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Tumble Driers

Tumble Driers

Children find out how a tumble drier works, list the advantages and disadvantages of tumble driers and then have a debate about whether they are a good or bad thing!


In this session a representative from Native Nursery visits to hear the findings from the growing tests and find out more about the electrical security devices. Will the children impress with their understanding of scientific concepts? Suitable for Y5/6 pupils.
Plants in the environment

Plants in the environment

The customers from around the world have come flooding onto the Native Nursery online shop wanting advice about which plants to buy for their climate. Children research each climate zone and make suggestions well suited to the conditions. Suitable for Y5/6 pupils.
Design Ideas

Design Ideas

Yet again the children are called upon to help out Native Nursery, this time to make the shop more secure. The children use their knowledge of electrical circuits and conductors to create and modify pressure activated switches. Suitable for Y5/6 pupils.
Madagascan Chameleon

Madagascan Chameleon

Using Madagascan Chameleons as a model, show children how they can focus upon particularly interesting aspects of their chosen creature. They will need to write an explanation of this feature. Model this using the chameleon’s camouflage. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Water in everyday life

Water in everyday life

Remind children how important water is to all living organisms. Look at how little of the water present on earth is fresh and therefore drinkable. Children investigate how animals and plants adapt to arid conditions and create posters to encourage us to save water. Suitable for Y5 pupils.
Life choices

Life choices

Session 1 - Think about all the different relationships that children have/will have with other people, leading to a discussion about marriage. Research marriage customs in different cultures. Children return to timelines and predict hopes and expectations for their future lives. Session 2 - Think about all the different relationships that children have / will have with other people, leading to a discussion about marriage. Research marriage customs in different cultures. Children return to timelines and predict hopes and expectations for their future lives. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Same and different

Same and different

The first two sessions are an introduction to the Strand. Session 1 - Help children appreciate that there are many physical differences between plants and animals (including humans) that are not necessarily good or bad nor important to function or ability. Session 2 - Look in more detail at differences between people living in Britain. Discuss our multi-cultural society. Share poems in We are Britain by Benjamin Zephaniah to inspire children to write poems about themselves. Can children recognise their own Wanted poster? Suitable for Y6 pupils.
From Romans To Save The Children

From Romans To Save The Children

Children continue work on health and hygiene in relation to clean water and the diseases caused/transmitted by dirty water. Using the Save the Children website, children discover the ways in which this issue is being tackled in different parts of the world. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Tumble Driers

Tumble Driers

Children find out how a tumble drier works, list the advantages and disadvantages of tumble driers and then have a debate about whether they are a good or bad thing!
Food Crops and Fufu

Food Crops and Fufu

Children are introduced to the idea that there are some staple foods which exist in all cultures. These are usually carbohydrates, and in many African countries they consist of foods made from Maize or corn. Children make fufu.
Trip to Tropical Plant Centre

Trip to Tropical Plant Centre

In this session children get up close and personal with tropical plants on a visit to a botanical garden, zoo or even a large garden centre. Children find out more about conditions for growth and the life cycles of different plants. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Endangered Animals 2

Endangered Animals 2

In this session children are shown how to use search engines to search for images, and be selective about those that they choose. Children then continue to collect key word notes about their animal or plant.
Collate findings

Collate findings

Finish the investigation started in Session B. Use the results to try and answer the questions about what plants need. Match vocabulary to meanings to make a glossary. Assess what has been learnt. Suitable for Y2 pupils.