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A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.




A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
Control of heart rate (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Control of heart rate (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This lesson describes the role of the cardiovascular control centre in the medulla oblongata in the control of heart rate. The engaging and detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the first part of point 7.13 (ii) of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification and explains how this regulation enables the rapid delivery of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide. This lesson begins with a prior knowledge check where students have to identify and correct any errors in a passage about the conduction system of the heart. This allows the SAN to be recalled as this structure play an important role as the effector in this control system. Moving forwards, the three key parts of a control system are recalled as the next part of the lesson will specifically look at the range of sensory receptors, the coordination centre and the effector. Students are introduced to chemoreceptors and baroreceptors and time is taken to ensure that the understanding of the stimuli detected by these receptors is complete and that they recognise the result is the conduction of an impulse along a neurone to the brain. A quick quiz is used to introduce the medulla oblongata as the location of the cardiovascular centre. The communication between this centre and the SAN through the autonomic nervous system can be poorly understood so detailed explanations are provided and the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions compared. The final task challenges the students to demonstrate and apply their understanding by writing a detailed description of the control and this task has been differentiated three ways to allow differing abilities to access the work
Diffusion (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Diffusion (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This lesson describes how passive transport is brought about (simple) diffusion and facilitated diffusion. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the first part of specification point 4.2 (ii) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification but also covers 4.2 (iii) as the relationship between the properties of a molecule and the method by which they are transported is discussed. The structure of the cell surface membrane was described in the previous lesson, so this lesson has been written to include continual references to the content of that lesson. This enables links to be made between the movement across a cell membrane with the concentration gradient, the parts of the membrane that are involved and any features that may increase the rate at which the molecules move. A series of questions about the alveoli are used to demonstrate how a large surface area, a short diffusion distance and the maintenance of a steep concentration gradient will increase the rate of simple diffusion. One of two quick quiz rounds is then used to introduce temperature and size of molecule as two further factors that can affect simple diffusion. The remainder of the lesson focuses on facilitated diffusion and describes how transmembrane proteins are needed to move small, polar or large molecules from a high concentration to a lower concentration across a partially permeable membrane
Synapses (Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology)

Synapses (Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson has been designed to cover point 8.4 of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A (Salters Nuffield) specification that states that students should know the structures and function of synapses in nerve impulse transmission. The majority of the lesson uses the cholinergic synapse as the example but other neurotransmitters are considered to provide the students with a wider view of this topic and to make links to specification point 8.15 The lesson begins by using a version of the WALL (as shown in the cover image) which asks the students to group 12 words into three groups of 4. Not only will this challenge their prior knowledge from topics earlier in this module but it will also lead to the discovery of four of the structures that are found in a synapse. Moving forwards, students are introduced to aectylcholine as the neurotransmitter involved at cholinergic synapses and they will start to add labels to the structures found in the pre-synaptic bulb. Time is taken to focus on certain structures such as the voltage gated channels as these types of channel were met previously when looking at the depolarisation of a neurone. There is plenty of challenge and discovery as students are pushed to explain why organelles like mitochondria would be found in large numbers in the bulb. With this process being a cascade of events, a bullet point format is used to ensure that the key content is taken in by the students and again key points like exocytosis and the action of acetylcholinesterase are discussed further. The final part of the lesson challenges the application aspect of the specification as students are introduced to unfamiliar situations in terms of synapses with new drugs like MDMA and are asked to work out and explain how these affect the nervous transmission. Understanding checks and prior knowledge checks are included throughout the lesson so that students can not only assess their progress against the current topic but also see whether they can make links to earlier topics.
RNA splicing (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

