All resources
Motorsport data analysis
Get ready to apply mathematical skills to interpret data, analyse graphs, and uncover the secrets behind the success of motor racing teams.
By the end of this activity, learners will gain a deeper appreciation for mathematics and its real-world applications while also developing your data analysis and graph interpretation abilities.
The printable worksheet contains a GCSE maths lesson plan for secondary school teachers or parents. The presentation includes the relevant graph for this activity and corresponding questions designed for students’ engagement. Allow the students some time to read the task and consider the questions. You can give the students a paper copy of the graph.
Students will need to interpret and read the graph to answer the questions. They must consider what the information displayed in the graph can tell them about the motor race.
For the final task, students must find 107% of 1hr 20min. One approach would be to convert the time to minutes before finding 107%.
Once students have worked out how long the car has left, they will need to use this information to calculate the distance remaining.
Discussion points
Encourage discussion about the answers to the bullet points. Compare the different assumptions they have made and their approaches, particularly with the final task.
Extending the problem
You could ask the students to make a commentary to accompany the graph or examine relevant GCSE questions. Consider using graphs that show more than one vehicle and introduce overtaking and other features.
Potential GCSE content
This activity will cover interpreting graphs and data, speed/distance/time and estimating.
Download the free activity sheet !
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable so that you can tailor them to your students and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, helpful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Transport displays designed for users
Investigate what information travellers on the London Underground need
This is one of a series of resources to support the use of the BBC micro:bit in Design and Technology lessons.
The London Underground is one of the busiest public transport systems in the world. It is used for over 1.2 billion journeys a year. Passengers need up to date information when using it so that they can plan their journeys well.
In this unit, learners will use the BBC micro:bit to develop a prototype for a programmable information system for users of the London Underground.
Activity info, teachers’ notes and curriculum links
In this activity, learners will investigate the needs of users of the London Underground, the information that they require and how programmable systems may help to provide solutions.
The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Download the activity sheets for free!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
And please do share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Mobile phones and health
Investigate the potential effects of mobile phones on our health
The ‘Time for a game’ scheme of work provides an electronics systems context for students to explore infrared technologies.
Activity info, teachers’ notes and curriculum links
An engaging activity in which students will investigate the potential effects to health of the use of mobile phones and their transmitters, which use radio waves and microwaves to transmit information.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Download the free activity sheet!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
And please do share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Design and make a prayer mat for Ramadan
Using our KS2 lesson plan and template, learners will design and make their own prayer mat for Ramadan using string, wool and colouring pencils while nurturing an understanding of the religious festival of Ramadan
In 2024 Ramadan starts on Sunday 10 March and ends on Monday 8 April. It is estimated that globally 1.6 billion Muslims will take part in Ramadan and will fast from sunrise to sunset for one lunar month.
In this lesson activity learners will look at what Ramadan is, what happens during Ramadan and what is important to Muslims during Ramadan. They will look at existing prayer mats and design a prayer mat using a provided template suitable for the KS2 level.
We’ve created this design activity to support the teaching of key topics within design & technology (D&T), religious studies and art.
This could be used as a one-off lesson activity to develop designing and sketching skills or an understanding of Ramadan. Alternatively, it could be used as a part of a wider scheme of work to develop designing and modelling skills in design & technology and engineering.
Tools/supplies needed:
Paper and card
Drawing implements: colouring pencils or pens, pencils and rulers
Optional, if available – examples of actual prayer mats
For extension activities: glue sticks, string, wool, selection of materials
The Engineering context
All designers and engineers need to be able to produce ideas related to certain themes and follow a design brief. This ensures that the products they design will meet the needs of the end users, customers or clients.
Suggested learning outcomes
It is important for learners to understand all types of religious festivals as part of their religious education. This resource combines religious education with art and design and technology with the aim that the learners will be able to generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches and pattern pieces.
Specifically, children will learn the main considerations and features for designing a prayer mat for Ramadan and be able to design a prayer mat that reflects Ramadan using shapes and patterns.
