
Historical Interpretations
A lesson for teaching Year 7 about ‘Why are there different interpretations of the past?’ This is part of the ‘Historical Skills’ Scheme of Work, used at the beginning of September for introducing students to studying History.
Students will:
Understand that history can be interpreted in various ways.
Learn the factors that lead to different historical interpretations.
Develop critical thinking skills by examining multiple perspectives on historical events - specifically the Vikings.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Please check out my other lessons and resources on my TES shop for more engaging and effective teaching materials.

Introduction to History
An introductory lesson about ‘What is History’ for Year 7 students. Perfect as the first lesson in September! All resources are included.
Students will:
Understand the definition and significance of history.
Learn about different historical terminology.
Engage in a discussion about why studying history is important.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Please check out my other lessons and resources on my TES shop for more engaging and effective teaching materials.

Primary and Secondary Sources
A lesson for teaching Year 7 on ‘How do historians learn about the past’. This is part of the ‘Historical Skills’ Scheme of Work, used at the beginning of September for introducing students to studying History.
Students will:
Understand the various methods historians use to study the past.
Learn about different types of historical sources.
Understand the importance of reliability
Be able to recognise anachronisms
Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Please check out my other lessons and resources on my TES shop for more engaging and effective teaching materials.

A lesson for teaching Year 7 about ‘Understanding Chronology’. This is part of the ‘Historical Skills’ Scheme of Work, used at the beginning of September for introducing students to studying History.
Students will:
Grasp the concept of chronology and its importance in history.
Learn to place historical events in a chronological sequence.
Understand and use timelines to visualise historical periods and events.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Please check out my other lessons and resources on my TES shop for more engaging and effective teaching materials.

What do historians do?
A lesson for teaching Year 7 about ‘What does a Historian do’? This is part of the ‘Historical Skills’ Scheme of Work, used at the beginning of September for introducing students to studying History.
Students will:
Understand the role and tasks of a historian.
Learn about the skills and methods historians use to study the past.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Please check out my other lessons and resources on my TES shop for more engaging and effective teaching materials.

Anglo Saxon Britain
A lesson for teaching 11-14 about ‘What can artefacts teach us about the Anglo-Saxons?’ This is part of the ‘Iron Age to Alfred’ Scheme of Work. This lesson is fully resourced.
Students will;
Compare Anglo-Saxon England to Roman England.
Explain what artefacts reveal about the Anglo-Saxons.
Describe life in Anglo-Saxon England.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Please check out my other lessons and resources on my TES shop for more engaging and effective teaching materials.

Holocaust: The Final Solution
For teaching 11-14s Holocaust
This lesson looks at 'What was the Final Solution?'
Students will start by looking at the Wannsee Conference and the concentrations camps. Students will look in depth at Auschwitz and Dachau using a variety of tasks (videos and sources).
Students will aim to answer the following question: Explain in what ways the ‘final solution’ was different from the way the Nazi’s treated the Jews between 1933-1941.
The lesson finishes by looking at the liberation of Auschwitz.
This lesson is differentiated for all students in your class, and includes all resources needed.
Feedback is welcome, and please check out my other Holocaust lessons and materials.

Elizabeth I Portraits
Suitable for teaching 11-14s Elizabeth I as part of a Tudors SoW. Can also be used at Primary!
What can we learn from Elizabeth I from her portraits?
Whole lesson plus all resources needed for teaching Elizabeth I and her portraits. Students will first look at Elizabeth I - who she was and her achievements, including a video with quiz.
Students will then analyse 10 portraits of Elizabeth I, using a variety of tasks to unpick their meaning. This includes looking at symbolism in her paintings and working out what they mean. Tasks are differentiated too!
Please review if you purchase, and check out my other Tudors lessons and resources.

Viking Britain
A lesson for teaching 11-14 about ‘How different was Viking England to Anglo-Saxon England before AD800?’ This is part of the ‘Iron Age to Alfred’ Scheme of Work. This lesson is fully resourced.
Students will;
Judge how different the two types of kingship in England were.
Describe how different Viking England was to Anglo-Saxon England.
Know the different impacts of the Viking Invasion.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Please check out my other lessons and resources on my TES shop for more engaging and effective teaching materials.

