AQA GCSE Qualification Tree Student-Friendly
Poster or notecards for students
Hope it helps someone!
Christmas Carol Retrieval Prctice Image Starters
The resource uses images to initiate student thinking about the whole text.
It is divided into the staves.
Students can recall and tell the story through the stimulus images.
They can associate the images with key quotes and/or themes.
I hope it helps!
Inspector Calls Dramatic Irony - Blooms
Use Bloom’s Taxonomy to explore Mr Birling’s characterisation.
Students or teacher can choose which verb in Bloom’s to explore.
You can show progress as students solidify their learning.
Effect on the reader resource including SEND help
This is full of sentence starters for the effect of language and structural features that students can keep for English analysis.
It also has help for SEND students (for those who have challenges with recognising emotions connected with language devices).
Shakespeare Play Essentials for all plays
As we know all of Shakespeares plays have essential elements like prophecies, angry families, allies, mistaken identities, thinking aloud to name a few. Here is a simple resource that students can use for any of his plays to revise.
They insert the appropriate characters and/or events against the right ‘essential’.
Students can fill in with examples from whatever play they are studying.
Can fit from All’s Well that Ends Well to Winter’s Tale.
Inspector Calls Matching Revision
Match the characters to quotes to themes.
Adapted for recall, then understanding, then thoughtful.
I hope it helps!
Christmas Carol Retrieval Matching Practice Answers Supplied
A complete resource:
Questions on side 1
Answers on side 2
The resource is given completed:
The question/statement colours match with the answers)
A copy that is totally uncoloured.
Recommended Use:
Give students the answers/statements with the questions uncoloured
Give as a colour matching exercise
Use selected boxes as opening statements for essay starters
As you see fit with some way that hasn’t occurred to me.
I hope it helps!
Macbeth and the Significance of 3
3 slides to let students explore context around the symbolism of the number three (3) in Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
It provides information that will stimulate discussion and then relates it to examples in the play.
It is specifically designed for GCSE level thinking and can be linked to AQA board (however, the 3 assessment objectives can be removed and replaced with other board assessment criteria).
Socratic Questioning Grid (Differentiated)
I have designed this resource to be used for any text. This applies to English Literature and Language.
Insert your own Big Question that you would like to be answered: I recommend a GCSE-style question as this resource is encouraging critical thinking.
It has been differentiated across abilities (high, middle, lower). It also has a blank grid (bonus!) for you to insert your own ideas. I’m also for saving paper so there’s two grids to one sheet.
It can be used per group, as pairs or individual working as you see fit.
With this Socratic questioning, of course, my aims are to:
Creative an active classroom - encouraging students to participate
Ignite students’ independent thinking
Challenges misconceptions
Deepen understanding
Develop curiosity
Encourage analysis
Bloom's Poetry Analysis Activity English Literature Power and Conflict HRO
This resource is for the AQA Power and Conflict poetry anthology. I recommend its use as a revision resource.
You can set students to work across columns as you see fit over the course of a series of lessons. However, it would be better for students to travel across rows of the activities to show progress.
Students should aim to do an activity of each colour. This will show they have engaged with each stage of the learning. Therefore, it is self-differentiating according to how you set the activities.
Please use as a launching pad for your own ideas as colours can be removed, etc.