Member since
Based in
United Kingdom
Working in
Higher Education
The aim of the International Centre for Statistical Education (ICSE) is 'To promote the improvement of statistical education, training and understanding at all ages'. The ICSE is based at Plymouth University in the UK.
The CensusAtSchool project started in 2000 in conjunction with the Office for National Statistics. The project was linked to the UK population census of 2001.
It has now developed into a dynamic, ongoing and exciting initiative running in a number of countries.
The CensusAtSchool online questionnaires give school-aged learners the opportunity to input their own data during a fun lesson.
Also teachers have the opportunity to receive their class's data, as a csv file, with ideas on how to compare these with other schools nationally and internationally or they can download free resources that have been created from the captured data.
Visit CensusAtSchool.org.uk.
's resources