Download our activity sheet and other teaching resources for free
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please do share your highlights with us @IETeducation.
How to draw a plan view in maths
Producing a plan view will help children to develop drawing skills, while also introducing concepts such as dimensions, proportion, and scale. All through our fun, hand-on maths activity!
Different types of drawing are used to communicate different types of information. Plan views see a section of an object as projected on a horizontal plane. In effect, a plan view is a 2D section drawing viewed from the top – this is different from a top view, which would see all of the features looking down from above. In the case of a room, for example, a plan view may show tabletops, chairs, doors etc., whereas a top view would also show the legs of the tables, light fittings etc.
Plan views are widely used to show rooms or buildings from above. They may include measurements, furniture, appliances, or anything else necessary to the purpose of the plan. Plan views may be used to see how furniture will fit in a room, for example when designing a new kitchen, to show the builders the layout of a new building, or on estate agent’s literature to give potential buyers an indication of what a house is like.
The lesson will help learners pick up an understanding of the practical uses of these drawings, from planning the layout of a room to presenting quite complex information about buildings.
This is one of a set of resources developed to support the teaching of the primary national curriculum, particularly key stage two (KS2). It has been designed to support the delivery of key topics within maths and design and technology (DT). This could be used as a one-off activity, an extension to maths learning on scale, or linked to other school activities, such as preparing a map for parents evening.
The engineering context
Designers, engineers, and architects need to be able to communicate the details and features of rooms or products to other engineers, manufacturers, and users. This can include sizes, assembly instructions and layouts. Drawings are typically one of the main methods used for explaining this information – they can be found in every area of engineering and manufacturing.
Suggested learning outcomes
Children will learn about the purpose of a plan view drawing and be able to create one for themselves. They will also learn how to use dimensions and scale when drawing.
Download our activity sheet and related teaching resources
All activity worksheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
And please do share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
Display stand - Create design ideas for a display stand for your information system
Create design ideas for a display stand for your information system
This is one of a series of resources to support the use of the BBC micro:bit in Design and Technology lessons.
The London Underground is one of the busiest public transport systems in the world. It is used for over 1.2 billion journeys a year. Passengers need up to date information when using it so that they can plan their journeys well.
In this unit, learners will use the BBC micro:bit to develop a prototype for a programmable information system for users of the London Underground.
Activity info, teachers’ notes and curriculum links
In this activity, learners will design and develop ideas for a stand for the transport information display.
The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Download the activity sheets for free!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
And please do share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Make a homemade musical instrument
Learn how to make a homemade single stringed musical instrument in this fun STEM activity for kids
This fun STEM activity for kids will show you how to make a homemade musical instrument from card and can be done at home or at school!
This is one of a set of free resources developed to support the teaching of the primary national curriculum. They are designed to support the delivery of key topics within science and design and technology. This resource focuses on the construction, investigation and testing of a single stringed instrument.
In this activity learners will construct a card model of a single stringed instrument. They will test how it works, demonstrating how the tension of the string affects the pitch of the notes produced.
This could be used as a one-off activity or as part of a wider unit of work focusing on how sound is produced and heard by the human ear. It could also be used to develop modelling and prototyping skills.
Download our activity sheet below for a step-by-step guide on how to construct your homemade instrument.
As an optional extension students could evaluate the model they have built and suggest improvements that could be made to it. They could also make a manufactured prototype of a single stringed instrument using woods, metals and/or plastics. Alternatively, they could investigate and research the use of pivots and how these work in mechanical systems.
This activity will take approximately 40 – 60 minutes.
Tools/resources required
Parts and materials:
Pieces of card
Hollow card boxes
Paper fasteners
Elastic bands
Tools and equipment:
Hole punches
The engineering context
Engineers need to be able to understand how sound is produced and heard by the human ear. This knowledge could be used when designing musical instruments or products that produce different sounds, such as games for children.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this activity students will have an understanding of how sound is produced from a stringed instrument. They will also have an understanding of how changing the tightness/tension of a string alters the pitch of the notes produced. Finally, they will be able to construct and test a model of a single stringed instrument.
