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McTT - mcttresourcesni@gmail.com

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I am a teacher of English, English Literature, Moving Image Arts - and when I'm really lucky, History as well! I have been teaching in N. Ireland since 2006 and am particularly familiar with the CCEA curriculum from KS3-KS5. I also ran my own Tutoring company and have a real passion for creating user friendly resources. Contact me at - mcttresourcesni@gmail.com




I am a teacher of English, English Literature, Moving Image Arts - and when I'm really lucky, History as well! I have been teaching in N. Ireland since 2006 and am particularly familiar with the CCEA curriculum from KS3-KS5. I also ran my own Tutoring company and have a real passion for creating user friendly resources. Contact me at - mcttresourcesni@gmail.com
CCEA GCSE Unit 4 Bundle Student Booklets

CCEA GCSE Unit 4 Bundle Student Booklets

3 Resources
You may also be interested in my Unit 1 Bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12446833 Three Student booklet bringing together everything you need to complete CCEA’s GCSE English Unit 4. Includes: Task 1 Personal and Creative Writing Student booklet - advice, examples and exercises Task 2 Comparative Texts Student booklet - advice, LOTs of examples of comparative text, guided exercises, and example responses Task 3 + 4 Reading Non-Fiction Student booklet - advice, example text response examples and exercises to complete. Unit 4, Task 1 Student instruction booklet for Unit 4, Task 1: Personal and Creative Writing Trialled in class as a thorough REVISION booklet. (Even more comprehensive version available in early 2021) Provides: • Review of Past Paper topics • Checklist of topics for Personal Writing • Student to complete common Personal Writing themes • Student to complete of more thoughtful Personal Writing themes • Student to complete quick descriptive practice • Helpful overview of how to approach Personal and Creative Writing - including how to open and conclude • Student to complete 11 Personal Writing Topics - short, engaging introductions supplied as an example for how to begin each question theme. • Example response upleveled - three attempts with three feedback and guidance for approval - students will see the increasing competence as each attempt improves. • Example creative response ‘Description of place’ • Example creative response - looking at connotation affecting storyline and word choice • 5 guided Student responses to Creative Images (all sourced via Google Images) • 8 further Creative Images to be used at teacher’s discretion • 3 story arc outline tasks supplied to aid response to 3 further creative images • Personal Writing mat - brings together all writing advice, and example questions. Unit 4, Task 2 A fully comprehensive student booklet covering a wide range of comparative fiction. Utilising content from the current CCEA publications as well as pre 2010 specification. Provides: • Tried and tested Exam Advice and ‘Basics’ • Writer’s Craft • Example paragraphs • Language analysis examples • Full story analysis • Examples taken from CCEA Textbook, Revision Book and Work Book • Advice for Character work - including structured comprehension questions • Advice for Setting and Atmosphere - including accessible questions • Advice for Tension - including multiple comprehensions • Multiple single and paired exercises for various areas of writer’s craft • Annotation of Specimen Comparison provided by CCEA with accompanying tips and example paragraphs. Unit 4, Tasks 3+4 A complete pupil booklet, with accompanying teacher answer booklet to teach Unit 4, Tasks 3 and 4, Reading Non-Fiction Tried and tested in the classroom. Provides: • Comprehensive and developed list of writer’s craft techniques • Paragraph layout advice - suggested by CCEA, built upon by writer • Non-Fiction example articles adapted from Non-Fiction Past Papers, pre 2017 spec, made suitable for new Task 3 and Task 4 • Sample tasks to accompany example articles, guide students to make pertinent comments • Tasks could be used as practice or for mocks. • Teacher booklet offers some example answers, and sample paragraphs to be built upon
KS3 CCEA Media Multi-Modal Booklet

KS3 CCEA Media Multi-Modal Booklet

Pupil Booklet designed to introduce and consolidate the choice and use of media techniques. Excellent starter for KS3, to prepare them for Reading Media Texts at GCSE. Includes: Types of media Target audience Text conventions Colour Font Formatting Logo Pictures - literal and metaphorical Layout Slogans Quotations Headings and subheadings Captions Facts and Opinions Persuasive devices Also included - a KS3 exam to be used at the end of the unit to assess learning. Answer booklet available on request at extra cost
KS3 Animal Unit Non-Fiction Discursive Zoo Argument