Alfred the Great
A lesson for teaching 11-14 about ‘Why was Alfred the Great so great?’ This is part of the ‘Iron Age to Alfred’ Scheme of Work. This lesson is fully resourced.
Students will;
Evaluate how ‘great’ Alfred the Great really was.
Understand how ‘Great’ Alfred’s different choices were and prioritise them.
Describe the different achievements of Alfred the Great.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Please check out my other lessons and resources on my TES shop for more engaging and effective teaching materials.

Roman Britain
A lesson for teaching 11-14 about ‘What was life like in Roman Britain?’ This is part of the ‘Iron Age to Alfred’ Scheme of Work. This lesson is fully resourced.
Students will;
Explain how different Roman towns were to Iron Age towns using at least 2 examples.
Understand how Roman towns were different to Iron Age towns.
Describe different features of Roman Canterbury and recall 8-10 facts about Roman Britain.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Please check out my other lessons and resources on my TES shop for more engaging and effective teaching materials.

Why did the English Civil War break out?
Suitable for teaching KS3 Charles I and the English Civil War.
This lesson goes through the start of the Civil War, and reasons for it, breaking it down into economic, political and religious causes, using a card sort which is sorted into a venn diagram. All worksheets are included that are needed at the end of the PowerPoint, with instructions. The lesson starts with a source which is a great discussion starter!
Please check out my other Civil War resources, and review if you purchase!

Medicine Through Time DISPLAY
All of the resources needed for a Medicine Through Time display (made for GCSE Edexcel 9-1). Includes:
Key people
Key discoveries
This will look great in any classroom!
Feedback is welcome.

Tudors - family tree introduction lesson
Whole lesson plus differentiated resources for teaching 'Who were the Tudors?
Suitable for KS2 and KS3.
Whole lesson includes;
Tudor wordsearch
Match the Tudor with their portrait
20 question quiz with answers
Tudor family tree- differentiated with information sheets
Please review if you purchase and check out my other Tudor resources!

Interpretations of King John
Suitable for 11-14s, but can be adapted for KS2 (Y5/6)
A lesson which looks at the different interpretations of King John. It asks students to understand why there are different interpretations, by considering the viewpoints of historians and writers from medieval to modern day.
This is the perfect lesson for introducing interpretations to your class.
Includes whole lesson plus differentiated activities and resources.

American West DISPLAY
A display for the Edexcel 9-1 course on The American West 1835-1895
This is a great display which looks great in any classroom. Separated into three subtopics;
Destructions of Plains Indians way of life
White settlers
Law and order
The display includes;
Key words
Key people
Key events
Lots of pictures!
Lettering is done in an American West ‘style’ for added style to your display board!
Feedback is welcome.

Year 6 History Transition lesson
Year 6 History Transition Lesson designed to be delivered to Year 6 students who are doing a taster day or lesson.
This History lesson goes over;
What does History mean to you?
What Historical topics have you learnt so far and what topics would you like to learn about?
What will you be studying in Year 7 History at (chosen school)?
Why is History important - looking at historical quotes
Definition quiz of key terms (eg chronology, primary source, secondary source, century etc)
Activity with worksheet - looking at 5 inventions and having to…
Work out the order in which they were invented
Calculating centuries
Understanding significance and explaining which invention was the most significant and why
Thanks for purchasing and please leave a review.

Cold War | Origins Timeline
For teaching Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Superpower Relations and the Cold War 1941-1991
Revision lesson - Timeline of the Origins of the Cold War. The timeline analyses key events from 1945-1956 and assess how much tension each event caused.
Please review if you purchase and check out my other Cold War lessons and resources!

Cold War | Crises Timeline
A useful revision resource - a timeline of the Cold War crises which breaks down ‘what happened’ and the ‘consequences’ including;
A divided Berlin - refugee crisis, Khrushchev’s ultimatum, summit meetings and the Berlin Wall
Cuban Revolution, Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis
Prague Spring and Czechoslovakia
ALSO INCLUDED: Answers for the whole sheet!
Best printed double sided A3.
Ideal for teaching Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Superpower Relations and the Cold War.
Please review if you purchase and check out my other Cold War lessons and resources!

Why did the Schlieffen Plan fail?
Suitable for teaching 11-14s WW1 - Why did the Schlieffen Plan fail?
Whole lesson plus all worksheets, this lesson looks at why the Schlieffen Plan failed. It encourages students to come up with their own plan in how to beat France and Russia, and then looks at the source ‘Bravo, Belgium’ for an explanation as to why it failed. The plenary asks students to decide what is the most important reason the plan failed.
Please review if you purchase, and check out my other WW1 resources.