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Design a model car and wheel axle
Design an experiment to test how long it takes a vehicle to move down a slope
In this series of activities, pupils will learn about nets and wheels and axles. They will combine these technologies to make the base and body for a vehicle made from card, finishing by evaluating the performance of the assembled vehicle.
This activity evaluates the performance of the vehicle previously manufactured by the pupils. It involves recording the time taken by each vehicle to go down a slope. This can be converted into the speed of the vehicle. It could be used at Key Stage 1 or 2 to develop an understanding of the use of testing and numeracy skills.
Download the activity sheets for free!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please do share your highlights with us @IETeducation
Maths for engineering poster
Secondary classroom poster where your students can find out about the equations and formulae needed for engineering.
Download the single poster or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Rocket countdown maths game
Practice counting backwards from 50 in this fun rocket countdown maths game for KS1!
In this engaging maths game, students will learn to countdown backwards using different steps, i.e. 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. This resource will prepare learners to count to and across to 50, forwards and backwards, beginning with zero or from any given number. Learners will release balloon ‘rockets’ to enhance engagement when each countdown reaches zero.
This activity could be used as a main lesson to teach learners how to count backwards using the prompts in the teacher presentation below.
Activity: Racket countdown maths game
This activity is one of a set of resources developed with the theme of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to support the teaching of the primary national curriculum. These resources are designed to support the delivery of key topics within maths and science. This resource focuses on numbers and the ability to count backwards to zero using different number intervals.
What is the James Webb Space Telescope?
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is the largest and most powerful telescope ever to be launched into space. It is a monumental leap in space exploration, building on the legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope. The JWST is the next great space science observatory, with a primary mission to unravel the mysteries of the universe. It will address lingering questions and achieve groundbreaking revelations across all fields of astronomy.
The JWST is equipped with a suite of cutting-edge instruments that will allow it to study the universe in unprecedented detail. These instruments will help us better understand the Solar System, the formation of stars and planets, and the evolution of galaxies. The JWST is a revolutionary telescope that will blaze new trails in exploration. It is already making headlines with its first images, and it is sure to continue to amaze us for years to come.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this activity, students will be able to count backwards from numbers up to 50, and they will be able to count backwards in steps of 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.
The engineering context
A grasp of number combinations and mathematical operations is essential for engineers solving various intriguing challenges. For instance, electronic engineers use countdown timers to inform drivers about the transition of a traffic light from red to green, ensuring a safe departure for motorists.
Download the free activity sheet!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable so that you can tailor them to your students and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, helpful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in the four devolved UK nations: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Discover mass, volume and density
In this exciting STEM activity, you will be given a variety of objects made from different materials. You will weigh each object and then measure its volume by immersing it in water. You will then use this information to calculate the density of each object.
Activity to discover mass, volume and density
This activity could be used as a main lesson to teach learners how to collect data through measurement and use number skills in a practical context. It could also be used as one of several activities within a wider scheme of learning, focusing on using maths and science to understand the properties of materials.
How do you calculate density?
Density = Mass / Volume
What is the James Webb Space Telescope?
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is the largest and most powerful telescope ever to be launched into space. It is a monumental leap in space exploration, building on the legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope. The JWST is the next great space science observatory, with a primary mission to unravel the mysteries of the universe. It will address lingering questions and achieve groundbreaking revelations across all fields of astronomy.
The JWST is equipped with a suite of cutting-edge instruments that will allow it to study the universe in unprecedented detail. These instruments will help us better understand the Solar System, the formation of stars and planets, and the evolution of galaxies. The JWST is a revolutionary telescope that will blaze new trails in exploration. It is already making headlines with its first images, and it is sure to continue to amaze us for years to come.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this activity, students will be able to compare materials based on their density, and they will be able to measure the volume of water and the weight of an object. Students will also learn how to calculate density, and they will be able to communicate measurements using appropriate SI units.
