Ottoline and the Yellow Cat Guided Reading Packet – Comprehension, inference, summary, questioning, author’s intention, and prediction.
This download includes a massive Guided Reading mega-booklet with a term’s worth of independent activities suitable for Key Stage 2 children. Children will make predictions for the text based on a front cover and blurb, ask questions to improve knowledge of character, summarise to write their own blurb, compare to other texts… I could go on!!
Everything you need to deliver the objectives above is included.
This download includes:
12-page PDF document of the guided reading packet (inc. title & quote answer page)
12-page editable .docx Word document version of the guided reading booklet
I hope this resource helps you to save time and save stress.
Thank you and happy teaching!
Miss Austin
A pack of 2 chapter-projects based on JK Rowling’s new book, The Ickabog. 9 activities (each with multiple tasks) that are grammar and creative themed.
~ This resource can be used in the classroom or electronically! ~
JK Rowling has published her new children’s book, The Ickabog, online for everybody to enjoy whilst at home.
She is also hosting an illustration competition for children to design her characters and setting- the winners will be published with the book in November 2020! Links to this competition and how to enter are included in the ‘introduction’ pages.
Chapter 1 Project:
With 4 jam-packed tasks (each with multiple activities), children will work through the first chapter: drawing the main characters & settings, designing the famous Cornucopia pastries, finding definitions for tricky words and creating a fantasy map for the country.
PDF version of the Chapter 1 Home Learning project
Editable .docx Word document version of the project
2 fonts to edit resources with
Chapter 2 Project
With 5 jam-packed tasks (each with multiple activities and worksheets provided), children will work through the second chapter: recapping what happened in the first chapter (setting, character, plot), making predictions for the future, identifying nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs in context.
PDF version of the Chapter 2 Home Learning project
Editable .docx Word document version of the project
2 fonts to edit resources with
Week 1 of 10- An introduction to Japan, key vocabulary and greetings.
This product contains an 18-slide Teaching PowerPoint and worksheet that guides students through learning the basics about Japan and how to greet each other! The focus is on speaking and, thus, all vocabulary is taught in Romaji for this week! This product contains 5 activities, including:
Making and exchanging Meishi (business cards)
Finding Japan on a world map
Researching Japan’s key facts
Identifying Japanese vocabulary in the English language
Speaking activities
This download includes:
An 18-slide Teaching PowerPoint
‘How to use this product’ explanation within the PPT
PDF version of the meishi templates
Word Document version of the meishi templates
2 fonts for editing .ppt & .docx documents
QR codes and hyperlinks to aid research
A multi-language ‘dictionary’ for new vocabulary
Vocabulary Taught:
Konnichiwa, sayonara, arigatou, ohayou gozaimasu, konbanwa, oyasumi, sumimasen, meishi, sensei, gakko, namae, Ogenki desu ka, Hai, genki desu, anata wa, ja mata ne.
Beginner’s Japanese Resources
Japanese for Beginners: Colors Workbook
Beginner’s Japanese Course- Week 2: Numbers 0-20
This pack includes 4 activities.
The main activity has three tasks that involve classifying words into 1 of 7 categories. This opens up for lots of conversation and debate, which is a great basis for a lesson.
The other three activities are mazes where children must get from the top row of the word-table to the the bottom by linking words of that type.
I hope this proves helpful!
Miss Austin
A fun-filled and colorful workbook focused on learning the Japanese words for different colours in Katakana, Hiragana and Romaji!
This is a 6-paged, activity workbook that focuses on children (or adults!) learning the main colours in Japanese, in both Kana and Romaji alphabets. This resource spreads across 4 tasks (these could be set weekly or daily) which last for roughly 30 minutes each. The activities include:
Matching objects to their colour
Finding colours in a wordsearch in Kana
Translating from English > Romaji > Kana
Colouring by Romaji instructions
This download includes:
PDF version of the 4-task workbook
Word Document version of the workbook for editing
2 fonts for editing .docx Word documents
Worksheets to complete the tasks on within the document
A multi-language ‘dictionary’ for new vocabulary
UK and US versions for spelling differences
Colours Taught:
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, black,grey & brown
More Beginner’s Japanese Resources:
Beginner’s Japanese Course- Week 1: Greetings & Introductions
Beginner’s Japanese Course- Week 2: Numbers 0-20
Hi, All!
Here’s a little resource for your convenience- a wordsearch where childrne then must categorise the words into the following word classes:
pronoun, determiner, adjective, adverb, verb, noun, conjunction.
Hi there!
This was originally on this website a few months ago and had over 600 downloads and great reviews!
In this pack is an extensive powerpoint concerning past, present and future (and perfect!) tenses :)
Enjoy x
A pack of 4 chapter-based projects based on JK Rowling’s new book, The Ickabog. 20 activities (each with multiple tasks) that are grammar, punctuation, reading and creative themed.
~ This resource can be used in the classroom or electronically! ~
JK Rowling has published her new children’s book, The Ickabog, online for everybody to enjoy whilst at home. She is also hosting an illustration competition for children to design her characters and setting- the winners will be published with the book in November 2020! Links to this competition and how to enter are included in the ‘introduction’ pages.
