Students will design and create a windmill to see which team has the most efficient windmill. This is a fun an simple activity.
Here is what is in the packet:
1. Teacher Guide
2. Prototype Worksheets
3. Results/Review Worksheet
In this stem challenge students will build a boat to move items from one side of the room to another. This is a really simple Stem challenge that is fun and exciting.
What is in the packet:
1. STEM Challenge teacher lesson page
2. Prototype worksheet
3. Results/Reflection worksheet
Students will compete in this STEM challenge to determine who has the best catapult bast on range and accuracy. This is a fun one day activity that is really easy and fun to teach.
The packet includes:
1. Teacher Guide
2. Prototype Worksheets
3. Results/Reflection Worksheet
Have fun teaching your students about money. Play a game where students can compete with each other to see who wins! This game only deals with change. This game has pictures of coins that the students need to add up and select the right answer. The game will let them know if they got their answer right or wrong. This is a great fun activity.
I have another game posted that has both change and bills you can check out called Money Trivia Game.
Great summer packet for review of letters, numbers and sight words. There are 44 pages in all.
What you get:
14 pages of counting
7 pages of identifying letters ABC's
18 pages of sight words/how to spell by adding the missing letter
And more
Have fun teaching your students about money. Play a game where students can compete with each other to see who wins! This game has dollars and change that needs to be added up in the questions. This game has pictures of coins and dollars that the students need to add up and select the right answer. The game will let them know if they got their answer right or wrong. This is a great fun activity.
I have another money game posted that has just change you can check out called Money Trivia Game: Change/Cents Game! Fun Stuff
Have some fun in your class! This 21 question trivia game will keep your students get excited about learning and will change things up from your boring worksheets. Make a few teams in your class and have them compete! Questions are based on double digit addition. You can easily change a question as well if you have your own questions you want to ask. Have fun learning!
Have some fun in your class! This 21 question trivia game will keep your students get excited about learning and will change things up from your boring worksheets. Make a few teams in your class and have them compete! Questions are based on single digit addition. You can easily change a question as well if you have your own questions you want to ask. Have fun learning!
A fen stem challenge where students build a simple helicopter. The team that gets their helicopter to hover the longest wins!
Here is what is in the packet:
1. Teacher Guide
2. Prototype Worksheets
3. Results/Reflection Worksheet