The engineering context
Space Engineers must have a good understanding of density when they load cargo onto a spacecraft. They need to know the density of the materials they are loading to ensure the rockets have enough power to allow the spacecraft to lift off.
Download the free activity sheet!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable so that you can tailor them to your students and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, helpful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in the four devolved UK nations: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Edible snow - how to make marshmallow
This resource will tell you how to make your own marshmallow. But not only that, we will be learning about the science of baking, and how a small change to the mixture can make a big difference.
Have you ever tried a marshmallow? They’re delicious!
You will be surprised by the amount of maths and science that goes into making these lovely little treats. Working out what works well, what doesn’t, how many ingredients to use and ratios, are all packed into one fun resource.
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
You can download our step-by-step instructions as a classroom lesson plan or to follow at home.
Please do share your highlights with us @IETeducation.
Oh ho ho, and please do share your poetry highlights with us @IETeducation! #SantaLovesSTEM
Global surgery challenge
Investigate and understand the technology that is required for remote surgery
A session focused on Internet research and presentation skills. Students work in teams to investigate the technology that is required for remote surgery and discuss the advantages, disadvantages and ethical issues of such procedures.
Students are given the example of a patient who, after suffering a series of heart attacks is about to undergo heart surgery in a hospital where a new pacemaker will be inserted using remote surgery. They are responsible for reassuring the patient ‘Luigi’ about the procedure and the aftercare.
Download the free activity sheet!
And please do share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Make a Robinson Anemometer
Making a device to measure wind speed
In this science project, students will construct a Robinson Anemometer using common household materials. Once built, students can use it to measure wind speed either inside with domestic items or outside with the natural environment.
This activity can serve as a stand-alone project or as a component of a broader unit on weather or measurement. It is intended for upper Key Stage 2 learners (years 5 and 6).
This resource is part of a collection of free STEM resources created to aid in the teaching of the primary national curriculum, especially in the areas of science and design and technology. The purpose of this activity is to aid in teaching key concepts through the construction of a homemade anemometer.
Parts and components required:
Polystyrene balls, 25 - 40 mm diameter, 1 per anemometer
Wood/bamboo skewers, 3 per anemometer
Putty (such as Blutack or Whitetak) OR modelling clay (such as clay, Plasticine or Playdough).
EITHER 6 paper cups OR 4 paper cups and a plastic water bottle with a sports cap
Sticky tape
Tools and equipment required:
Fans, hair-dryers or other sources of moving air
Stop watches
Commercial anemometer (for extension activity)
The Robinson Anemometer
The Robinson Anemometer is a type of cup anemometer, an instrument used for measuring wind speed. It was invented by John Thomas Romney Robinson in 1846 and is named after him. The Robinson Anemometer consists of four hemispherical cups mounted at the end of horizontal arms, which are attached to a vertical shaft. As the cups rotate due to the force of the wind, the speed of the wind can be calculated based on the rate of rotation. The Robinson Anemometer is still widely used today and is considered one of the most accurate and reliable types of anemometers.
The engineering context
Engineers need to be able to measure the forces that will act on the things they need to design. They need to understand how these measurements are made so that they can be confident that their designs will meet the requirements in practical situations.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this activity students will have an understanding of what is meant by wind, they will be able to construct a simple mechanical device and they will be able to understand that the linear movement of air can be measured by the rotation of an anemometer.
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Wind turbine calculations
Throughout this engaging activity designed for GCSE students, learners will face intriguing challenges that revolve around wind turbines, where their problem-solving skills will be tested using equations and systematic listing techniques.
By applying mathematical principles and systematic approaches, learners will uncover the secrets behind these sustainable energy marvels and gain a deeper appreciation for their significance in today’s world.
