2 weeks of planning and activities for writing a letter based on the book, ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. This planning includes an ActivInspire Flipchart and a less interactive PowerPoint version of the resource.
It includes two SPAG lessons on sentence types and contractions, modelled examples and checklist for pupils to self-assess against. Inspired by the book, pupils will write as an object from the classroom (gluestick, ruler, pencil sharpener etc.) and explain the problems they have and asking if the class can help fix those problems! Includes a day for cold write and a day for ‘celebration writing’ or final edit written up neatly.
10 starter activities on the ActivInspire interactive whiteboard using place value, missing number problems, fractions and scales. There are great conversation starters and ways to get the class switched on for the day!
Unit of Work for Where the Wild Things - lesson by lesson for 4 weeks includes modelled examples, worksheets, ideas for differentiation and support. Suitable for Year 2 class - Talk for Writing approach with the innovation of creating own kind of wild thing for final re-write of the story. Includes ActivInspire flipchart and powerpoint versions of the presentations.
Perfect activity for any children learning their times tables. All you need is two players, a dice and two counters. Choose which times tables they want to use and when they roll the dice, they multiply the dice number by their times table. If the answer is in the first row of their side of the pitch they can move into it. If not, it’s the other players turn. First player to get their counter across each row to their partners goal and then rolls an even number, wins!!
ActivInspire interactives examples and contextual questions to support learning. Year 5 lesson with challenges using mastery approach and CPA for Expanded and Long Multiplication methods.
Over a weeks worth of lesson material from a flipchart including links to audio inspiration and a documentary on the Amazon River. ActivInspire flipchart with modelled examples and activities. This journal has a sensory and descriptive focus with more typical chronological journal features including opinions, time adverbials and structure.
Now includes a Powerpoint Version
A fun multiplication grid game/ starter activity testing your pupils speed and fluency in times tables. Can they beat you to complete the grid first? Can they beat a special guest to your class? Editable resource so you can change the numbers, why not use fractions or decimals?
Please rate this resource and let me know of any improvements I should make!
6 lessons of invasion game activities including warm up games and ideas for plenary discussions (tactics, team work etc). It could work for Year 2 / 3 groups.
These games are great to start with simple rules. Let them play a round or two first because discussing ways to be more successful at catching or not being caught etc. Then introduce the idea of working in teams for planning tactics and communicating.
Lesson about what Democracy means, Learn the names of the political parties in the UK. Find out which random laws are true or false! Show your class my modelled example of a new political party which the laws I’d put into place. Then show them the success criteria to make their own political party which can be voted on at the end of the lesson. Who is ready to be Prime Minister?
Includes: Lesson Plan, worksheet to support learning, and a script of interesting facts to go with the ActivInspire flipchart that you can buy in the bundle. Suitable for a Science/Geography lesson,
A lovely gift to give your pupils to treasure forever. 8 A5 pages to fill with their own drawings and opinions on their year in your class.
Includes: Self-Portrait, Topic headers (to write about favourite activities they have done and draw pictures), Favourite class book you’ve used this year (mini review and picture) and space for the class to write little messages to each other (thank you for being my talk partner, thanks for playing with me at lunch, I’ll miss you in summer, etc)
If you need to create a daily lesson plan for an observation or interview - this template will help you set out the structure, key vocab and purpose of the lesson.