KS3 Animal Unit Non-Fiction Discursive Zoo Argument

A complete unit to teach the presentation of Animals in Fiction and Non-Fiction texts, leading to several discussions and a final discursive argument about whether or not Animals should be kept in Zoos. Unit of Work with clear lesson by lesson focus and link to worksheets Notebook file and Pdf file of teacher notes - written on whiteboard as moved through this unit - may be of use to assist with teaching certain lessons. All resources mentioned below and in the unit are included Room Display inspiration - titles, words and images Includes Animal alphabet Adjectives and verbs to describe Animals Animal related onomatopoeia, similes and metaphors Animal habitats Animals in the media - positive and negative portrayals, bias int he media Collective nouns for animals Description and connotation of negative and positive in description - vocabulary copyright of ‘Descriptosaurus’ by Alison Wilcox, published by Routledge 2013 Animal combinations - inspired by ‘Axel Scheffler’s Flip Flap Series’, published by Nosy Crow 2014 Reference to National Geographic - paper copy, website or instagram feed. Pet argument - annotate and analyse CCEA KS3 Past Paper ‘Wood Green Animal Shelter’ - analyse for writer’s craft Animals in Film, and as fashion fads Writing to inform - argument Article ‘Calling Animals ‘pets’ is insulting, academics claim’ - connotation of appropriate words for ‘pets’ - read poems ‘Old Dog’ and ‘Sheepkiller’ to further the discussion How are animals used? Poems ‘The Battery Hen’ , ‘The Early Purges’, and ‘Killing a whale’ to further the discussion Animal rights - what are they and how are they compromised? Writing to explain - discussion of animal rights Hierarchy of animal kingdom Issue of Extinction - furthered by use of CCEA KS3 Past Paper ‘The Black Rhino’ Zoos vs Safari - investigate and create a balanced argument in response to the topic: It is unfair to keep animals in Zoos.
KS3 (KS4) Creative Writing Student Booklet

KS3 (KS4) Creative Writing Student Booklet

A complete and accessible student booklet which leads the pupil through a variety of exercises in order to complete their own creative pieces of writing. Suitable for KS3 and low ability KS4 or as an easy introduction to Creative Writing (CCEA GCSE Unit 4, Task 1) This pack includes notes, areas to complete and prompt work to be completed at length separately. ‘Flexing your imagination’ exercises - nine tasks to get pupils engaged and start thinking about words, images and uniqueness. How to begin your story notes - with exercises to complete to practice the four key methods, folded by ‘Which is best’ work. Sentence variety notes - how to prevent repetition etc - exercises to complete to make the student aware of their actions and how to improve. Description notes - with work on the senses, smooth connectives, weather, place, verbs How to end your story notes - with exercises to complete Passages to completed with key words - noting how word choice can affect atmosphere and mood Up-levelling your writing - examples and tasks to complete Character work - descriptions, opening lines, emotions Emotions - working through VEMB - Voice, Expression, Movement, Breathing and Pulse - comes with Teacher answers Image prompts - to develop VEMB and narrative ‘Father and Daughter’ - Oscar winning short - work to complete - comes with Teacher answers ‘The Mysteries of Harris Burdick’ - Image prompts with helpful planning table
KS3 CCEA GCSE Reading Non-Fiction Unit 1 + 4