It is recommended to utilise a table format for displaying the values learners substitute into the equation, along with the corresponding outcomes, indicating whether they are too large or too small.
Problem Solving
Students will likely employ trial and improvement or a graphical method to tackle the first question. Some may also opt to utilise a spreadsheet for their calculations. To ensure the accuracy of their solutions up to two decimal places, they are encouraged to consider using a number line, which can aid in the verification process.
As for the final problem, students will need to adopt a systematic listing approach or explore other methodologies to ensure that every possible combination of gears has been thoroughly explored and tested.
This activity aims to empower students to approach challenges creatively and thoughtfully by providing various problem-solving techniques and strategies. This process will sharpen their mathematical abilities and cultivate critical thinking skills, enabling them to tackle complex problems with confidence and precision.
Discussion points
Promote active discussion among the students regarding the diverse approaches they have employed and how they can ensure the accuracy of their answers up to two decimal places. If students have not chosen the graphical approach to solve the problem, consider demonstrating it to the class.
Encourage a comparative analysis of the various methods used to address the subsequent problems and enquire about the students’ strategies to ensure they have explored all potential combinations of gears.
Potential GCSE content
This activity will cover using trial and improvement to solve an equation, calculations with fractions, ratios and systematic listing.
Download the free activity sheet!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable so that you can tailor them to your students and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, helpful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Solar power in space
Investigate the photovoltaic effect and manufacture a simple circuit in this free activity.
In this engaging task, students will explore the photovoltaic effect by creating a simple circuit and incorporating it into a product—specifically, a solar-powered version of the well-known jitterbug project called a “solarbug”
This activity can serve as a targeted hands-on exercise for subjects like Electronics or Product Design under the umbrella of Design & Technology. Alternatively, it could be included as a component of a study on the application of solar energy in the field of science.
Activity: Solar power in space
Photovoltaic cells, also known as solar cells, are used as a power source by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).
This activity is one of a set of STEM resources developed with the theme of the James Webb Space Telescope to support the teaching of Science, Design & Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
The ‘Photovoltaic cells’ scheme of work involves investigating how photovoltaic cells are used and then using this technology to make a series of increasingly complex electronic circuits.
What is the James Webb Space Telescope?
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is the largest and most powerful telescope ever to be launched into space. It is a monumental leap in space exploration, building on the legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope. The JWST is the next great space science observatory, with a primary mission to unravel the mysteries of the universe. It will address lingering questions and achieve groundbreaking revelations across all fields of astronomy.
The JWST is equipped with a suite of cutting-edge instruments that will allow it to study the universe in unprecedented detail. These instruments will help us better understand the Solar System, the formation of stars and planets, and the evolution of galaxies. The JWST is a revolutionary telescope that will blaze new trails in exploration. It is already making headlines with its first images, and it is sure to continue to amaze us for years to come.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this activity, students will understand how photovoltaic cells work, how they can be used in a circuit and how to make a simple circuit.
The engineering context
The James Webb Space Telescope uses photovoltaic cells as its power source.
Download the free activity sheet!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable so that you can tailor them to your students and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, helpful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Build a car that moves
Learn how to make the base of a moving vehicle from card
Build a car with axles that moves! Budding inventors engineer the base and body for a model car made from card with wheels and axles. This is a fun practical activity for participants to make a simple 3D shape from a 2D net. The KS1 DT activity then introduces axles and wheels to enable the car to move.
Activity info, teachers’ notes and curriculum links
In this activity, pupils will make the base of a moving vehicle to understand how cars are designed and how axles work to allow cars to move.
Download the free resources!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download and are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
Tools/resources required
Copies of the car base handout, printed on card, 1 per pupil (plus spares)
Axles, 2 per pupil – for example, wooden skewers
Plastic tubing – this can be short sections cut from drinking straws
Wheels, 4 per pupil
Glue sticks
Sticky tape or double-sided sticky tape
Hole punches (ideally single hole punches)
Coloured pencils
Pre-made model of the base, for demonstration (this could be made large size, for example by printing out on A3 card)
Download the activity sheets for free!