RNA splicing (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes how it’s possible for 1 gene to give rise to multiple products as a result of post-transcriptional modification of mRNA. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 7.2 (iii) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification. The lesson begins with a knowledge recall as the students have to recognise the definition of a gene as a sequence of bases on a DNA molecule that codes for a sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. This description was introduced in topic 1 and the aim of the start of the lesson is to introduce the fact that despite this definition, most of the nuclear DNA in eukaryotes doesn’t actually code for proteins. A quick quiz competition is then used to introduce exons as the coding regions within a gene before students are challenged to predict the name of the non-coding regions and then to suggest a function for these introns. At this point, the students will complete a task that acts as a prior knowledge check where they have to identify the 6 errors in the descriptive passage about the lac operon and its role in the regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes. Moving forwards, pre-mRNA as a primary transcript is introduced and students will learn that this isn’t the mature strand that moves off to the ribosome for translation. Instead, a process called splicing takes place where the introns are removed and the remaining exons are joined together. Another quick quiz round leads to an answer of 20000 and students will learn that this is the number of protein-coding genes in the human genome. Importantly, the students are then told that the number of proteins that are synthesised is much higher than this value and a class discussion period encourages them to come up with biological suggestions for this discrepancy between the two numbers. The lesson concludes with a series of understanding and application questions where students will learn that alternative splicing enables a gene to produce more than a single protein and that this natural phenomenon greatly increases biodiversity.
Magnification formula (AQA A-level Biology)

Magnification formula (AQA A-level Biology)

