My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
A wordsearch with the days of the week in French in it. Students look for the words and write them in the grid below the puzzle and then with the English translation or in their home language.
This resource is free!
Happy teaching and learning!
A poster which outlines the order of object pronouns when two or more are placed together.
You can print this out and blow it up to A3 size and then get your students to colour it in.
This resource is useful for students who are studying IGCSE French and A-Level French.
This resource is free. Helpful yourself to a copy.
This resource is made up from the topic from the Tricolore 2 textbook (5th edition) on page 24 which is about European countries and their prepositions.
The students find the 20 countries in the wordsearch with their preposition and write up the country names in the appropriate tables overleaf.
This resource is geared for Key Stage 3 learners.
Happy teaching and learning!
A very useful handout to give to your students who are studying IGCSE or A-Level French.
This colourful handout explicitly outlines the six direct and indirect object pronouns both in the present tense and perfect tense, as well as the distinction between the direct object pronouns and the indirect object pronouns in the perfect tense. This resource is free, help yourself!
Happy teaching and learning!
This worksheet gives students the opportunity to build up on their vocabulary by searching for French synonyms and also further practise these new words. A very useful tool when developing learners' writing in preparation for the exam. This worksheet is geared towards very high achieving students, gifted and talented learners and learners whose native tongue is French.
Here is a presentation on the use of prepositions, whether it is just revision or teaching it for the very first time. There is a wide range of vocabulary available, followed by slap the board game and a quiz. This activity is geared towards either Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 French.
There will be an accompanying workbook available soon.
Happy teaching and learning!
Here is a free worksheet regarding the use of indefinite adjectives and pronouns when studying IGCSE French and A-Level French. read each sentences both in French and the English translation. Identify the indefinite adjectives and pronouns used in each sentences and write them in the grid. This puzzle is geared towards students of a weaker ability.
This worksheet gives students the opportunity to build up on their vocabulary and also further practise these new words. A very useful tool when developing learners' writing in preparation for the exam. This worksheet is geared towards learners of a weaker ability.
This worksheet gives students the opportunity to build up on their vocabulary by searching for French synonyms and also further practise these new words. A very useful tool when developing learners' writing in preparation for the exam. This worksheet is geared towards very high achieving students, gifted and talented learners and learners whose native tongue is French.
This lesson is designed to give a fundamental idea of how the conditional tense is formed and its use. This lesson is specifically geared towards students studying the IGCSE French programme, but it can also be used for the standard GCSE programme and good revision for AS/A2 French.
I tend to use the IGCSE French grammar workbook which is what I am referring to on slide 7, but feel free to make up your own exercises or get them from a different grammar workbook.
This resource is free. Happy teaching and learning!
This is the third installment of the test papers series which I have devised following my teaching from Tricolore 1 text book which I use to teach my year 7 students.
The content of the test is as follows:
Possessive adjectives, i.e. mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes
Members of the family
Rooms in the house
The grammatical use of ‘de’ to express ‘possession’
Numbers 1-70
The verbs ‘avoir’ and ‘être’
This pack contains the following:
One listening test paper
One reading, grammar and writing test paper
The audio file for the listening test
A copy of the listening transcript
The mark scheme
This resource is designed for students of Key Stage 3 (primarily year 7 students) (First form in Northern Ireland) or learners of post-Key Stage 3 age who are learning French for the first time.
Pleas note that this resource is linked to the 5th Edition of the Tricolore 1 textbook and not the former ones.
Happy teaching and learning!
This is the second installment of the test papers series which I have devised following my teaching from Tricolore 1 text book which I use to teach my year 7 students.
The content of the test is as follows:
Numbers 1-30
Days of the week
Where one lives
Prepositions used in expressing where one lives
This pack contains the following:
One listening test paper
One reading, grammar and writing test paper
The audio file for the listening test
A copy of the listening transcript
The mark scheme
This resource is designed for students of Key Stage 3 (primarily year 7 students) (First form in Northern Ireland) or learners of post-Key Stage 3 age who are learning French for the first time.
Pleas note that this resource is linked to the 5th Edition of the Tricolore 1 textbook and not the former ones.
Happy teaching and learning!
This is the first installment of the test papers series which I have devised following my teaching from Tricolore 1 text book which I use to teach my year 7 students.
The content of the test is as follows:
Numbers 1-20
General greetings
The use of the definite article ‘le’, ‘la’, ‘les’ and ‘l’’
This pack contains the following:
One listening test paper
One reading, grammar and writing test paper
The audio file for the listening test
A copy of the listening transcript
The mark scheme
This resource is designed for students of Key Stage 3 (primarily year 7 students) (First form in Northern Ireland) or learners of post-Key Stage 3 age who are learning French for the first time.
Pleas note that this resource is linked to the 5th Edition of the Tricolore 1 textbook and not the former ones.
Happy teaching and learning!
Here is a colouring in poster that children can colour in when they are trying to become accustomed with negatives used with etre verbs.
Happy teaching and learning!
