms of their common uses and features
Explain rudimentary terminology associated with desktop publishing including, What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG), file formats, image formats, page layout, clip art, borders and text wrapping
Explain common icons and related functions found for basic desktop publishing
Plan the basic design and layout for a variety of publications to include sequencing of tasks, material and resources and timescale
Use a desktop publishing application to access new and existing publications
Apply edit functions and formatting to publications to enhance the appearance of a publication to include inserting and manipulating images, graphics, text, borders, colour, and fonts
Prepare a range of publications for hard or soft copy publication to include formatting, proofreading, and previewing layout
Use a desktop application to create a file by performing all required steps including accessing the application, entering data using the keyboard and mouse, printing the file, and storing the file appropriately for subsequent retrieval
Apply appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene procedures when working in an Information and Communications Technology environment.
Publications include:
Job ad
Gift certificate
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. Alternatively, students can split their screens to read the instructions and carry out the activities at the same time.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and files required by students.
Student Worksheets: 86 Pages
This is a collection of practice worksheets using Spreadsheet Methods, for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, files for students and a sample exam.
The resource is intended to give students practice with spreadsheets, including:
Spreadsheet functions
Using a spreadsheet application
Producing basic charts and graphs
Topics include:
Creating and modifying spreadsheets
Spreadsheet vocabulary
Using formulae and functions
Using formatting commands
Practising all concepts
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
1 Outline typical spreadsheet functions including document creation
2 State the primary functions and processes involved in creating a spreadsheet document
3 Use the language associated with spreadsheet applications
4 Use with confidence a spreadsheet application to enter and edit text, numbers and dates, and insert and delete columns and rows
5 Use arithmetic operators to add, subtract, multiply and divide
6 Use formulae and functions within a spreadsheet including sum, average, max, min and count
7 Use a range of formatting commands including font size, font colour, background colours, bold, alignments, borders, numbers, decimals and dates
8 Modify a spreadsheet document by adding repeating column or row titles, page numbers, date or text to headers and footers, and adjusting to fit on to one page
9 Produce a range of basic charts and graphs including pie, column, bar and line with titles and labels.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not fillable online, and it is recommended that worksheets are printed. Alternatively, students can split their screens to read the instructions and carry out the activities at the same time.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, files for students and a sample examination.
Student Worksheets: 96 Pages
This is an introduction to Internet Skills for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to Internet skills, including:
Internet tools and terminology
Safety on the Internet
Navigating the web
Using and maintaining webmail
Topics include:
Internet uses
Web browsers
Search engine
The World Wide Web
Internet tools and terminology
Using different search techniques
Security considerations
Privacy considerations
Social media
Addiction to I.T
Email terminology
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Outline the significance of Internet tools
Explain terminology associated with the Internet
Outline the main information security, privacy and applicable usage policy considerations associated using the Internet
Outline the basic requirements necessary to gain Internet access
Use a range of search techniques to locate information
Use the browser print function to print from the Internet
Use a web mail application to generate an e-mail
Maintain a personal email account
Navigate the web using browser toolbar buttons
Respond to a received e-mail e.g. opening message, reading attached file, composing a response, attaching a new file, and transmitting the reply
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
Student Worksheets: 92 Pages
Teaching Slides: 59
This is an introduction to Word Processing for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and files for students.
The resource is intended to introduce students to computers and technology, including:
Getting started with word processing
Creating documents
Modifying documents
Topics include:
Common uses and features of a word processing application
Key terminology
File handling
Text formatting
Creating personal and work documents
Applying text formatting and editing
Using the keyboard effectively
Using different file save options
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
Outline the significance of using word processing application.
Explain key terminology associated with word processing as well as toolbar icons and related functions
Use a word processing application to modify an existing document using a variety of file save options.
Create a range of documents for personal or work requirements.
Use a range of keyboard capabilities.
Apply text formatting.
Use text editing features including copy, cut, paste, delete, and insert.
Use simple proofreading tools.
Print a document to include print preview, spell and grammar check.
Use a word processing application to create a file by performing all required steps.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 65 Pages
This is an introduction to computer literacy for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to computers and technology, including:
Introduction to I.T.
Using a computer application
Health, safety, hygiene and security
Topics include:
I.T. in everyday life
Social media
Computer hardware
Word processing exercises
Online safety
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
1 Outline how Information Technology affects everyday life
2 Explain commonplace Information Technology concepts and terminology
3 Describe the health, safety and personal hygiene considerations of working with computers
4 Describe information security considerations
5 Outline the functions of the main hardware elements of a computer
6 Operate computer hardware by performing all required steps including connecting all required devices, and powering up and shutting down equipment appropriately
7 Use a range a keyboard capabilities
8 Use a computer application to create a file
9 Apply relevant environmental impact reduction, health, safety and personal hygiene procedures when working in an ICT environment.
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 85 Pages
Teaching Slides: 46 Pages
This is an introduction to **Spreadsheets **for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and files for students.
The resource is intended to introduce students to the basics of spreadsheets, including:
Getting started with spreadsheets
Creating worksheets and workbooks
Modifying worksheets
Topics include:
Common uses and features of a spreadsheet application
Key terminology
File handling
Previewing and printing
Using the keyboard effectively
Using different file save options
Health, safety and hygiene
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
Outline the significance of using spreadsheet applications in terms of their common uses and features.
Explain spreadsheet terminology.
Use a spreadsheet application to open an existing workbook, access a worksheet, print a hardcopy of the worksheet and exit the application.
Enter data to a spreadsheet, including formatting rows and columns, applying data formats and moving information within the worksheet.
Use formulae to perform simple calculations including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Produce a hardcopy printout from a spreadsheet taking all required steps including creating a workbook, entering data into a worksheet, applying suitable formatting, previewing and printing the cell range, saving the workbook, and closing the spreadsheet application.
Apply appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene procedures when working in an ICT environment.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and files.
Student Worksheets: 50 Pages