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Happyedugator's Shop

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I have a total of 27 years teaching experience . After I received my M.Ed. from the University of Florida (hence the name "HappyEdugator"), I began teaching in elementary school, where I taught pull-out remedial classes for grades 2-5 and a section of K-1. Then I taught Pre-K for 5 years, before I went up to Middle School, where I have been in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Last year, I went back to 1st grade in a private setting. I have traveled worldwide and am also fluent in Spanish.




I have a total of 27 years teaching experience . After I received my M.Ed. from the University of Florida (hence the name "HappyEdugator"), I began teaching in elementary school, where I taught pull-out remedial classes for grades 2-5 and a section of K-1. Then I taught Pre-K for 5 years, before I went up to Middle School, where I have been in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Last year, I went back to 1st grade in a private setting. I have traveled worldwide and am also fluent in Spanish.
Funny Jokes and Puns for the Classroom PowerPoint

Funny Jokes and Puns for the Classroom PowerPoint

Funny Jokes and Puns for the Classroom. 60 school jokes! Fun for April Fools Day or anytime! Promotes critical thinking skills. Fun two minute activities. If you have two minutes, you can still get those brains working and have fun, too! Riddles, puns, and brain teasers that are sure to make everyone smile. Fun, humorous riddles about school that will crack you up! Enjoy these when class is not quite over, but the lesson is! You can also use as a fun filler at the end of the year! Or use before or after spring break, or after state testing for comic relief. Or use them as a daily warm up! 60 slides. Show slide to reveal the beginning...click to reveal the punchline. - HappyEdugator
Ancient Egypt Project - Project Based Learning

Ancient Egypt Project - Project Based Learning

This project on Ancient Egypt allows students to choose from a list of 21 different choices! Includes teacher directions, Egypt Project Requirements (one hundred point checklist), project idea list, project choice sheet (students choose their top four choices), topic assignment sheet (teacher assigns project to student from their choices), bibliography example sheet, and a peer review sheet for an oral presentation. Students can research topics such as pyramids, mummies, King Tut, hieroglyphics, gods and goddesses, Sphinx, and more. Print and go. No prep. ©2017 HappyEdugator. This product is the intellectual property of Deborah Hayes aka HappyEdugator.
Common Prefixes and Suffixes PowerPoint

Common Prefixes and Suffixes PowerPoint

Common Prefixes and Suffixes PowerPoint. Learn what are prefixes and suffixes, why they are important to know, and the most common prefixes and suffixes that are used in English. 25 slide PowerPoint presentation has animated graphics, common prefixes and suffixes, and interactive practice slides with answer keys.
Haiku Tanka and Renga Poetry

Haiku Tanka and Renga Poetry

Haiku Tanka and Renga Poetry. How to write Haiku, Tanka, and Renga poetry. Includes slides on the history of haiku, famous Japanese poets, descriptions, rules, and examples of each type of poetry, graphic organizers for students to write their own poems, and nature word lists that include 1 syllable nouns, 2 syllable nouns, and 3 syllable nouns to give students ideas for completing the graphic organizers. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Tips for Supporting ADHD Students - with Observation Sheet and Reward Tickets

Tips for Supporting ADHD Students - with Observation Sheet and Reward Tickets

ADHD tips, observation sheet, and reward tickets. If you have an ADHD child in your class this year, I hope this list of tips will be helpful. Use the observation sheet to write down and record problem areas. This will be helpful for parent conferences and for seeing what works and what doesn't. Use the reward tickets as an incentive for your student to stay on task. You can offer your student a choice of different activities to choose from (such as 10 minutes of computer time) if they complete a task you give them. This worked very well for my autistic students as well. I have included tickets for a boy or girl to give them if they cannot do the activity right away.
After Twenty Years by O. Henry PowerPoint and Writing Activity

After Twenty Years by O. Henry PowerPoint and Writing Activity

PowerPoint on After Twenty Years by O. Henry with before reading activities to preview the story vocabulary, highlights of the author's life, and the literary elements of foreshadowing and omniscient point of view. Includes a link to the story to read. During reading, students must look for clues to how the story ends, and after reading, check their predictions. The following slides are a mini-lesson on independent and subordinate clauses and sentence structure. Students will learn about complex sentences. A writing activity follows in which students are asked to incorporate subordinate clauses into their work. Animated graphics make it fun and interesting. Updated January 2015 -
Understanding Analogies Sheets

Understanding Analogies Sheets

An analogy shows the relationship between pairs of words. The relationship between the first pair of words is the same as the relationship between the second pair of words. For example, quick is to fast as loud is to noisy. Four practice sheets for students. They must use the words in the box to complete the analogies. - HappyEdugator
Scientific Notation PowerPoint

Scientific Notation PowerPoint

PowerPoint on Scientific Notation first instructs and then gives practice opportunities for students to apply their skills in converting between standard notation and scientific notation and comparing numbers written in scientific notation. They will also learn about and practice multiplying and dividing with scientific notation. You can use in Zoom or videoconferencing for distance learning in a virtual classroom, which is great if you are remote teaching. Compatible with Microsoft OneDrive. You can convert this into a Google Slides presentation and then upload this resource right into your Google Classroom and students can work on them on their Chromebooks. Printable worksheet with Key included. Links to interactive practice will reinforce skills learned. 19 Slides. © HappyEdugator.
Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal To - 10 Different Worksheets

Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal To - 10 Different Worksheets

Greater Than or Less Than or Equal ( >< = ) Students can use the practice putting the correct symbol between two numbers. The sheets get more challenging as you go through them. The first sheet starts out with numbers between 0 and 5, the second sheet between 0 and 9, and so on. By the tenth sheet, they are comparing 3 digit numbers. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Rikki Tikki Tavi Six Sentence Summary Format and Grammar Practice Sheet

Rikki Tikki Tavi Six Sentence Summary Format and Grammar Practice Sheet

Rikki Tikki Tavi Six Sentence Summary Format and Grammar Practice Sheet. Students can learn to write a brief summary, but they often need scaffolding to get started. Here is a strategy to help your reluctant writers or your students who have trouble organizing their ideas. Use the format to have students write a better summary of a fiction text. The example given is based on Rikki Tikki Tavi by Rudyard Kipling, but the format can be used with other short stories, too. Included is a grammar practice sheet on punctuation and capitalization based also on the short story Rikki Tikki Tavi Use as a quick activity or warm up to review skills. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Confusing Parts of Speech Worksheet

Confusing Parts of Speech Worksheet

Confusing Parts of Speech Worksheet. Teaching parts of speech? Students often have trouble identifying the parts of speech. They often confuse possessive nouns and contractions, adverbs and adjectives, prepositions and prepositional phrases, and correlative and coordinating conjunctions. On this sheet, students have to practice with possessive nouns and contractions, adjectives and adverbs, prepositions, and coordinating and correlative conjunctions. -HappyEdugator
Imperialism and Colonization of the New World Notes

Imperialism and Colonization of the New World Notes

Imperialism and Colonization of the New World Notes. Includes map of American colonization, and a graphic organizer showing cause and effects of the French and Indian War. Printable notes or handout outlining colonization and imperialism. The countries of Europe established colonies in the lands they had discovered but, in some cases, only after violently conquering the native people who lived there. South America and North America were colonized by Europeans known as conquistadors. This is a supplemental resource to your history of the colonies unit. - HappyEdugator
Latitude and Longitude Worksheet

Latitude and Longitude Worksheet

Latitude and Longitude Worksheet. This worksheet is to help students understand how latitude and longitude work and learn the terminology associated with the grid system we use to locate places on earth. Key is included.
Adverbs Hunt Worksheet

Adverbs Hunt Worksheet

Adverbs Hunt Worksheet. Parts of Speech fun. Find the adverb or adverbs in each sentence and identify them. Key is included. This is a one page worksheet with 25 sentences. This is a worksheet version of my Finding Adverbs in Sentences Interactive PowerPoint. Can also be used as a short assessment. - HappyEdugator CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.1a Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences.
Ice Breaker Back to School

Ice Breaker Back to School

Icebreaker - Back to School People Search Handout. Use this at the beginning of the year as an icebreaker and getting to know you activity. Find someone who...Give this to the students, and give them time to find people on the grid and have them sign the box when they do. It's fun, and a good way for students to get to know each other. Afterwards, they will do a writing activity about the experience. You will end up not only getting to know your students, but you will have a work sample as well. Teacher directions included. - HappyEdugator
Complex Sentences Worksheet and Handout

Complex Sentences Worksheet and Handout

Sentences - Complex Sentence Worksheet and Handout. The first page of this document is a handout that explains sentence structure, and how to distinguish between simple, compound, and complex sentences by identifying independent and dependent clauses and the use of subordinating conjunctions. The second page lists some common subordinating conjunctions and has fifteen practice sentences to be completed by students to make their own complex sentences. Black and white ink saver and color version included. Also included a key with possible answers for discussion. Print and go. No prep. Supports common core state standards. - HappyEdugator
Science Fair Project

Science Fair Project

Science Fair Project Student Guide. Includes 100 science project ideas, directions for creating a science fair project, how to graph and record data, and how to make a display board with dimensions and helpfu hints for success. I have also added information on how to create a logbook with rubric, parent letter, parent tips, a list of helpful websites, and a volunteer form. 19 pages. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Punctuation - Punctuating Dialogue PowerPoint UK version

Punctuation - Punctuating Dialogue PowerPoint UK version

Punctuation - Punctuating Dialogue PowerPoint FREE! Improve writing by using quotation marks! Punctuation is important! Show students how to use quotation marks in dialogue correctly. 10 slides explain the correct way to punctuate dialogue. Explains split quotations, capitalization, commas, question marks, exclamation marks, and periods. Helpful for understanding where to place punctuation.
Summer Outdoor Fun Crossword Puzzle

Summer Outdoor Fun Crossword Puzzle

Summer Outdoor Fun Crossword Puzzle! Fun and free as a thank you to all my wonderful followers We all hate to see summer go, but hopefully it will last just a little bit longer. Enjoy this little piece of summer! - HappyEdugator
Vocabulary Builder Chart

Vocabulary Builder Chart

Vocabulary Builder Chart. A vocabulary graphic organizer chart you can use to help your students build their vocabulary. Students can look up the definition and a sentence from the story in which the word was used.