KS3 CCEA GCSE Reading Non-Fiction Unit 1 + 4

A student booklet 25 pages offering an introduction and development of the techniques looked for in both Unit 1 and Unit 4 of the GCSE Language exams. Accompanied by Teacher booklet 25 pages offering possible answers to assist the teaching of the topic. Perfect for KS3 student, lower ability GCSE, or as an introduction to Reading Non-Fiction at either Key Stage. A full range of persuasive language techniques are studied, and used in real contexts, developing the student’s ability to articulate impact in a structured paragraph. This resource considers both the choice of persuasive technique and the impact it has on the reader, using written and visual examples. You may also be interested in our similar KS3 introduction student and teacher booklets for Media Texts using CLIF - a useful introduction to Unit 1, Task 5. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12492445 Or our indepth GCSE student booklet, teacher notes and teaching PowerPoint for Unit 1, Tasks 4 + 5 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12393894 Included here: Formal and Informal Personal and impersonal Direct appeal Endorsements Figurative language Puns Humour and Hyperbole Facts and Statistics Lists, clusters, rule of 3 Repetition Alliteration
KS3 Film Study Fairy Tale Genre Shrek

KS3 Film Study Fairy Tale Genre Shrek

This resource has been developed for KS3 as a creative way of looking at genre and the fairy tale genre in particular. Comes with a 34-page Student booklet to complete, and matching 34-page Teacher booklet complete with answers/suggested answers. Topics covered: Genre Narrative Structure Stereotypes Theme Media Character Film making roles Overview By using the beloved film ‘Shrek’ as a reference point, pupils are encouraged to develop their understanding of genre both visually and in written form. Narrative structure is touched upon in order to develop an understanding of the variety of narratives available, and particularly looking at the idea of the ‘fractured fairytale’. Stereotypes are looked at, specifically to draw attention to the inversion of type integral to the plot line of ‘Shrek’. A range of non-fiction information is also referenced, looking at the idea of ‘Shrek’ as a media product.
CCEA KS3 Moving Image Arts MIA Booklets

CCEA KS3 Moving Image Arts MIA Booklets

A visually appealing and easily accessible booklet, this pupil resource covers all areas of MIA, creating a perfect introduction and foundation for progress into GCSE Moving Image Arts. Instruction is given, and complimented with film extracts and activities to complete. A PowerPoint to aid teaching is also provided. Areas covered: Roles of responsibility Genre Camera technique Sound Lighting Mise-en-scène Answer Book provided
KS3 CCEA War Poetry Booklet

KS3 CCEA War Poetry Booklet

A complete coverage of a variety of poem and the context in which they were written. Booklet for pupils Booklet for teacher PowerPoint for Visual demonstration Context Propaganda Background activities Life in the trenches Writing home War poetry language Poetic techniques Essay comparison ‘Who’s for the Game’ Jessie Pope - with differentiated activities ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’ Wilfred Owen - with differentiated activites ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ - comparison of drafts ‘The Soldier’ by Rupert Brooke ‘In Flanders Field’ John McCrae ‘The Evacuee’ by RS Thomas ‘The Target’ by Ivor Guerney
KS3 CCEA Creative Writing Emotions VEMB

KS3 CCEA Creative Writing Emotions VEMB

Creative Writing - show, don’t tell when it comes to emotions. VEMB is a simple mnemonic for Voice, Expression, Movement and Breathing. Encourage pupils to take note in their reading and their writing of how emotions are presented. Pick up any novel and choose a page on which to spot how VEMB has been used to show emotions, not simply state them. Complete the VEMB resource for five emotion groups: sadness, pain, anger, fear and happiness - there will be some overlap - be sure to discuss this (See VEMB: Ideas for help) Complete the activity : ‘When he heard the news’ in order to consolidate what has just been taught about VEMB.
GCSE Essay Merchant of Venice: Portia

GCSE Essay Merchant of Venice: Portia

A comprehensive worksheet to evaluate Portia in her own time, and in modern times. E.g. Question: Portia: the Elizabethan woman vs the Modern Woman Students are guided through a structured and detailed approach for how to formulate their response to the posed question.
KS3 Reading Non Fiction: Anti-Smoking

KS3 Reading Non Fiction: Anti-Smoking

An accessible PowerPoint which makes use of anti-smoking media images to investigate Presentation and Language. Suitable for both KS3 and as an introduction to KS4 Reading Media Texts, this resource covers the basics of Presentation: Colour, Layout and Image (see My Shop for ‘Font’ activities) and Language: Facts, Opinions, Title and Persuasive words and phrases.
Of Mice and Men Characters: Curley CCEA GCSE

