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MYP1 C and D Prep - Pokemon Percentages

MYP1 C and D Prep - Pokemon Percentages

Help students develop their MYP Criteria C and D skills in the context of percentages. This task asks students to use different forms of communication and mathematics to explore the population of Pokemon. Students are also asked to explain their choice of rounding and consider how accurate their valuation of my Pokemon might actually be.
MYP Maths C D Provocations and Prompts

MYP Maths C D Provocations and Prompts

This resource contains several slides of example picture provocations, and questions to support the development of criteria C and D from MYP Maths. The questions are framed so that you can change the picture provocation to ensure relevance to your cohort. Parents were always asking for their child to have more “practice” for C and D material so this was one of my strategies to help the students take ownership of their own learning