The English Civil War
The PowerPoint and Supporting resources currently deal with the causes of the English Civil War.
Lots of skills work included too ...
The Slave Trade: The Underground Railraod
The worksheet supports this excellent online 'choose your adventure' type activity. When running this activity I have the class vote on each choice and go with the majority.
The Break with Rome: Act of Supremacy
A relatively simple activity that covers the reasons for and process that led to Henry VIII breaking with the Catholic Church.
Catholic, Protestant, Puritian Sort
A simple sort activity with review opportunities to help student understand similarities and differences.
Propaganda, Power and Persuasion
This will help students understand 7 propaganda techniques via an interactive PowerPoint with supporting student worksheet / activities.
Could Versailles be justified at the time?
A very student friendly and interesting summary of the terms of the treaty.
Ranking Versailles Treaty Terms
Requires students to judge and rank the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
Medicine Through Time : barriers to progress c1250-1500
A 'smart board' friendly PowerPoint and supporting lessons worksheets and activities.
Considers ...
Conservative Mindset
Skills: Linking, k and u, debating
The Spanish Armada Crossword
A good review activity ...
The Korean War: Why Did The USA Get Involved?
The PPT and supporting resources looks at the following reasons for US involvement in the Korean conflict.
- US Anti-Communism
- Containment
- McCarthyism / Domestic context
- NSC 68
- Japan
- The Role of the U.N.
Rise of Hitler Big Board Game ( Revision Exercise )
A large print and play board game - great for review of Weimar and Rise of Hitler units.
Causes of WW2 Revision Summary
A thorough revision template - ideal for GCSE unit summary and revision.
Why did the USA boom in the 1920's ?
USA Depth Study A3 Revision Templates
Reasons for the boom
Why didn’t all industries benefit
Problems in the farming industry
How far did the USA boom
WW1 Causes PowerPoint, Activities and eBook
A comprehensive resource / PPT. This will be regularly updated, expanded and improved.
Causes of WW1
Outbreak of WW1**
Process of WW1
( SMART Board friendly)
Holocaust Experiments
A student created resource - provides interesting text and supporting activities about the nature of experimentation during the Holocaust
Feedback most welcome.
Thanks - ( Hannefah K )
Cold War Origins
Several useful worksheets and lessons from a new teaching pack includes …
Key word starters
Seeds of conflict
Source skills
Useful Youtube link is by Mr Simon Hinds
USA Boom Unit Introduction
Focus on … USA c1920
Key Words and Literacy
Push and Pull Factors
How did the USA emerge from WW1
Summary Revision Exercise
The Peace Treaties: Versailles
A series of lessons to introduce the teaching of the Peace Treaties of WW1
Part 1 Includes…
Unit vocabulary
WW1 Essential Review
The Big 3 Aims and Outcomes
Treaty Role Play
Source / Cartoon Analysis and Evaluation
How Far Did The American Economy Boom Battle ?
An engaging way to wrap up this unit of work - my student really got into this. Easily adaptable to any other for / against question.
Great Depression - America in Crisis Activity
An comprehensive debate / discussion activity that ask students to fix the problems in the USA c1932