
AS German - Familie im Wandel - Practice and Revision Worksheets
This resource contains 10 worksheets on the AS topic of
Familie im Wandel
Activities include:
Grammar practice - present / perfect
Translation practice into German
Translation practice into English
Vocab and grammar tests
Oral exam facts and preparation sheets
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More A-level resources:
AS Die Digitale Welt
A2 Der Besuch der alten Dame

AS German - Jugendkultur: Mode Musik und Fernsehen - Practice and Revision Worksheets
This resource contains 10 worksheets on the AS German topic of
Jugendkultur: Mode, Musik und Fernsehen
Activities include:
Grammar practice
Translation practice into German
Translation practice into English
Reading practice
Vocab and grammar tests
Oral exam facts and preparation sheets
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AS German - Die digitale Welt - Practice and Revision Worksheets
This resource contains 10 worksheets on the AS German topic of
Die digitale Welt
Activities include:
Grammar practice
Translation practice into German
Translation practice into English
Reading practice
Vocab and grammar tests
Oral exam facts and preparation sheets
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More A- Level resources:
AS Familie im Wandel
A2 Der Besuch der alten Dame

AS German - Apects of German-speaking Society Bundle
This bundle includes the following AS Revision resources:
Die digitale Welt
Familie im Wandel

German KS3 Grammar Das Perfekt
This resource contains 30 worksheets enabling students to practice and revise the Perfekt.
Tasks include
Speaking activities
Reading comprehension
Grammar practice
Translation practice

GCSE Revision Pack - Meine Schule - School
These resource contains 20 worksheets on the topic of school.
Vocab practice
Reading practice
Listening practice
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German lessons - Meine Ferien - 6 Complete Lessons: Holidays / Das Perfekt
This ressource contains six complete powerpoint based lessons with more than 130 customizable slides introducing the topic of “Meine Ferien”
Tasks include:
Vocab Building
Grammar Practice
Translation Tasks
Speaking Practice
Interactive Games
Reading Comprehension
Photo card Practice
Essay Practice

German GCSE - Translation Practice - Theme 3: Current and Future Employment
This resource contains ten translation practice worksheets on the topic of Current and Future Employment (Theme 3).
Translation tasks mirror AQA GCSE Foundation and Higher translation tasks and give students the chance to practice key vocabulary and structures needed in their exam.
Topics include
My studies
Life at school and college
Education post-16
Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Great for exam practice in class, independent revision or as homework.
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German GCSE 90 Word Tasks - Theme 1 - Guidance, Tasks and Model answers
This resource contains guidance on how to tackle the 90 word task, aimed at FOUNDATION students.
8 Tasks
4 Model answers
Topics covered
Relationships with my family
Marriage and partnership
Social media
Mobile technology
Music, cinema and TV
Food and eating out
Festivals in Germany
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German Resources: Reflexive Verben
A powerpoint to introduce and practise using some reflexive verbs on the topic of daily routine

German Puzzles - Das Perfekt mit haben - Partizipien - Sudoku
A set of four Sudoku Puzzles to practice meaning and spelling of common past participles, which use haben as their auxiliary.
The set includes an easy and a difficult version each of a six by six and a nine by nine Sudoku Puzzle as well as answer sheets for both.
Words used:
Your students will love these sudoku puzzles. Great as a starter or a homework activity.

German KS3 Grammar - Possessivpronomen - Die Fälle
This resource includes a four page booklet practicing the usage of possessive pronouns in the nominative, accusative and dative case. The topic used is family.

German GCSE Practice Papers Writing Foundation + Higher
This resource contains 4 practice papers for the GCSE German written Exam
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