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Kaleidoscope-Learning's Shop

We provide useful resources for home-ed students as well as teachers in schools.

We provide useful resources for home-ed students as well as teachers in schools.
Cosmology - Revision Notes

Cosmology - Revision Notes

This is a 14-page revision guide for the 16th topic in the Edexcel GCSE Astronomy course. Content includes information on: Redshift Hubble constant Origin of the Universe Dark matter and dark energy Models of the Universe
Chemical Formulae and Calculations Revision Booklet

Chemical Formulae and Calculations Revision Booklet

A revision booklet (14 pages) covering the GCSE Chemical Formulae topic. It includes: Chemical equations (how they are formatted) Calculations involving moles and mass Empirical formula Calculating empirical formula from experimental data Volume and concentration calculations Molar volume Questions and answers
States of Matter Revision Booklet

States of Matter Revision Booklet

A revision booklet (8 pages) covering the GCSE States of Matter topic. It includes: properties of the states of matter explaining the changes of state diffusion solubility solubility curves exam-style questions and answers
Electrolysis Revision Booklet

Electrolysis Revision Booklet

A revision booklet (8 pages) on the topic of electrolysis. It includes: preparing electrolyte for electrolysis how electrolysis works half-equations (including oxidation and reducation) questions and answers
Periodic Table Revision Booklet

Periodic Table Revision Booklet

A revision booklet (12 pages) covering the GCSE Periodic Table topic. It includes: structure of the periodic table electronic structure properties of metals and non-metals exam-style questions and answers
Planet Earth - Revision Notes

Planet Earth - Revision Notes

This is an 18-page revision guide for the first topic in the Edexcel GCSE Astronomy course. Content includes easy to understand information on: Shape of the Earth Internal divisions of the Earth Latitude and Longitude Factors affecting astronomical observations
The Lunar Disc - Revision Notes

The Lunar Disc - Revision Notes

This is a 9-page revision guide on the second topic in the Edexcel GCSE Astronomy course. Content includes information on: The shape of the Moon External features of the Moon Rotation and revolution of the Moon Lunar libration
Earth-Moon-Sun System - Revision Notes

Earth-Moon-Sun System - Revision Notes

This is a 13-page revision guide for the 3rd topic in the Edexcel GCSE Astronomy Course. Content includes information on: Relative sizes and distance of the Earth, Moon and Sun Ancient methods for measuring the diamaters and distances Solar eclipses Lunar eclipses
Solar System Observation - Revision Notes

Solar System Observation - Revision Notes

This is a 9-page revision guide for the 5th topic in the Edexcel GCSE Astronomy course. Content includes information on: Pinhole projections Ecliptic sun path Retrograde motion Meteors Conjunction, opposition, transitelongation and occultation