This lesson describes how to use the magnification formula to calculate the magnification or the actual size in a range of units. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the 3rd part of point 2.1.3 of the AQA A-level Biology specification The students are likely to have met the magnification formula at GCSE so this lesson has been written to build on that knowledge and to support them with more difficult questions when they have to calculate actual size without directly being given the magnification. A step by step guide is used to walk the students through the methodology and useful tips are provided. Students could be asked to calculate the actual size in millimetres, micrometres, nanometres or picometres so time is taken to ensure that they can convert between one and another. This lesson has been written to tie in with the previous two lessons on microscopes and measuring the size of an object and the two rounds of the ongoing quiz competition take place in this lesson.
Magnification & resolution (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Magnification & resolution (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson describes how magnification and resolution can be achieved using light and electron microscopy. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the content of points 3.7 (i) & (ii) of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification and also considers how specimens are stained. To promote engagement and focus throughout this lesson, the PowerPoint contains a quiz competition with 7 rounds. The quiz rounds found in this lesson will introduce the objective lens powers, the names of the parts of a light microscope and emphasise some of the other key terms such as resolution. The final round checks on their understanding of the different numbers that were mentioned in the lesson, namely the differing maximum magnifications and resolutions. Time is taken to explain the meaning of both of these microscopic terms so that students can recognise their importance when considering the organelles that were met earlier in topic 3. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to explain how a light microscope uses light to form an image and will understand how electrons transmitted through a specimen or across the surface will form an image with a TEM or a SEM respectively.
Post-transcriptional changes to mRNA (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Post-transcriptional changes to mRNA (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson describes how post-transcriptional changes to mRNA enable 1 gene to give rise to multiple proteins. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 3.19 of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification. The lesson begins with a knowledge recall as the students have to recognise the definition of a gene as a sequence of bases on a DNA molecule that codes for a sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. This description was introduced in topic 2 and the aim of the start of the lesson is to introduce the fact that despite this definition, most of the nuclear DNA in eukaryotes doesn’t actually code for proteins. A quick quiz competition is then used to introduce exons as the coding regions within a gene before students are challenged to predict the name of the non-coding regions and then to suggest a function for these introns. Moving forwards, pre-mRNA as a primary transcript is introduced and students will learn that this isn’t the mature strand that moves off to the ribosome for translation. Instead, a process called splicing takes place where the introns are removed and the remaining exons are joined together. Another quick quiz round leads to an answer of 20000 and students will learn that this is the number of protein-coding genes in the human genome. Importantly, the students are then told that the number of proteins that are synthesised is much higher than this value and a class discussion period encourages them to come up with biological suggestions for this discrepancy between the two numbers. The lesson concludes with a series of understanding and application questions where students will learn that alternative splicing enables a gene to produce more than a single protein and that this natural phenomenon greatly increases biodiversity.
Roles of glycolysis (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Roles of glycolysis (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This lesson describes the roles of glycolysis in aerobic and anaerobic respiration and links to the upcoming lessons on the link reaction and lactate formation. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 7.2 as detailed in the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification and includes details of the phosphorylation of the hexoses, the production of ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation, reduced NAD, pyruvate and lactate The lesson begins with the introduction of the name of the stage and then explains how the phosphorylation of the hexoses, the breakdown into GP and the production of the ATP, reduced coenzymes and pyruvate are the stages that need to be known for this specification. Time is taken to go through each of these stages and key points such as the use of ATP in phosphorylation are explained so that students can understand how this affects the net yield. A quick quiz competition is used to introduce NAD and the students will learn that the reduction of this coenzyme, which is followed by the transport of the protons and electrons to the cristae for the electron transport chain is critical for the overall production of ATP. Understanding checks, in a range of forms, are included throughout the lesson so that students can assess their progress and any misconceptions are immediately addressed
Sclerenchyma, xylem and phloem (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Sclerenchyma, xylem and phloem (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This lesson describes the similarities and differences between the structure, position and function of the xylem, phloem and the sclerenchyma fibres. The engaging and detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 4.5 in unit 2 of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification. The lessons begins by challenging the students to identify the substances that a plant needs for the cellular reactions, where they are absorbed and where these reactions occur in a plant. The aim of this task is to get the students to recognise that water and mineral ions are absorbed in the roots and needed in the leaves whilst the products of photosynthesis are in the leaves and need to be used all over the plant. Students will be reminded that the xylem and phloem are part of the vascular system responsible for transporting these substances and then the rest of the lesson focuses on linking structure to function. A range of tasks which include discussion points, exam-style questions and quick quiz rounds are used to describe how lignification results in the xylem as a hollow tube of xylem cells to allow water to move as a complete column. They will also learn that the narrow diameter of this vessel allows capillary action to move water molecules up the sides of the vessel. The same process is used to enable students to understand how the structures of the companion cells allows assimilates to be loaded before being moved to the sieve tube elements through the plasmodesmata. The final part of the lesson introduces the sclerenchyma tissue as part of the vascular bundle and along with the structure and function, the students will observe where this tissue is found in the stem in comparison to the xylem and phloem. It is estimated that it will take in excess of 2 hours of A-level teaching time to cover the detail which has been written into this lesson
Roles of the link reaction & Krebs cycle (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Roles of the link reaction & Krebs cycle (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This detailed lesson describes the roles of the link reaction and the Krebs cycle in the complete oxidation of glucose which occur in the mitochondrial matrix. The PowerPoint and the accompanying resource have been designed to cover point 7.3 of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification and includes descriptions of the formation of carbon dioxide, ATP, reduced NAD and FAD The lesson begins with a challenge, where the students have to recall the details of glycolysis in order to form the word matrix. This introduces the key point that these two stages occur in this part of the mitochondria and time is taken to explain why the reactions occur in the matrix as opposed to the cytoplasm like glycolysis. Moving forwards, the Link reaction is covered in 5 detailed bullet points and students have to add the key information to these points using their prior knowledge as well as knowledge provided in terms of NAD. The students will recognise that this reaction occurs twice per molecule of glucose and a quick quiz competition is used to test their understanding of the numbers of the different products of this stage. This is just one of the range of methods that are used to check understanding and all answers are explained to allow students to assess their progress. The rest of the lesson focuses on the Krebs cycle. In line with the detail of the specification, students will understand how decarboxylation and dehydrogenation reactions result in the regeneration of the oxaloacetate
Rod cells in the retina (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

