
Christmas Maths
Here are five activities to help your lessons leading up to Christmas.

BIDMAS: Christmas
5 Christmas words coded using BIDMAS and then anagrams to work out.
Answers provided.
After Review typos have been amended.

Maths Detective Agency: Fractions Percentages Ratio and Proportion
Problem Solving for Fractions Percentages Ratio and Proportion. This is an activity turned into a full lesson based around a detective agency. Every activity is provided with full slides and answers. I stapled the instructions to little bags with the clue cards in. Also covers literacy as they have to write a letter to the head teacher at the end of the activity. Comes with an extension element.

Circle Definition Walk and Talk Lesson
This is one of my most poplar worksheets turned into a lesson I find very effective. I give the students a card each with either a picture definition or a worded definition. They then walk around the classroom asking what the other person has and seeing if they can name or define it and then swapping cards. I stop them at regular intervals and get them to tell me something they have learning. They then use this knowledge to fill in the properties sheet.

9 Lesson Maths Bundle
This is 9 of my most popular resources. Loved by all of my Key Stages.
All answers included. I have used these in observations with great success.
Would be £22.50. Saving of 73%

Differentiated Starter : Simplify Expand Factorise
This is a starter activity on all algebraic manipulation. It includes 4 levels of challenge and includes all answers.
Collecting Like Terms
Expanding Single Brackets
Factorising Single Brackets
Expanding Double Brackets
Expanding Triple Brackets
Factorising Quadratics when a=1
Factorising Quadratics when a is not 1

Starters Bundle
10 of my starters for £4! 60% Saving!!
Whether you want literacy, problem solving, group work, individual time it is all here.
Algebra, Loci, Averages, Money, Memory (Pythagoras Index Laws), Circles.
Enjoy :)

Scatter Graph Investigation Lesson: Disney, Movies.
This is a full lesson if not two lessons on scatter graphs. Differentiated investigation of three hypothesis' relating to Disney, movies and actors.
Power point with starter, discussions, practice questions and investigation setup. ALL Answers.
Three sets of data for the three investigations.
Pre made axes for full support or partial support.
Full answers.

Disney: How much does your name cost?
This is a starter activity I use with my lower sets and would be perfect with KS1/2 also.
The idea is to have it as a mental addition activity but can be used in as many ways as you can think of :)

Christmas Problem Solving: HCF LCM
Christmas themed worded HCF LCM problems. Three levels of difficulty. Answers included.
Merry Christmas
Part of my Christmas Bundle.

Disney Christmas Problem Solving: Simultaneous Equations
The Disney characters have combined and need to be solved. Can be done using full algebra for higher ability and just by inspection and trail and error for the lower sets. Full answers.
Merry Christmas
This is a part of my Christmas Problem Solving pack :)

Alice in Wonderland Simultaneous Equations
This is a lesson on simultaneous equations based around the comparing cups of tea method. It is aimed at Foundation GCSE but could also be used with KS3 groups as an introduction to simultaneous equations.
Includes power point with two worked examples and a starter question.
Worksheet with answers for independent learning.

Mini Assessment: BIDMAS Primes Factors Muliples
This is a differentiated mini assessment on:
Prime Factorisation
Using a calculator for roots
Rounding with Decimal Places
I have used colours to show the different level questions (Blue=easiest - Red=Hardest)
There is a box built in for feedback and a power point with full worked solutions.
There is also a problem solving question.

Differentiated Averages Starter with Problem Solving
This is a starter activity on all averages and range. It includes 4 levels of challenge and includes two sections of problem solving and has all answers.

Graph Transformation Introduction
A selection of different functions that have been transformed then both graphs plotted on the same axis so they can be compared. This allows the students to investigate and try to discover how changing the function will change the graph.

Factorising Quadratics Challenge
This is an extension sheet I made for consolidation with factorising: linear, quadratic, difference of two squares and finally simplifying fractions.
ANSWERS included.

Gradient and Intercept Investigation
A worksheet that practices using a table to plot straight lines then uses the similarities and differences to compare with the equation of the line and eventually lead to gradient and intercept with y=mx+c.

Algebra Vocabulary
Too many students do not know the difference between an expression, equation and formula to name but a few so here is a worksheet were pupils fill in the missing gaps for the words associated with Algebra .
Term, expression, equation, identity, formula, coefficient, variable.
Used with Y7-Y11.

Triangle Construction Jigsaw
This resource can be used with KS3/KS4 and all abilities that are able to construct triangles.
I thought the idea of a jigsaw would add something different to this topic.
This idea means they have to be very accurate if they want their jigsaw to work.
Problem solving is also needed to match the triangles.

Bearings Story
I designed a lesson where the students draw a map with key places and key characters then write the story of their journey through their map.
Bearings and Scale are the key features of their story.
Peer assessment.