With each project file, you will receive:
PDF version of the Home Learning project
Editable .docx Word document version of the project
2 fonts to edit resources with
Chapter 1 Project:
With 4 jam-packed tasks (each with multiple activities), children will work through the first chapter: drawing the main characters & settings, designing the famous Cornucopia pastries, finding definitions for tricky words and creating a fantasy map for the country.
Chapter 2 Project
5 tasks, made to be set daily, see children work through the second chapter of The Ickabog by JK Rowling: recapping what happened in the first chapter (setting, character, plot), making predictions for the future, identifying nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs in context.
Chapter 3 & 4 Project
Set across 5 tasks, children work through the 3rd and 4th chapters and are introduced to five key reading skills: inference, summary, questioning, comprehension and synthesis. Each task dives deep into each skill allowing children to access the text on a continually higher level.
Chapter 5 & 6 Project
Set across another 5, jam-packed tasks, children dive deep into understanding, recognizing and using apostrophes for both contraction and possession whilst working through chapters 5 & 6. The activities include conversion tables, spotting apostrophe errors in Chouxville shop signs and placing apostrophes before or after the ‘s’ depending on singular or plural possession.
Week 2 of 10- An introduction to the numbers 0-20 in Japanese (Kanji & Romaji).
This product contains an 17-slide Teaching PowerPoint and worksheet that guides students through learning the first 20 numbers in Japanese (not forgetting 0!). The focus is on speaking and writing, thus, all vocabulary is taught in both Romaji and Kanji for this week! This product contains 7 activities, including:
‘Last week’s learning’ question task
Identifying Japanese vocabulary in the English language
Speaking activities
Matching English-Kanji-Romaji numbers activity (worksheet included!)
Coloring by numbers activity (worksheet included!)
Prediction task
Writing task to improve Kanji memorization (worksheet included!)
This download includes:
A 17-slide Teaching PowerPoint
‘How to use this product’ explanation within the PPT
PDF version of the 3 written worksheets
Editable Word Document versions of the 3 worksheets
3 fonts for editing .ppt & .docx documents
QR codes and hyperlinks to aid research
A multi-language ‘dictionary’ for new vocabulary
Vocabulary Taught:
rei, ichi, ni, san, shi/yon, go, roku, nana/shichi, hachi, kyu, juu, juuichi, juuni, juusan, juuyon, juugo, juuroku, juunana, juuhachi, juukyu, nijuu
More Beginner’s Japanese Resources:
Japanese for Beginners: Week 1: Greetings & Introduction
Japanese for Beginners: Colours Workbook
**Distance Learning project based on JK Rowling’s new book, The Ickabog. Children work through a 5-day project with 15 pages of reading skills & creative tasks based on Chapters 3 & 4. **
- This resource can be used in the classroom or electronically! -
JK Rowling has published her children’s book, The Ickabog, online for everybody to enjoy whilst at home.
She is also hosting an illustration competition for children to design her characters and setting- the winners will be published with the book in November 2020!
This project’s focus is on reading skills, and they are defined within the project as: comprehension, inference, questioning, summarising, predicting, synthesizing. Each day’s task has a different focus. Children have creative tasks, including colouring, drawing and designing characters and settings from the book; they also practise letter-writing skills, as well as gain skills in giving opinions in a formal manner.
Included in this download:
PDF version of the Chapter 3 & 4 Home Learning project
Editable .docx Word document version of the project
US Version of the project for spellings
2 fonts to edit resources with
Here are the links to the rest of the project:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Independent Learning project based on JK Rowling’s new book, The Ickabog. Children work through 4 grammar & creative tasks based on Chapter 1.
- This resource can be used in the classroom or electronically! -
JK Rowling has published her children’s book, The Ickabog, online for everybody to enjoy.
She is also hosting an illustration competition for children to design her characters and setting- the winners will be published with the book in November 2020!
With 4 jam-packed tasks (each with multiple activities), children will work through the first chapter: drawing the main characters & settings, designing the famous Cornucopia pastries, finding definitions for tricky words and creating a fantasy map for the country.
Included in this download:
PDF version of the Chapter 1 Home Learning project
Editable .docx Word document version of the project
2 fonts to edit resources with
Here are the links to the rest of the project:
Chapter 2
Chapters 3 & 4
Hi there!
Another lesson for you all,
This one is a Year 5 lesson on ‘ious’ ‘eous’ ‘tious’ and ‘cious’ suffixes in spelling and where they’re appropriate.
**Learning objective: **I can identify when to use different ‘ous’ suffixes
Included in this pack are check list pages, an ‘ear’ revision crossword puzzle for a starter, lesson plan, resource pack, two pages of activities and a presentation displaying the rules for ‘ous’ suffixes.
Please feel free to message me with any questions!
Happy Teaching
Miss Austin
Hi there!
In this pack you’ll find two presentations, one completed and the other skeletal for you to add your own flair to should you so wish! You’ll also find a TA organising sheet, along with a lesson plan.
Let me know if you should require anything additional!
Miss Austin :)
Hi there!
In this pack you’ll receive a fully edited, made-to-look-pretty and animated powerpoint that works through story mapping by giving an example etc.
You will also receive a lesson plan and two work sheets- including a structured sheet for lower ability.
Miss Austin