Rod cells in the retina (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

This fully-resourced lesson describes how rod cells in the mammalian retina detect stimuli to allow vision in low light intensity. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the second part of point 8.5 of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A (Salters Nuffield) specification and includes reference to the roles of rhodopsin, opsin, retinal, sodium ions, cation channels and hyperpolarisation in the formation of action potentials in the optic neurones. It is likely that students will be aware that the human retina contains rod and cone cells, so this lesson builds on that knowledge and adds the detail needed at this level. Students will discover that the optical pigment in rod cells is rhodopsin and that the bleaching of this into retinal and opsin results in a cascade of events that allows an action potential to be initiated along the optic nerve. Time is taken to go through the events that occur in the dark and then the students are challenged to use this as a guide when explaining how the events differ in the light. Key terms like depolarisation and hyperpolarisation, that were met earlier in topic 8, are used to explain the changes in membrane potential and the resulting effect on the connection with the bipolar and ganglion cells is then described.
Stem cells and cell potency (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Stem cells and cell potency (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the meaning of the terms stem cell, pluripotency, totipotency, morula and blastocyst. The PowerPoint and accompanying worksheets have been designed to cover points 3.17 (i) and (ii) of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification and contains discussions about the decisions that the scientific community have to make about the use of stem cells in medical therapies. The lesson begins with a knowledge recall of the structure of eukaryotic cells and the students have to use the first letters of each of the four answers to reveal the key term, stem cell. Time is then taken to consider the meaning of cellular differentiation, and this leads into the key idea that not all stem cells are equal when it comes to the number of cell types that they have the potential to differentiate into. A quick quiz round introduces the five degrees of potency, and then the students are challenged to use their understanding of terminology to place totipotency, pluripotency, multipotency, oligopotency and unipotency in the correct places on the potency continuum. Although the latter three do not have to be specifically known based on the content of specification point 3.17 (i), an understanding of their meaning was deemed helpful when planning the lesson as it should assist with the retention of knowledge about totipotency and pluripotency. These two highest degrees of potency are the main focus of the lesson, and key details are emphasised such as the ability of totipotent cells to differentiate into any extra-embroyonic cell, which the pluripotent cells are unable to do. The morula, and inner cell mass and trophoblast of the blastocyst are then introduced and used to demonstrate these differences in potency. The final part of the lesson discusses the decisions that the scientific community have to make about the use of embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells and also foetal stem cells which allows for a link to chorionic villus sampling from topic 2. There is also a Maths in a Biology context question included in the lesson (when introducing the morula) to ensure that students continue to be prepared for the numerous calculations that they will have to tackle in the terminal exams. This resource has been differentiated two ways to allow students of differing abilities to access the work
Urea production & ultrafiltration (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Urea production & ultrafiltration (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This detailed lesson describes how urea is produced from excess amino acids and then removed from the bloodstream by ultrafiltration. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 7.19 of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification. The first part of the lesson describes how deamination and the ornithine cycle forms urea. Although the students are not required to know the details of the cycle, it is important that they are aware of how the product of deamination, ammonia, is converted into urea (and why). Moving forwards, the rest of the lesson has been written to allow the students to discover ultrafiltration as a particular function of the nehron and to be able to explain how the mechanisms found in the glomerulus and the Bowman’s capsule control the movement of small molecules out of the blood plasma. Key terminology is used throughout and students will learn how the combination of the capillary endothelium and the podocytes creates filtration slits that allow glucose, water, urea and ions through into the Bowman’s capsule but ensure that blood cells and plasma proteins remain in the bloodstream. A number of quiz competitions are used to introduce key terms and values in a fun and memorable way whilst understanding and prior knowledge checks allow the students to assess their understanding of the current topic and to challenge themselves to make links to earlier topics. The final task of the lesson challenges the students to apply their knowledge by recognising substances found in a urine sample that shouldn’t be present and to explain why this would cause a problem
Classification (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Classification (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This lesson describes classification as a means of organising the variety of life based on relationships between organisms. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resource have been designed to cover point 4.14 (i) of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification and focuses on the classification hierarchy where species is the lowest taxon but also describes the binomial naming system which uses the genus and species. The lesson also contains links to the next lesson where molecular phylogeny is described and the three-domain system is covered in greater detail with a focus on the results of Carl Woese’s rRNA study The lesson begins by looking at the meaning of a population in Biology so that the term species can be introduced. A hinny, which is the hybrid offspring of a horse and a donkey, is used to explain how these two organisms must be members of different species because they are unable to produce fertile offspring. Moving forwards, students will learn that classification is a means of organising the variety of life based on relationships between organisms using differences and similarities in phenotypes and in genotypes and is built around the species concept and that in the modern-day classification hierarchy, species is the lowest taxon. A quiz runs throughout the lesson and this particular round will engage the students whilst they learn (or recall) the names of the other 7 taxa and the horse and the donkey from the earlier example are used to complete the hierarchy. Students will understand that the binomial naming system was introduced by Carl Linnaeus to provide a universal name for each species and they will be challenged to apply their knowledge by completing a hierarchy for a modern-day human, by spotting the correct name for an unfamiliar organism and finally by suggesting advantages of this system.
ECGs and abnormal heart rhythms (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

