Teacher Assessment Framework (TAF) at the end of Key Stage 1 (KS1) Checklist – Maths 2023
Teacher Assessment Framework (TAF) at the end of Key Stage 1 (KS1) – Maths
Partitioning two-digit numbers into different combinations of tens and ones - a worksheet.
Partitioning two-digit numbers into different combinations of tens and ones - a worksheet.
Aimed at Year 2 children. A worksheet to help teach one of the expected Mathematical standards from the Interim teacher assessment framework at the end of key stage 1.
Initially allow children to practically assemble given numbers using different combinations of tens and ones using diennes, numicon or bundles of ten and individual straws. Place value grids would be a valuable resource to use along side this practical work. Children can record their work using this worksheet. Great for when the moderator comes into school and wants to see evidence of this standard!
Maths Year 2 Working at the Expected Standard Evidence Booklet TAF 2023
Additional Moderation Booklet
Maths Year 2 Working at the Expected Standard Evidence Booklet TAF
Includes tasks for each Working at the Expected Standard.
Must have!
Greater Depth and Working Towards booklets also available soon,
2024 Year 2 SATs Math and Reading Question Analysis against TAF Moderation Evidence
2024 Year 2 SATs Math and Reading Question Analysis against TAF
Year 2 Measurement Temperature (°C) compare and order the results temperature (°C) using > < = SATs
Year 2 Measurement Temperature (°C) compare and order the results temperature (°C) using > < =
Weather Comparison
KS1 SATs Math Question 2023 Analysis against Teacher Assessment Framework (TAF)
2023 SATs Math Question Analysis against Teacher Assessment Framework (TAF) at the end of Key Stage 1 (KS1)
Paper 1 and 2
Construction Design Sheets and Label, Famous Landmarks Display Cards Year 1 and Year 2
Construction Design Sheets and Label, Famous Landmarks Display Cards
A variety of construction planning sheets a4/a5 link to DT objectives Plan,Make and Evaluate.
Labels of famous landmarks.
Year 2 Addition and Subtraction Revision
Year 2 Addition and Subtraction Revision
To add numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally, including: a two-digit number and ones, a two-digit number and ten, two two-digit numbers and adding three one-digit numbers.
To subtract two-digit and two-digit numbers, including zero using concrete objects, pictorial representations and mentally.
To show that addition of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and subtraction of one number from another cannot.
To recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems.
Maths End of Key Stage 1 Teaching Assessment Framework (TAF) including Pre-Key Stage Maths 2023
End of Key Stage 1 Teaching Assessment Framework (TAF)
Includes Checklist for WT/EXS/GD
Includes Pre-Key Stage Maths Checklist
Year 2 Moderation Evidence from 2019 Maths Past Paper 1 and 2.
Arithmetic Blank Template included.
Maths Evidence Booklets - Check out my resources.
Year 2 Maths Sats Test Analysis 2022! KS1 Support Moderation Evidence
Year 2 Maths Sats Test Analysis 2022! KS1
Year 2 Reasoning Paper Aural Questions Practise Test 1 - 3
Year 2 Reasoning Paper Aural Questions Practise Test 1 - 3
Reading and Writing Numbers to 100 Year 1 and 2 2023
Reading and Writing Numbers to 100 Year 1 and 2
Addition to add three one-digit numbers (using number bonds to 10).
Addition to add three one-digit numbers (using number bonds to 10).
Year 2 Arithmetic Test Template Editable Create Your Own Test Papers
Year 2 Arithmetic Test Template Editable Create Your Own Test Papers