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Dorset-based Maths teacher.
Converting between Decimals and Fractions (Treasure Hunt)

Converting between Decimals and Fractions (Treasure Hunt)

A Treasure Hunt on converting fractions to decimals and vice versa. Print off the questions and place them around the classroom. Students pick a starting point, answer the question and look for their answer at the top of a different card - this tells them which question to answer next. If they’re correct, they should end up back at their starting point after completing 20 questions. The number in the top right of each card is the question number. The solution is provided.
Solving Equations with Fractional Answers

Solving Equations with Fractional Answers

A simple worksheet - nothing fancy. Students are given 30 linear equations in a grid (all of the form ax + b = c), some of which have integer answers, and some of which have fractional answers. They have to solve the equations and colour in the boxes according to what type of solution the equation has. Like I said, this worksheet is nothing fancy so it doesn’t make a picture when they’ve finished colouring! I’ve provided answers as well.
Surface Area of Cuboids - Problem Solving

Surface Area of Cuboids - Problem Solving

A problem solving task that gives students lots of practice finding the surface area of cuboids. Students are told what the surface area of each cuboid is, but are only given 2 of the 3 lengths needed to calculate the surface area - they must determine what the missing length is. All possible answers are given at the bottom of the page for students to cross off as they go. I designed this for a Year 7 mid-ability group who solved it through trial and error, however it could also be solved algebraically (using linear equations). Solutions are provided.
Ordering Positive & Negative Integers - Grid Challenge

Ordering Positive & Negative Integers - Grid Challenge

Pupils are given 36 integers (a mixture of positives and negatives) and have to put the numbers into a 6 x 6 grid so that every row and column is in ascending order. This gives them plenty of practice of ordering negative numbers by size. Solving the puzzle requires experimentation, so when I have used this in my lessons, I’ve put the sheets in plastic wallets and let pupils write on top using a whiteboard pen. There are many possible solutions; I’ve provided one. However, the smallest number (-28) must always go in the top left corner, and the largest (18) must always go in the bottom right.
Substitution - Dice Game

Substitution - Dice Game

A simple game to give students some practice of algebraic substitution. Due to the competitive element and using dice, I find that students quite enjoy it! Students roll a die - the number rolled is their x value. They substitute their x value into one of the expressions on the grid - the answer is the number of points they score this round. Play then passes to the next student who repeats the process (although they can’t pick any algebraic expressions that have already been chosen).
Ratio - Difference Given (Treasure Hunt)

Ratio - Difference Given (Treasure Hunt)

A treasure hunt based on ratio questions like: Hugh and Kristian share some money in the ratio 9:7. Hugh gets £10 more than Kristian. How much does each person get? Students pick their own starting point, answer the question, and look for their answer at the top of another card. This tells them which question to answer next, and then they repeat the process. They should end up back at their starting point if they get all 20 questions correct. Solution provided.
Ratio - One Value Given (Treasure Hunt)

Ratio - One Value Given (Treasure Hunt)

A Treasure Hunt on ratio questions of the form: Hugh and Kristian share some money in the ratio 3:4. Hugh gets £18. How much does Kristian get? Stick the questions up on the wall around the room. Students pick their own starting point, answer the question, and look for their answer on the top of a different card. This tells them which question to answer next. They end up back at the starting point if they complete all 20 questions correctly. Solution provided.
Surds Relay - Year 12

Surds Relay - Year 12

As there isn’t any new content to learn when studying Surds in Year 12, I wanted to find a way to make my lesson a bit more interesting - hence this relay. I’ll let my students get stuck into this straight away (in teams) so I discover what they can/can’t do - far better than standing at the front teaching them things they already know! Questions are differentiated by difficulty (1, 2 and 3 stars). The questions are in a completely random order, so Question 20 (for example) isn’t necessarily harder than Question 8. I’ve included answers, and I’ve also included the Word version of the relay in case you want to make any changes, e.g. if you disagree with my difficulty rating!
Indices Relay - Year 12

Indices Relay - Year 12

As there isn’t really any new content to learn when studying Indices in Year 12, I wanted to find a way to make my lesson a bit more interesting - hence this relay. I’ll let my students get stuck into this straight away (in teams) so I discover what they can/can’t do - far better than standing at the front teaching them things they already know! Questions are differentiated by difficulty (1, 2 and 3 stars). The questions are in a completely random order, so Question 20 (for example) isn’t necessarily harder than Question 8. I’ve included answers, and I’ve also included the Word version of the relay in case you want to make any changes, e.g. if you disagree with my difficulty rating!
Dividing into Decimals - Approximations to Pi

Dividing into Decimals - Approximations to Pi

An activity that gets pupils to practise division problems where the answer is a decimal, a skill which is motivated by a need to find approximations to the irrational number pi. There are 3 different levels of questions for pupils to attempt. Some of the questions really are quite challenging!
Area of a Parallelogram Problem Solving (Substitution)

Area of a Parallelogram Problem Solving (Substitution)

A task I designed to make my lesson on the area of a parallelogram a little more interesting! Students are given a variety of parallelograms where the side lengths are algebraic expressions. Students are given 9 possible values for x and have to substitute these values into the parallelograms, and then calculate their areas. Their aim is to create parallelograms with given areas. Solutions are provided.
nth term of a decreasing arithmetic sequence

nth term of a decreasing arithmetic sequence

A task I used with more able Year 8 students. Students are given decreasing arithmetic sequences - but most of the terms are missing. They must first determine the missing terms, and then work out the nth term. Solutions are provided.
Expanding Single Brackets maze

Expanding Single Brackets maze

Students have to find a path crossing left to right through the maze that only goes through correct answers. Diagonal moves are not allowed. Types of errors included: Forgetting to multiply the second term +/- mixed up x multiplied by x is 2x Variable changes Solution provided.
Expanding and Simplifying (positives only) Rich Task

Expanding and Simplifying (positives only) Rich Task

Inspired by “The Simple Life” - a task from Colin Foster: https://nrich.maths.org/13207 I wanted a simpler version to suit my weaker group. Students are given a variety of algebraic expressions in the form a(bx + c) and must pick 2 to add up. They are given 8 answers to aim for. Possible solutions are provided - there may be other solutions, I’m not really sure!
Meinungen - Opinions (Boggle)

Meinungen - Opinions (Boggle)

Designed to go with Chapter 2 of the Echo Express 1 book. Students have to look for opinions vocabulary in the Boggle-like grid (the words they’re looking for are provided). Unlike a normal wordsearch, you can go diagonally, sideways, backwards etc. to find the next letter in the word. An example of how to find the word “Erdkunde” (from a different Boggle I’ve made) is provided.
Schulfächer - School Subjects (Boggle)

Schulfächer - School Subjects (Boggle)

Designed to go with Chapter 2 of the Echo Express 1 book. Students have to look for school subjects vocabulary in the Boggle-like grid (the words they’re looking for are provided). Unlike a normal wordsearch, you can go diagonally, sideways, backwards etc. to find the next letter in the word. An example of how to find the word “Erdkunde” is provided.
In meinem Zimmer - In my room (Boggle)

In meinem Zimmer - In my room (Boggle)

Designed to go with Chapter 5 of the Echo Express 1 book. Students have to look for vocabulary based on objects you’d find in your room in the Boggle-like grid (the words they’re looking for are provided). Unlike a normal wordsearch, you can go diagonally, sideways, backwards etc. to find the next letter in the word. An example of how to find the word “Erdkunde” (from a different Boggle resource I’ve made) is provided.