ECGs and abnormal heart rhythms (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson looks at the use of electrocardiograms to aid the diagnosis of abnormal heart rhythms. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 7.12 (iii) of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification but also can be used as a revision lesson as the students are challenged on their prior knowledge of the cardiac cycle and heart structure as covered in topic 1. The lesson has been written to take place in an imaginary cardiology ward where the students are initially challenged on their knowledge of the symptoms and risk factors of CVD before looking at testing through the use of ECGs and diagnosis. The main focus of the lesson is the ECG and a quiz competition is used to introduce the reference points of P, QRS and T before time is taken to explain their representation with reference to the cardiac cycle. Moving forwards, a SPOT the DIFFERENCE task is used to challenge the students to recognise differences between sinus rhythm and some abnormal rhythms including tachycardia and atrial fibrillation. Bradycardia is used as a symptom of sinus node disfunction and the students are encouraged to discuss this symptom along with some others to try to diagnose this health problem. This lesson has been designed to tie in with the lesson that covers the previous specification point on the normal electrical activity of the heart and the myogenic nature of cardiac muscle
Chi-squared test (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Chi-squared test (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This lesson guides students through the use of the chi-squared test to determine the significance of the difference between observed and expected results. It is fully-resourced with a detailed PowerPoint and differentiated worksheets that have been designed to cover point 8.2 (vi) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification The lesson includes a step-by-step guide to demonstrates how to carry out the test in small sections. At each step, time is taken to explain any parts which could cause confusion and helpful hints are provided to increase the likelihood of success in exam questions on this topic. Students will understand how to use the phenotypic ratio to calculate the expected numbers and then how to find the critical value in order to compare it against the chi-squared value. A worked example is used to show the working which will be required to access the marks and then the main task challenges the students to apply their knowledge to a series of questions of increasing difficulty. This is the final lesson of topic 8.2 (transfer of genetic information) and links are made throughout the lesson to earlier parts of this topic such as dihybrid inheritance as well as to earlier topics like meiosis
Xylem and phloem (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Xylem and phloem (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This lesson describes the relationship between the structure and function of the xylem and phloem in transport. The engaging and detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 4.7 (i) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification. The lessons begins by challenging the students to identify the substances that a plant needs for the cellular reactions, where they are absorbed and where these reactions occur in a plant. The aim of this task is to get the students to recognise that water and mineral ions are absorbed in the roots and needed in the leaves whilst the products of photosynthesis are in the leaves and need to be used all over the plant. Students will be reminded that the xylem and phloem are part of the vascular system responsible for transporting these substances and then the rest of the lesson focuses on linking structure to function. A range of tasks which include discussion points, exam-style questions and quick quiz rounds are used to describe how lignification results in the xylem as a hollow tube of xylem cells to allow water to move as a complete column. They will also learn that the narrow diameter of this vessel allows capillary action to move water molecules up the sides of the vessel. The same process is used to enable students to understand how the structures of the companion cells allows assimilates to be loaded before being moved to the sieve tube elements through the plasmodesmata.
The Krebs Cycle (OCR A-level Biology)