Of Mice and Men Characters: Curley CCEA GCSE

Two booklets covering the character of Curley ‘Of Mice and Men’ Student Booklet - to be completed - 11 pages Teacher Booklet - with suggested answers - 11 pages Booklet covers: Introduction and guidance for how to complete a Character Essay Sample Paragraph Layout with suggested terminology/phrases Key words to describe Curley Close analysis of Fight Scene in Chapter 3 Evidence/Quotes - analysed with techniques and explanations Example paragraphs with clear layout Area for summarising learning under mnemonic ‘BARSCAP’ FULL BOOKLET with all CHARACTERS will be AVAILABLE SOON
CCEA Creative Writing Father + Daughter

CCEA Creative Writing Father + Daughter

Developed from the wonderful film short ‘Father and Daughter’ , this story is without dialogue and therefore open to endless interpretation for both KS3 and KS4 students. I use this with both KS3 and GCSE students in order to develop their understanding of emotions in their writing. The plot details are sparse, and it is up to the pupil to add detail. Detail is the key to this piece of work. Included in this resource is a series of questions chosen to stimulate thought and to observe the methods of storytelling which can be replicated in the pupil’s own writing. (Please note the mention of VEMB in Q6 refers to Voice, Expression, Movement and Breathing - as the fundamental ways in which we non verbally demonstrate our feelings - look in My Shop for further VEMB resources) Also included are suggested answers. At the end of the resource is a short task - but this can be exchanged for a much longer one looking at the whole film - this should be at the discretion of the teacher and their knowledge of the ability level of their students. The film short is available on YouTube but please note that the audio track of one of the YouTube versions is slightly off - best quality is from the BFI Screen Shorts DVD.
KS3 GCSE Macbeth - complete unit of work

KS3 GCSE Macbeth - complete unit of work

A PowerPoint covering a full range of activities for the iconic play from Act 1-Act 5. Includes: Background information Interpretation of media Character work Comprehension Question Language anaylsis Persuasive writing The changes occuring The art of performance Letter writing
KS3 GCSE Shakespeare: An Introduction

KS3 GCSE Shakespeare: An Introduction

A comprehensive PowerPoint covering a full range of background detail including Shakespeare’s life and the times he wrote in. Contains both information, student activities for completion and quizzes for quick assessment. Modern adaptions Tudor Times Shakespeare’s Life Tudor Theatre The Globe Shakespeare’s influence
GCSE Macbeth's downfall - who to blame?

GCSE Macbeth's downfall - who to blame?

A comprehensive PowerPoint answering the question: Who is to blame for the downfall of Macbeth? Students are guided through a structured and detailed approach for how to formulate their response to the posed question.
Animal Farm Characters Russian Stickers

Animal Farm Characters Russian Stickers

To accompany the Power Point resource of ‘Animal Farm Characters and The Russian Revolution’ [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/animal-farm-characters-and-the-russian-revolution-12366402] The characters are laid out in a format that can be printed onto address label pages/stickers - height of each pairing is approximately 3.5cm.
KS3 Genre Advertisements Persuasion

KS3 Genre Advertisements Persuasion

A simple PowerPoint using a wide range of paper advertisements from the past -the first slide shows the advert and the genre being used, and the second slide reveals the product being sold. The aim of the resource is to develop the understanding of how genre can be manipulated for both non-fiction and fiction - there are no bounds when it comes to the imagination and how to advertise a product. Each advert can be analysed for its persuasive qualities and how it manipulates the target audience.
KS3 CCEA Non-Fiction 2003 Mount St Helen's

KS3 CCEA Non-Fiction 2003 Mount St Helen's

KS3 Past Paper 2, May 1 2003 Non-Fiction Paper: Mount St Helen’s This resource covers the answers to the above test, a very useful starter for KS3, leading to the ‘Reading Non-Fiction’ section of GCSE English. See My Shop for more KS3 Past Papers The original papers for these KS3 English papers are often gathering dust in storerooms across N. Ireland, but if anyone needs a copy of the original - please contact me.