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
And please do share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Core maths for designers poster
Secondary classroom poster where your students can learn about the core maths principles and equations essential in design.
Download the single poster or order a full poster set for free from the IET Education website.
The Vikings - Integrated project
Multi-lesson activity on The Vikings free KS2 lesson plan activity
This is a multi-lesson integrated classroom project teaching resource based around the theme of the Vikings. It aims to show how Design & Technology and Engineering can be built into a wider theme-based set of primary lesson activities covering a range of curriculum areas including Literacy, Numeracy, Computing/ICT, Design & Technology, Engineering, History and Art.
Teachers can select the activities they feel best fit with their lesson planning and carry out as stand-alone activities, or learners can complete all activities within this teaching resource as part of an integrated scheme of work.
Activity: Four activities based on the Vikings
Learners will look at who the Vikings were, where they came from and their importance in the history of the United Kingdom and Europe.
All classroom activities are suitable for the KS2 level and can be done as stand-alone activities or done in turn so as to complete the full multi-lesson integrated project.
The Engineering Context
Understanding about the history of engineering and design helps engineers to learn from past successes and mistakes. For example, learning about Viking longboats helps us to understand why boats float and what materials are the best to use in boat construction.
Engineers need to have good literacy and numeracy skills in order to successfully create design solutions and communicate their ideas.
Suggested learning outcomes
It is important for learners to understand about key people and groups of people from history as well as what we learnt from them. This resource combines history with art and design and technology and aims to show how engineering can be built into a wider theme-based multi-lesson project.
Specifically, children will learn how to research and analyse viking longboats including what they were made from and how they worked; they will be able to write and act out a script about how the Vikings lived; they will be able to design a Viking pin badge; and be able to make a Viking purse using one of two different methods.
Download our activity sheets for free!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please do share your highlights with us @IETeducation
Inputs and outputs of design
Developing an understanding of the terms ‘system’, ‘input’, ‘process’, ‘output’ and ‘signal’
This activity aims to develop students’ understanding of key terms such as ‘system’, ‘input’, ‘process’, ‘output’, and ‘signal’, fostering critical thinking and independent investigation skills.
Our ‘Time for a Game’ scheme of work offers an engaging electronics context, allowing students to delve into infrared technologies as seen in popular devices like the Nintendo Wii.
This lesson plan helps leaners understand the core components that make up the devices they use every day. By learning about systems, inputs, processes, outputs, and signals, they will begin to see the world around them in a new light.
This is one of a set of resources developed to aid the teaching of the secondary national curriculum, particularly KS3. It has been designed to support the delivery of key topics within maths, science and design and technology (DT).
Activity: Developing an understanding of the terms ‘system’, ‘input’, ‘process’, ‘output’ and ‘signal’
In this activity, students will work in pairs to define key terms and identify these features in common products using the ‘Inputs and Outputs of Design’ presentation.
They will explore the concept of a system as a collection of parts designed to carry out a function, and learn how inputs activate the system, while outputs are activated by the process. They will also delve into the role of signals in transmitting information between different system blocks. To reinforce this learning, the Wii film will provide a practical example of these concepts at work.
The engineering context
This lesson plan provides an engaging introduction to engineering principles, as students learn about the components that make up the systems around them. Understanding the inputs, processes, outputs, and signals of a system is foundational to engineering and design. This activity will inspire students to consider a career in engineering, as they gain insights into the creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving involved in designing and understanding complex systems.
Suggested learning outcomes
Upon completion of this activity, students will have a clear understanding of the difference between input, process, and output in a system and be able to define these terms. They’ll be able to identify these features in common products, enhancing their understanding of the devices and technologies they interact with daily.
Download our activity sheet for free!
The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download (including film clips!), and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
Please do share your highlights with us @IETeducation