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Devices to build cohesion - Presentation & Exercises

Devices to build cohesion - Presentation & Exercises

Grammar teaching presentation and grammar exercises. The teaching presentation includes 22 slides that cover: Devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs. Pronouns Determiners Subordinating Conjunctions Adverbs Paragraphs Adverbials (including place, number, time) Topic Sentences Each cohesive device is introduced, clearly explained, and an example is provided. The class is asked some simple questions to check understanding. We then provide grammar exercises for children to: Practise using conjunctions correctly Practise using cohesive devices within a paragraph Each collection of exercises is made up of three sets. Set A is the easiest or most accessible, Set C is the hardest or uses more complex language. This resource is aimed at UKS2. Use the presentation to introduce or revise a grammatical concept as a stand-alone lesson or add on the accompanying exercises for children to practise and apply their knowledge.


Children discuss the advantages and disadvantages of texting and emails, then write an email with attachments to an email ‘pen pal’ about their favourite session from this topic.
Pitch and Loudness

Pitch and Loudness

Demonstrate how to make high, low, soft and loud sounds with drums, string instruments and wind instruments. Children investigate changes of pitch and loudness of virtual instruments and create their own instruments to investigate in session F. Suitable for Y5 pupils.
Italy & The UK

Italy & The UK

Following the work in Session 11, chn consider how Italy fits into the categories of countries in the modern world. After a discussion of the difference between developed and developing countries, children identify the differences between Italy and the UK. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Mini World Cup

Mini World Cup

Is your school ready for kick off? In this session you help the children plan a mini world cup for your school. How can you get other children involved? Who will take responsibility for each aspect of the mini tournament?
Circuit challenges

Circuit challenges

In this session children apply their knowledge and understanding of circuits in other subject areas or through a variety of practical challenges. Iron nails, lemons and the steadiest of hands are needed in this session! Suitable for Y6 pupils.
World Trade Game

World Trade Game

Through playing the Christian Aid Chocolate Trade Game (need internet) children come to understand, in a fun way that world trade rules are unfair to developing food producing countries. They think about human causes of food security issues.
Batik Technique

Batik Technique

Introduce children to the techniques of flour resist batik and explore the history of batik in Africa. Children get a chance to practise the methods themselves.
Oceans, seas, rivers and lakes

Oceans, seas, rivers and lakes

Following their personal choices in session 1, children research the countries they identified. They mark physical features on their maps, including rivers, lakes, deserts and mountains. They also identify the oceans and seas. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Adinkra Block Printing

Adinkra Block Printing

Selecting appropriate tools and techniques chn create potato stamps of their own Adinkra cloth symbols, ready to block print on a cloth.
Other Celebrations

Other Celebrations

Look at other celebrations that take place here now because of the different immigrants who have come to Britain. Children research one of these celebrations in groups and using Hamilton WebLearner children produce a web page to describe and explain it.


Link apartheid to Mandela. Who he is, where he comes from, why he is so famous, right up to the present day. Use internet and books to find information about Mandela’s life and start to develop a time line as a useful tool to refer to throughout the theme. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

The way we are damaging the planet we live on is not sustainable! Children find out about sustainable development and look at some of the changes that we need to make. Children think of both positives and negatives for these changes.
Observational drawing of a favourite toy

Observational drawing of a favourite toy

Children learn the word ‘texture’. They look carefully at their favourite toy and talk about the feel and appearance. They decide which media they want to use to represent it and do a beautiful drawing! They talk about their work and the work of other people. Suitable for years 1 and 2.
Poverty and Food Security

Poverty and Food Security

Children think positively about ways in which we can help to improve the lives of people who lack food security. Thinking about our responsibilities as world citizens, children discuss ways of campaigning to change the causes of lack of food in Africa.
Sexual health

Sexual health

Session 1 - Have discussion about contraceptives as a way of preventing an unwanted pregnancy, but also explain that they can help protect against sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Use drama to practise saying no to peer pressure for smoking, alcohol or drugs. Children design warning labels. Session 2 - Discuss one sexually transmitted disease / infection in more detail – HIV / Aids. Ensure children understand difference between having the virus and the syndrome. Watch a video by children living with an HIV mother and discuss stigma involved with HIV / Aids. Look at statistics and discuss Memory Books and World Aids Day. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Historic South African election

Historic South African election

Black Africans were very eager to vote in the 1994 South African election. Discuss the significance of Mandela’s election as the first black president in South Africa. Use historic film footage to show queues of voters and reactions to the election. Suitable for years 5 and 6.


Did you know that Polar Bears don’t actually have white fur? But what they do have are many other adaptations that make them well suited to the Polar habitat. Children identify how other creatures have adapted to their habitat. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Creative Designs

Creative Designs

Applying their knowledge of Mozambique batik, children plan and design a wall hanging. Children sketch their designs bearing in mind the techniques of batik and the need for clear, simple images.