AQA A Level Sociology: Media (28 lessons & resources)
Includes powerpoints, worksheets, exam practice modelling for the whole Media topic (Paper 2). Planned as 4 part lessons with starter activities/retrieval practice, activate, demonstrate task and consolidation.
Lesson-by-lesson breakdown:
Features of new and old media
New media debates
Media ownership (government)
Media ownership pt.2
Media ownership pt.3
Popular culture & globalisation
Cultural and media imperialism
Social Construction of news
Gatekeeping & news values
Agenda & norm setting
Moral panics
Representation of children
Representation of older people
Representation of WC
Representation of M/UC
Representation of ethnicity
Representation of islamophobia
Representation of gender
Representation of male and females
Theory and changes
Representation of sexuality
Representation of disability
Passive & active audience models (x2 lessons)
Media conclusions (violence)
Sociology Globalisation of Country Music Display
A3 PDF display poster linked globalisation and how country music (media) has become a global trend due to globalisation and the growing popularity among celebrities which are now making it part if popular culture.
Poster demonstartes history if country to present day impact of globalisation
Can be resized in computer settings before printing.
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Sociology Sticker Pack
A template containing 5 different designs of sociology stickers! Template is suitable for 32mm sticker paper 40 stickers per sheet.
AQA A Level Sociology Education : (25 lessons & guided reading lesson pack with x3 DEA Booklets)
Includes 25 lessons with a guided reading pack to supplement lessons 6-10 on educational policies to avoid note-taking. Lessons are 4-parted with retrieval connect (some left blank for teacher discretion and flexibility) as well as exam practice, WAGOLLs and reading to broaden students knowledge.
All worksheets are also included. Please note, a few starter/exam question slides have been left blank for teacher flexibility and discretion when choosing retrieval exam question that best suits the needs of the class.
**Lesson 17 onwards include a booklet each for the following: Social class & DEA, Gender & DEA, Ethnicity & DEA. Each knowledge booklet is given supplementary with the lessons and each lesson corresponds with given pages in the booklet for students to avoid timely note-taking. Booklet includes:
glossary of key sociologists with ideas proposed
key terms and definitions bank
exam practice questions
guided readings tasks for homework
evaluation points
exam guidance
Lesson breakdown:
Functionalist: Durkheim
Functionalist: Parsons
Functionalist: Davis & Moore
Marxist: Ideological State Apparatus
Marxist: Correspondence Theory
Historical Policies
New Labour policies (x2 lessons)
Coalition Policies
Globalisation & Policies
Hidden Curriculum
Pupil subcultures (intro)
Gender subcultures
Ethnic subcultures
Social class & DEA (x2 lessons)
Gender & DEA (x2 lessons)
Ethnicity & DEA (x3 lessons)