I am a fully qualified UK primary school teacher who is still teaching full time. I have experience teaching in all year groups in Key Stage 2. All resources that feature on my webpage have been handmade by myself to fit in line with the current English National Curriculum. I am most proud of my maths resources, hence the alias 'The Maths Man', and I welcome your feedback.
I am a fully qualified UK primary school teacher who is still teaching full time. I have experience teaching in all year groups in Key Stage 2. All resources that feature on my webpage have been handmade by myself to fit in line with the current English National Curriculum. I am most proud of my maths resources, hence the alias 'The Maths Man', and I welcome your feedback.
This resource package is aimed at upper key stage 2 children but could possibly be used with smarter year 3 and 4 classes. In these resources you have everything you need to teach a full 1 hour lesson on semi-colons and colons. You could choose to separate it into 3 x 20 minutes or 2 x 30 minute lessons.
There is a powerpoint which helps you teach the lesson and is written in a language children can understand. In addition you have 3 different worksheets for lower, middle and higher ability.
This is a set of differentiated division questions. They have been differentiated many ways starting with no carrying all the way up to carrying over twice.
This resource is aimed at children in key stage 2. It includes a PowerPoint presentation and 3 worksheets differentiated into lower, middle and higher ability.
The PowerPoint is very easy to follow and basically does the teaching for you. The worksheets could be used for 1 full hour lesson or you may choose to complete the tasks over 2 or 3 lessons.
All my resources include a customizable Microsoft word copy so that you can edit to meet the needs of your students. I have also included PDF files for ease of printing.
This resource gives you everything you need to teach fun and engaging differentiated science experiment lesson, teaching your students what refraction is. In this resource you will find a PowerPoint presentation that is an easy to follow, step by step guide on how to complete the experiment. You will also find embedded videos of refraction and that will be very useful in getting your students to understand refraction. The best thing about this experiment; you only need 3 pieces of equipment: a beaker/glass, water and a pencil!
After completing this experiment, I have also included videos that should provide next steps and further learning through simple ‘mini experiments’ and a 22 minute video.
This premium resource includes a helpful and easy to understand powerpoint which explains what a light source is in a way children will understand. The powerpoint also includes a fun activity that all children enjoy guessing and discussing in partners.
In addition, the resource includes a cutting and sticking activity that can be put into an exercise book. In the activity the children will need to cut out pictures of man-made or natural light sources. They will then stick them into the correct section of a simple table. To stretch and challenge the learning, I have also included pictures of some common misconceptions regarding light sources such as; diamond ring, cat’s eyes and the moon.
This product has been made with the 'calculate the volume of 3D shapes including cubes and cuboids in mind. It features:
3 differentiated worksheets named Gold, Silver, Bronze.
3 answer sheets - to save you time marking.
A selection of fluency, reasoning and problem solving tasks/questions
Vibrant and attractive images.
This worksheet is a funny short story that has been written using the incorrect homophones. There is enough tasks and teaching points here to last 2 lessons minimum as each task can take quite a long time. If you were to use this worksheet to help improve the use of a dictionary then you could perhaps stretch the worksheet into 3 lessons of 45 minutes. As always, the preview makes the worksheet look poorly presented, but once downloaded I hope you agree it looks much better.
Task 1 - The challenge for the children to first find the incorrect homophones and convert them into the correct homophones. Secondly, the children will write the proper version using the correct homophones in their exercise book (a dictionary could be used here).
Task 2 - the children will use some of the common homophones (which is provided on the worksheet) to write their own nonsense passage using incorrect homophones.
Task 3 - children will ask a friend to convert their nonsense passage into a passage with the correct homophones.
Task 4 - Could even be some peer assessment. Each child checks each other’s work and makes sure that no homophones have been mist (or should I say missed).
