A grid of numbers for a home learning activity or maybe a game for a morning activity. Children use the numbers in the grid to create their own equations.
Three differentiated home learning sheets to help children make amounts in coins. The below expected sheet includes making amounts below 10p.
The working at expected levels sheet asks children to recognise all coins and then make amounts to 10p.
The above expected sheet asks children to make amounts to 20p.
This is a week’s maths planning for a year 1 class learning number bonds and learning one more and one less to 20.
Includes differentiation, worksheets, learning objectives.
Two pages of missing number fluency questions.
One consists of 10 addition and subtraction questions. The other one is multiplication and division questions.
This is a Power Point that encourages children to partition and read numbers as they see them on the screen. The teacher models how to read two digit numbers and then the children say 2 digit numbers as they see them on the Power Point. The teacher then models how to read three digit numbers and the children say three digit numbers as they see them on the Power Point.