I have been in education since 1983 and am presently in a management position at an Independent Preparatory School in the United Kingdom. I have taught and been in leadership positions in both the private and state sector in South Africa and the United Kingdom. I have produced and adapted hard copy lessons and PowerPoint lessons for a number of years and will be updating the "Maths Worksheets Galore" shop on a regular basis.
I have been in education since 1983 and am presently in a management position at an Independent Preparatory School in the United Kingdom. I have taught and been in leadership positions in both the private and state sector in South Africa and the United Kingdom. I have produced and adapted hard copy lessons and PowerPoint lessons for a number of years and will be updating the "Maths Worksheets Galore" shop on a regular basis.
In Word so that you might adapt accordingly should you so wish ...
This worksheet contains tasks whereby you will need to use the correct terminology associated with "Probability"
Angles and triangles - types of angles; types of triangles; calculating missing angles; using a protractor
Scissor angles
180 degrees on a straight line
Proving that a + b + c = 180 degrees
Parallel lines
Calculating the angle size of each "slice" of a pie chart? Using the favourite all-time favourite pizza, teach your class all about calculating the "value of each slice" using the information supplied.
Questions and answers
Adapted to suite the home-school teacher or for revision purposes in the classroom ...
Learn all you will ever need to know about simultaneous equations.
Suitable worksheets to follow soon ...
These two assessment tests are to be found in ALGEBRA BOOK 1
Test A: 40 marks
Test B: 40 Marks
Answers included.
Topics tested:-
Gathering Like Terms/Simplifying Expressions (including Multiplication and Division)
Multiplying Out Brackets
Substitution - Positive and Negative Integers
Solving Equations
An ideal assessment test for Years 7 - 9 (Revision)
Home schooling test.
Classwork after all the above-mentioned topics have been dealt with.
Extension/Enrichment in Year 6
On completion of these two tests the teacher will be able to analyse areas that may need extra attention in class and further consolidation exercises should then be set.
As early as Reception, boys and girls are introduced to mathematics. As they progress in school, they will learn mathematic skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and much, much more.
While mathematics can be fun and challenging for some boys and girls, it can equally be a very different experience for others. For many boys and girls, working with numbers and mathematical concepts can lead to what is commonly referred to as “mathematics anxiety”, in which they can develop a fear and stress about mathematics. They can feel anxiety about not getting the answers right and not understanding what is being taught. They may feel frustrated and upset about not doing well in mathematics, and may develop a dislike for the subject, making the development of mathematics skills even more difficult as they progress through the year groups.
I have given this booklet to parents at parent consultation evenings and have had good feedback. In the booklet I refer much to 'boys' as I teach at an all boys' school. Please substitute in 'boys and girls'.
I include a pdf and word document (docx) so that you might make it more user-friendly in your school.
Common causes of anxiety
How does it originate?
Myths and misconceptions
Symptoms and underlying causes of errors
It is 'okay to make mistakes'
How to deal with mathematics anxiety
Mathematics games to play with children (parents) - from an early age
Problem-solving strategies
You can do mathematics!
Negative reaction is not just a reaction to failure
The story of Tom Pryce who rose to prominence in F1 circles in the 1970's from very humble beginnings in NE Wales (Denbighshire). Tom was to become touted as a future F1 champion - his life story will inspire you. Can be used as an assembly or a classroom discussion.
Tom never did reach the pinnacle of his profession; he died in tragic circumstances in the South African Grand Prix in 1977.
He is still revered in Wales and his life is commemorated in Ruthin. A bronze plaque was erected in Upper Clwyd Street in Ruthin in 2009 to remember the 'lad from the Clwyd Valley'
If you purchased this quiz in 2015, it has been updated, but might I suggest that should you be looking for the 2016 quiz, it has now been published and is for sale at £3.00 - this includes the free answer booklet and the answer sheet for the teams/individuals.
This PowerPoint quiz is loaded with questions that are both challenging and fun for teachers to use at the end of the autumn term.
The rules are quite simple for this Christmas Quiz …
1. Divide yourselves into teams and give your team a good “Christmassy” name
2. Your teacher will supply you with some rough paper for notes you may wish to transcribe
3. There is a time limit for you to supply the answer. Your teacher will decide when it is time to move on
4. Remember the “Christmas Spirit” – it’s only a bit of fun so no arguments. Father Christmas, I mean your teacher, is the sole adjudicator should there be a slight problem
5. Your teacher will supply each group with an answer sheet
6. Ask your teacher if you can have this copied onto a memory stick so that you can play it at home with the family …
At the conclusion of the quiz there is the opportunity to sing along to the number 1 Christmas hit as voted by many over a good few years - Merry Christmas by Slade with Noddy Holder belting out those now famous opening lines …
12 pages of Algebra Worksheets based on Solving Equations
This is a section from the ALGEBRA BOOK 1 available in my shop.
40 Questions and Answers
These worksheets can be utilised for homework/prep for Years 7 - 8
Extension/enrichment for Year 6
Ideal for home schooling lessons
Worksheet explains how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions (mixed numbers included) - examples and exercises for prep/homework.
Mixed numbers
Improper fractions
East to learn rules applicable ...
This 106 page Fraction Workbook contains the following topics:-
Section A Simplifying fractions – HCF / GCF
Section B Lowest Common Denominator
Section C Shaded sections of shapes
Section D Mixed numbers to improper fractions
Section E Improper fractions to mixed numbers and simplifying
Section F Fraction of a given amount
Section G Equivalent fractions
Section H Adding with fractions
Section I Subtracting with fractions
Section J Multiplying with fractions
Section K Dividing with fractions
Section L Ordering fractions – descending / ascending order
Section M Problem solving … ‘fraction word sums’
Section N Additional fractions – mixed bag
Section O Additional ordering of fractions – mixed bag
Section P Fun fraction worksheets
Answers to all worksheets
This workbook can be utilised in Years 5 - 7 and even for Year 8 revision.
Each section includes a simple explanation with examples shown. This is followed by the worksheets for each section.
The worksheets can be used for classwork, homework/prep and for revision prior to an examination.
Included: PDF and Word Document Copies
To follow: Decimal Fractions and Percentages
20 pages of Algebra Worksheets based on 'Multiplying Out' brackets and Factorising.
This is a section from the ALGEBRA BOOK 1 available in my shop.
60 Questions and Answers
30 - Substitution: Positive Numbers
30 - Substitution: Positive and Negative Numbers
These worksheets can be utilised for homework/prep for Years 7 - 8
Extension/enrichment for Year 6
Ideal for home schooling lessons