I spent four years creating this resource and it is now finally published!
This resource is a workbook which explores the vocabulary and grammar exclusively extracted and followed from the Cambridge IGCSE French textbook second edition (published in 2017) and most of the third edition (published in 2019). The latter may have some differences regarding the order of the contents of the book which may not appear in this resource, but it does exclusively follow the second edition. Moreover, the activities are extensively differentiated.
The contents of this resource cover all of the topics covered in the 2017 textbook, EXCEPT for ’ C6.1 - trouver son chemin’, ‘C6.2 - Ca se trouve où, sil vous plait …?’, ‘C6.3 - Pouvez-vous expliquer exactement …?’, ‘C9.1 - On se deplace’ and ‘D4.1 - Je vais leur téléphoner’.
Please do keep an eye out for the accompanied listening workbook, also extracted from the 2017 textbook edition, in which the listening activities have been modified and extensively differentiated. It will be uploaded very shortly.
Happy teaching and learning!
This powerpoint presents possessive adjectives for ‘mon’, ‘ma’ and ‘mes’ in the context of family members. It is a good introduction for Key Stage 3-4 learners as there are follow up activities which follow.
Happy teaching and learning!
The completion of the first installment of Tricolore 2 (5th edition) is finally here!
This is the first installment of the test papers series which I have devised following my teaching from Tricolore 2 text book which I use to teach my year 8 students.
The content of the test is as follows:
Places in the town
Various grocery items
General shopping expressions
Expressing currency and cost
Review of the present tense using regular ‘-er’, ‘-ir’ and ‘-re’ verbs
More use of the preposition ‘de’ with quantities and negatives
This pack contains the following:
One listening test paper
One reading, grammar and writing test paper
The audio file for the listening test
A copy of the listening transcript
The mark scheme
This resource is designed for students of Key Stage 3 (primarily year 8 students) (Second form in Northern Ireland) or learners of post-Key Stage 3 age who are learning French for the first time.
Please note that this resource is linked to the 5th Edition of the Tricolore 2 textbook and not the former ones.
Happy teaching and learning!
Test on the imperfect tense, based on random verbs studied in Stage 3 and also further examines the present and perfect tense. There are thirty questions based on the imperfect tense and also ten supplementary questions on the present and perfect tense. (This is a very good way not to forget tenses previously studied!). Answers are available for this test at a cost of £2.
Whatever time limit you set your students to complete this test is totally up to you, but I would recommend 15-20 minutes. I would also recommend obtaining at least 32 correct answers before proceeding onto test 'Stage 3-9a' which is a more comprehensive test.
This bundle allows you to purchase the following ‘French for Adults at beginner’s level’ resources for only £25!, plus a bonus Hallowe’en resource at no additional cost!:
Part 1: Greetings and definite/indefinite articles
Part 2: Numbers 1-10 and where one lives
Part 3: Days of the week, numbers 1-21, age, birthdays
Part 4: Numbers 1-31, birthdays and festivals and ‘de’ - possession
Part 5: Time: On the hour and regular ‘-er’ verbs in the present tense
Part 6: Time: Quarter past the hour and regular ‘-ir’ verbs
Part 7: Time: Half past the hour and regular ‘-re’ verbs
Part 8: Time: Quarter to the hour, the verb ‘aller’, the preposition ‘a’, places in the town
Part 9: Time:The full hour, the verb ‘faire’, the preposition ‘de’ and leisure
Part 10: Time: Between intervals, the verbs ‘partir’ and ‘etre’, question words using ‘a quelle heure’ et ‘quand’, forming questions using ‘est-ce que’ and the grammar structure ‘etre sur le point de’
Part 11: French for Adults: Beginners: Part 11: The verb ‘prendre’ in the present tense and breakfast
Part 12: French for Adults: Beginners: Part 12: The verb ‘jouer’ in the present tense with the preposition ‘à’, sport and the use of ‘depuis’
Part 13: French for Adults: Beginners: Part 13: The verbs ‘dire’ and ‘lire’ in the present tense and books
Part 14: French for Adults: Beginners: Part 14: ‘Vouloir’ in the present tense, the negation ‘ne … pas’ and leisure
Part 15: French for Adults: Beginners: Part 15: Reflexive verbs in the present tense, daily routine and the 24-hour clock system
Bonus resources:
Pre-beginners: The Alphabet in French.
Part 24: Halloween, revision of etre, adjectives and agreements
Preparation time for each resource: 30 minutes - 1 hour (introducing new vocabulary and also the transcript for the listening activity)
Lesson length: 1 hour - 2.5 hours
Each resource includes the worksheet, the sound file for the listening task and the listening transcript and various vocabulary sheets.
Happy teaching and learning!
Worksheet based on forming etre verbs as the auxiliary verb. Students look at the pronouns and the verbs and then write sentences in the perfect tense. They may require assistance in forming past participles before attempting this exercise. This worksheet contains support in the first few sentences and then they attempt to complete the rest of the sentences independently.