The Krebs Cycle (OCR A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson looks at the process and site of the Krebs cycle and explains the importance of decarboxylation, dehydrogenation, the reduction of NAD and FAD and substrate level phosphorylation. The engaging and detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resource have both been designed to cover point 5.2.2 (e) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification and includes the formation of citrate from the acetyl group of acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate and the regeneration of this four carbon molecule. The lesson begins with a version of the Impossible game where students have to spot the connection between 8 of the 9 terms and will ultimately learn that this next stage is called the Krebs cycle. The main part of the lesson challenges the students to use descriptions of the main steps of the cycle to continue their diagram of the oxidation-reduction reactions. Students are continually exposed to key terminology such as decarboxylation and dehydrogenation and they will learn where carbon dioxide is lost and reduced NAD and FAD are generated. They will also recognise that ATP is synthesised by substrate level phosphorylation. The final task challenges them to apply their knowledge of the cycle to work out the numbers of the different products and to calculate the number of ATP that must be produced in the next stage if the theoretical yield of 32ATP is to be achieved. This lesson has been designed to tie in with the other uploaded lessons on glycolysis, anaerobic respiration, the Link reaction, oxidative phosphorylation and respiratory substrates
Everyday motion

Everyday motion

This is a fully-resourced lesson that guides students through the range of calculations involved in calculating speeds in everyday situations. This lesson includes an informative lesson presentation (27 slides) and a question worksheet which has been differentiated two ways. The lesson begins by showing the students a speed camera and challenging them to recall the equation that would be used to calculate the speed as well as asking them to explain where the distance and the time values would come from. This lesson has a high mathematical element to it, to run in line with the questions that were seen in the latest exams this summer. Students will be expected to convert between units and rearrange formula. In this example, students are challenged to convert between m/s and mph in order to determine which of three drivers will receive a speeding ticket for exceeding the limit. This task has been differentiated so that students who find the conversions difficult are given some assistance so they can still access the learning. Moving forwards, students will see how a sensor on a tyre of a bicycle can also be used to calculate the speed by working out the circumference of the tyre to determine the distance. The final part of the lesson gets students to convert between m/s and mph and the other way to find out some typical speeds of everyday motion such as walking, running or a train moving. This lesson has been written for GCSE aged students but could be used with younger students of high ability who need an extra challenge in the calculating speed topic.
Synapses, SUMMATION and control (OCR A-level Biology A)

Synapses, SUMMATION and control (OCR A-level Biology A)

This engaging lesson covers the detail of the 2nd part of specification point 5.1.3 (d) of the OCR A-level Biology specification which states that students should demonstrate and apply an understanding of the importance of synapses in summation and control, including inhibitory and excitatory synapses. This is a topic which is generally poorly understood by students or brushed over so considerable time has been taken to design the activities to motivate the students so that the content is memorable whilst still being covered in detail. Links are continually made to earlier topics in this module such as synapses and generator potentials but also to topics covered in the previous year and still to be covered. The lesson begins by challenging the students to recognise a description of generator potential and they will then discover that this is also known as an EPSP. Students will recall that a small depolarisation may not lead to the opening of the voltage gated channels and therefore the full depolarisation which is needed for the initiation of an action potential and will discuss how this problem could be overcome. Lots of discussion points like this are included in the lesson to encourage the students to challenge and debate why a particular process of mechanism occurs. Students will therefore learn that EPSPs can be combined and this is known as summation. A quiz round is used to introduce temporal and spatial summation. Moving forwards, students are presented with a number of examples where they have to decide why type of summation is involved. Again, the lesson has been written to include real-life examples such as chronic pain conditions so the chances of the content sticking is increased. The final part of the lesson introduces IPSPs and the effect of these on summation and action potentials is discussed. This lesson has been designed for students studying on the OCR A-level Biology course and ties in well with the other uploaded lessons from module 5.1.3 on sensory receptors, neurones, nerve impulses and cholinergic synapses