
OCR A-Level Geography Coastal Landscapes and Disease Dilemma Revision Kahoot
Revision Kahoot quizzes for the content and case studies of OCR A-Level Geography Coastal Landscapes (Paper 1) and Disease Dilemma (Paper 3)

OCR Geography A Paper 2 Case Studies Knowledge and Workbook BUNDLE
Knowledge and workbook needed to for Paper 2 ‘The World Around Us’ Case Studies - Ecosystems of the Planet (The Peruvian Amazon & The Andros Barrier Reef ; People of the Planet ( Ethiopia & Rosario); Environmental Threats to our Planet (Australia).

OCR Geography A Paper 1 and 2 Case Study Revision Workbooks AND Knowledge BUNDLE
The knowledge and workbooks needed to consolidate, test and apply the knowledge of OCR Geography A Paper 1 and 2.

OCR Geography A Paper 1 Case Studies Knowledge and Workbook BUNDLE
Knowledge and workbook aimed to consolidate, test and apply knowledge needed for OCR Geography A Paper 1.

Geography OCR A Paper 1 and 2 Quick Fire Questions
10 Quick Fire Questions for each topic and case study of Geography OCR A Paper 1 and 2. Ideal for starter / recall activities

AQA GCSE Geography Revision - Named Examples
Buckets of Knowledge revision task (and answers) for Paper 1 and 2 Named Examples, and Paper 3 fieldwork. Numbers in circles indicate how many statements are needed to fill each bucket. Feel free to adapt as needed. Synoptic links added for Paper 3 Pre-Release 2023.

OCR Geography A Paper 1 and 2 Case Study Revision Workbooks BUNDLE
Full of activities to consolidate, apply and test knowledge about case studies needed for the Paper 1 and 2 written exams of the OCR Geography A course. Ideally printed as booklets.

OCR Geography A Paper 2 Case Study Revision Workbook
OCR Geography A. Paper 2. Case Study Revision Workbook. Ecosystems of the Planet - The Peruvian Amazon (tropical rainforest) & The Andros Barrier Reef (coral reef). People of the Planet - Ethiopia (changing economic development in an LIDC/EDC city) & Rosario, Argentina (challenges of an LIDC/EDC city). Environmental Threats to our Planet - Australia (drought event caused by El Nino & La Nina).

A-Level Disease Dilemma Case Study Fact Recall Cards
Designed to be print on A4 paper/card with facts on one side and questions on the other. Excellent prompt to help A-Level students recall key facts of Disease Dilemma Case Studies.

Geography Exam Question Planning
A simple resource to help learners plan for extended writing questions. Designed to be laminated on A3 paper for learners to use with whiteboard pens.

River Landforms Diagram Recall Starter Plenary
Starter/Recall/Plenary activity to draw a labelled diagrams of each landform in 60 seconds or less. Includes extension and challenge activities. Ideally printed on A3 double sided.

Coastal Landform Diagram Recall Starter Plenary
Perfect for Recall / Starter / Plenary activity to draw Coastal Landform diagrams in timed conditions. Includes extension activity.

Black Country Lesson
A fun lesson aimed at KS2 - KS3 students to explore the beautiful the Black Country - including the distinct dialect and sayings, history of coal mining, geographical extent and a famous faces quiz to end.

How to tackle A-Level OCR Geography papers
A break down of how to tackle all of the A-Level OCR Geography papers

OCR A GCSE Geography Revision Paper 1 and Paper 2 Kahoots
Links to author’s own Kahoot revision quizzes for content and case studies of Paper 1 and Paper 2 OCR A GCSE Geography