This is a custom designed interactive quiz that is aimed at any KS2 class learning about the Ancient Greek Gods of Mount Olympus. The quiz is in the format of Microsoft PowerPoint so is completely editable. The quiz has zorba music in the background as well as sound effects.
The quiz is perfect for a lesson plenary or perhaps an online learning task for children of all KS2 age.
This resource has 3 differentiated worksheets named Gold, Silver and Bronze. Gold being the hardest and bronze being the easiest. All 3 worksheets have an answer sheet included meaning that you spend less time marking! Suggested teaching time is 2 x 1 hour lessons.
Also included in this resource is a card matching activity. For this activity, all you have to do is match the mile card to the equivalent km card. (This is an excellent follow up activity or a recap activity).
L.O. How well can I give change by using column subtraction?
This resource is bound to keep your children busy for the entire lesson.
Very easy to follow. Requires the children to think about the possible combinations so it is more than just a case of subtracting in the column method.
The teaching point for the lesson could be to teach your children how to subtract across zero. The lowers should start with the £5.00 note because it requires less zero’s to borrow across. Highers should go onto £10.
This lessen (or should I say lesson) and the resources provided will help your children achieve two objectives from the year 6 curriculum. The first is being able to identify and correctly spell homophones. The second is to be able to use the first 3 letters of a word and dictionary to find the meaning of word.
I haven’t included a lesson plan because the presentation included pretty much teaches the lesson for you. Here are some basic notes and a brief run through of what happens in this lesson:
Start with a recap of what a dictionary is used for and how it is used.
Teach and define what a homophone is using powerpoint presentation.
3 way differentiated worksheets. To complete worksheets, children must use a dictionary to find out the meanings of words that sound the same but mean different things.
Extension activity where children convert nonsense passage into a passage that makes sense by choosing the correct homophones.
Don’t know what a fronted adverbial is? Neither did I!
I educated myself, designed and made all of the resources you see here. It is a 3 part lesson which gives you all of the resources and planning to teach 3 x 1 hour lessons. One of which I used for my lesson observation and it was rated as outstanding.
The presentation is very easy to follow and has been designed to teach itself. The worksheets are clear to understand and allow children of all abilities to have success. However, I recommend adult support with the lowest ability.
This is a blank P.E. policy that can be adapted to fit any school.
All you need to do is read through the document and input your school’s name in the indicated areas.
It is advised that you read carefully before publishing and you take the time to consider/change any details that may be applicable to your school.
Here you have 17 challenge cards that can be adapted and edited to suit your age group. They are designed to be completed independently and they are a great way to show evidence of understanding. They have also been designed to against national expectations and targets.
I found that these are particularly successful with the ‘competitive boys’ you may have in your class. They are a nice way to jog a child’s memory of perhaps just to use as a lesson starter.
Two separate activities to be completed as different lessons.
The first lesson is a nice introduction to Roman numerals. Much more fun than just recalling the values of each Roman numeral.
The 2nd task is more problem solving based. It also requires the children to use their time telling skills.
Excellent resource that children of all abilities can access and differentiate by outcome.
Before giving this activity to the children, we had already learnt about solids, liquids and gases. We discussed the structure of each.
The higher ability children will most probably come up with more interesting, real life examples whereas the lower ability children may need some support thinking of examples. Videos or real life examples would be great to help this.
All my resources are fully editable and customizable. As always, the preview makes the resource appear goofy when it actually isn’t. Please download some of my free resources to get a feel for some of the worksheets I create.
Here I have created a worksheet that will improve your children’s knowledge and understanding of the present perfect and the past perfect form. This is aimed at upper key stage 2 but could be customized to meet the needs of lower ks2. In total, there are 4 tasks to complete and I this would take up to 2 x 1 hour lessons with the correct input from the teacher.
It took my a long time to make this resource. If you do enjoy this resource then I would appreciate some positive feedback or suggestions on how I can improve the resource.
If you do like this resource, then I have made a premium version that has more differentiated worksheets. You can view this product here: