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MikeRichards' Shop

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(based on 158 reviews)

I am an ex-primary head teacher and English, Maths and History specialist. I've mostly worked in KS2, often in Year 6. Although for the last two years, I've been working in Year 1, which has been delightful! All the resources have been used successfully with children in a range of schools all over the country. I am constantly reviewing and updating my resources. Please follow me to ensure that you have the most up to date versions of the resources you buy.




I am an ex-primary head teacher and English, Maths and History specialist. I've mostly worked in KS2, often in Year 6. Although for the last two years, I've been working in Year 1, which has been delightful! All the resources have been used successfully with children in a range of schools all over the country. I am constantly reviewing and updating my resources. Please follow me to ensure that you have the most up to date versions of the resources you buy.
Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 & Year 6) 3 x 4 way differentiated worksheets on Negative Numbers

Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 & Year 6) 3 x 4 way differentiated worksheets on Negative Numbers

3 sets of 4 way differentiated worksheets covering all aspects of Negative Numbers to allow you to meet expectations of current (2014 onwards) National Curriculum for Mathematics. The worksheets cover the following learning objectives: to count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers (Year 5) to interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers, including through 0 (Year 5) to use negative numbers, and calculate intervals across 0 (Year 6) use negative numbers in context, and calculate intervals across 0 (Year 6) to solve problems involving negative numbers (Year 5 & Year 6) to order positive and negative integers (KS3) to apply this knowledge to bar and line graphs. (KS3) to select appropriate concepts, methods and techniques to apply to unfamiliar and non-routine problems (KS3)
Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 & Year 6)  introductions /  interactive presentations on Negative Numbers

Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 & Year 6) introductions / interactive presentations on Negative Numbers

3 sets of interactive presentations / teaching introductions covering all aspects of Negative Numbers to allow you to meet expectations of current (2014 onwards) National Curriculum for Mathematics. The presentations are suitable for use with Smartboard Notebook software and Promethean ActivInspire flipchart software. The presentations cover the following learning objectives: to count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers (Year 5) to interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers, including through 0 (Year 5) to use negative numbers, and calculate intervals across 0 (Year 6) use negative numbers in context, and calculate intervals across 0 (Year 6) to solve problems involving negative numbers (Year 5 & Year 6) to order positive and negative integers (KS3) to apply this knowledge to bar and line graphs. (KS3) to select appropriate concepts, methods and techniques to apply to unfamiliar and non-routine problems (KS3)
UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) - short multiplication of up to 6 digit numbers and numbers to 3dps

UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) - short multiplication of up to 6 digit numbers and numbers to 3dps

LOs: Starter: -To show a range of multiplication methods. Main Lesson: - To multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a one-digit number using a formal written method (Year 5) - To multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a one-digit number using a formal written method (Year 5) - To use multiplication, including formal written methods, applying it to integers and decimals, (KS3) This lesson consists of: A connect starter reviewing prior learning with regard to multiplication methods An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire, to teach how to lay-out short multiplication and to test the children’s ability to solve short multiplication problems. A 4 way differentiated series of calculations (including a Challenge Activity) where children are expected to solve a series short multiplication problems, and one Word Problem per ability group. Answers are supplied to ease marking. An AFL / Next Steps task based on previous SATs questions, which requires children to apply their knowledge of short multiplication to more challenging problems.
UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) Using short multiplication to solve real-life one-step & two-step problems

UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) Using short multiplication to solve real-life one-step & two-step problems

LOs: Starter: To use short multiplication. Main Lesson: To solve Word problems requiring short multiplication (Year 5 and Year 6) To develop their mathematical knowledge, in part through solving problems and evaluating the outcomes, including multi-step problems (KS3) This lesson consists of: A Starter series of short of progressively harder multiplication problems and their answers. A connect activity getting children to identify as many different words that can used for multiplication. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire, to teach how to lay-out short multiplication when answering word problems and to test the children’s ability to solve short multiplication Word problems. A 4 way differentiated series of calculations (including a Challenge Activity) where children are expected to solve a series short multiplication Word problems, More Able children will have to complete multistep problems. Answers are supplied to ease marking. An AFL / Next Steps task based on previous a SATs questions, which introduces the idea of using long multiplication.
UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) Multiplication - 5 lessons x 4-way differentiated worksheets with answers

UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) Multiplication - 5 lessons x 4-way differentiated worksheets with answers

A collection of 5 lessons' worksheets for Year 5 and Year 6, differentiated for 4 different ability groups. 3 sets of worksheets include a Word Problem, while the other 2 sets are Word problems relating to short multiplication and long multiplication. LO's covered include: To use short or long multiplication. To solve Word problems requiring short or long multiplication (Year 5 and Year 6) To develop their mathematical knowledge, in part through solving problems and evaluating the outcomes, including multi-step problems (KS3)
UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) adding improper fractions and mixed numbers and simplifying answers

UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) adding improper fractions and mixed numbers and simplifying answers

Learning Objectives Starter: To convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions Main Lesson: To add fractions with the same denominator, and denominators that are multiples of the same number (Year 5) To use the 4 operations applied to proper and improper fractions all both positive and negative (KS3) This lesson consists of: A Starter consisting of a series of progressively harder conversion problems involving improper fractions and mixed numbers. A connect activity challenging children to identify the kind of errors that can be made when adding improper fractions and mixed numbers – allowing you to correct misunderstandings and assess prior learning. . An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart, to teach children to understanding how to add improper fractions with common denominators, with denominators where one is a multiple of the other and where two fractions have different denominators, and changing fractions to have the same denominator in order to add these fractions. The introduction also teaches children to convert from mixed numbers to improper fractions before carrying out any calculations A 4-way differentiated series of tasks requiring children to add improper fractions and mixed numbers. A final AFL / Next Steps task, asking children to apply their understanding of the addition of fractions to subtracting fractions.
Year 1 complete set of Maths lessons for September

Year 1 complete set of Maths lessons for September

20 Resources
A complete unit of work for maths for September. Each of the twenty lessons includes a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required. The unit cover the following areas of the curriculum: • Place Value working with numbers to 20 (and beyond for HA) • An introduction to addition using Part / Part / Whole • Measures – length and height including recording length using non-standard and standard measures. • Addition – introducing counting on and recording methods using + and = signs.
Year 1 Term 1 Week 3 Day 1 Measures: Longer or shorter

Year 1 Term 1 Week 3 Day 1 Measures: Longer or shorter

A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity with an extension activity for use in Continuous Provision and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity. Also included is a youtube video and resources for distance learning. Learning Objective: To identify one more One more / One less (starter), To Compare and describe lengths and heights (for example, long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, double/half) (main lesson) This lesson consists of: A differentiated starter where children identify one more and one less of sets of objects. . An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart teaching the language of length, and modelling how we can compare lengths represented by cubes. A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary. A differentiated series of tasks where the children compare lengths using the terms is longer than and is shorter than. A Next steps / AFL plenary to allow you to assess learning through the lesson and demonstrate how a length of cubes orientated vertically or horizontally remains the same size.
Year 1 Term 1 Week 5 Day 5 Subtraction Word problems.

Year 1 Term 1 Week 5 Day 5 Subtraction Word problems.

A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity. Also included is a youtube video and resources for distance learning. Learning Objectives: : To add and subtract numbers to 20 and beyond (starter), To solve simple one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction (main lesson). This lesson consists of: A starter revisiting this week’s work on subtraction. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart teaching how to use pictorial representations to solve Word Problems. A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary. A 4-way differentiated set of independent tasks where children use pictorial representations to solve Word Problems. A Next steps / AFL Challenge where children can choose which of the different subtraction methods we have used they like best in order to solve a range of subtraction calculations.
Year 1 Term 1 Week 5 subtraction using Part / Part / Whole, Counting grids and visual representations

Year 1 Term 1 Week 5 subtraction using Part / Part / Whole, Counting grids and visual representations

5 Resources
A complete week’s worth of lessons each including a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required. The lessons cover the following learning objectives Starters: • To use Part, Part Whole to add numbers. • To recognise one more or one less of an object • To be able to count forward and back in ones from any number up to 20. • To add and subtract numbers to 20 and beyond Main Teaching • To read, write and interpret subtraction (-) and equals (=) symbols. • To solve simple one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems, such as 7 = □ – 9. • To solve simple one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction
Year 1 Term 1 Week 5 Day 4 subtraction using a number line.

Year 1 Term 1 Week 5 Day 4 subtraction using a number line.

A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity. Also included is a youtube video and resources for distance learning. Learning Objectives: : To add and subtract numbers to 20 and beyond (starter), To read, write and interpret subtraction (-) and equals (=) symbols (main lesson). This lesson consists of: A starter revisiting last week’s work on addition. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart teaching how to use counting back on a number line when finding the solution to a range of subtraction calculations including those with missing numbers. A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary. A 4-way differentiated set of independent tasks where children use counting back on a number track when finding the solution to a range of subtraction calculations including those with missing numbers A Next steps / AFL Challenge plenary to allow showing how Part / Part / Whole and number tracks can be used to solve real life Word problems.
Year 1 Term 1 Week 5 Day 3 subtraction using a number track.

Year 1 Term 1 Week 5 Day 3 subtraction using a number track.

A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity. Also included is a youtube video and resources for distance learning. Learning Objectives: : To be able to count forward and back in ones from any number up to 20. (starter), To read, write and interpret subtraction (-) and equals (=) symbols (main lesson). This lesson consists of: A starter using a counting stick to teach counting on and back from any start number less than 10. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart teaching how to use counting back on a number track when finding the solution to a range of subtraction calculations including those with missing numbers. A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary. A 4-way differentiated set of independent tasks where children use counting back on a number track when finding the solution to a range of subtraction calculations including those with missing numbers A Next steps / AFL Challenge plenary to allow you introduce the way that subtraction calculations can be applied to real life Word problems.
Year 1 Term 1 Week 6 Day 1 identifying 3d shapes.

Year 1 Term 1 Week 6 Day 1 identifying 3d shapes.

A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity with an extension activity for use in Continuous Provision and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity. Also included is a youtube video and resources for distance learning. Learning Objectives:: To identify 3d shapes This lesson consists of: A starter revising 3d shapes taught in Reception. An Interactive Whiteboard introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart (including an outdoor learning shape safari) teaching how to recognise different 3d shapes including cubes, cuboids, spheres, pyramids and cylinders. A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary. A 3-way differentiated set of independent tasks where the children have to recognise different 3d shapes including cubes, cuboids, spheres, pyramids and cylinders. A Next steps / AFL Challenge plenary revising the names of the different shapes covered in the main part of the lesson and introducing the concept of prisms.
Year 1 Term 1 Week 3 Day 3 Non-standard measures

Year 1 Term 1 Week 3 Day 3 Non-standard measures

A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity with an extension activity for use in Continuous Provision and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity. Also included is a youtube video and resources for distance learning. Learning Objective: To count on in tens (starter), To measure and begin to record lengths and heights, using non-standard measures i.e cubes. (main lesson). (main lesson) This lesson consists of: A starter linked to the youtube video Count by tens An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart teaching how to use non-standard measures like cubes to measure common classroom objects. A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary. An independent task where children choose a range of objects around the classroom / house and measure them using multilink cubes. A Next steps / AFL plenary to allow you to assess learning through the lesson and revise the children’s understanding of conservation i.e. an object remains the same size whether held vertically or horizontally.
Year 1 Term 1 Week 6 Day 3 identifying 2d shapes.

Year 1 Term 1 Week 6 Day 3 identifying 2d shapes.

A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity. Also included is a youtube video and resources for distance learning. Learning Objectives:: To identify 2d shapes This lesson consists of: A starter revising 2d shapes taught in Reception using the Singing Walrus 2d Shape song An Interactive Whiteboard introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart (including an outdoor learning shape safari) teaching how to recognise different 2d shapes and sorting them by their properties i.e number of sides, straight or curved sides. A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary. A 3-way differentiated set of independent tasks where the children identify different 2d shapes and sorting them by their properties i.e number of sides, straight or curved sides A Next steps / AFL Challenge plenary where children identify common 2d shapes based on a description of their properties.
Year 1 Term 1-2 Week 1 Day 3 Number Sequences

Year 1 Term 1-2 Week 1 Day 3 Number Sequences

A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity. Also included is a youtube video and resources for distance learning. Learning Objectives:: LO: To add and subtract numbers to 20 and beyond. (starter), LO: To identifying the part of the pattern that repeats (main) This lesson consists of: A starter revising how to solve addition calculations. An Interactive Whiteboard introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart teaching how to recognise repeating patterns in number sequences. A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary. A 3-way differentiated set of independent tasks where children recognise repeating patterns in number sequences. A Next steps / AFL Challenge plenary where children are taught how to recognise extended number sequences on a hundred square.
Year 1 Term 1-2 Week 1 Day 2 Sequencing

Year 1 Term 1-2 Week 1 Day 2 Sequencing

A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity. Also included is a youtube video and resources for distance learning. Learning Objectives:: To recognise one more or one less of an object. (starter), LO: To identifying the part of the pattern that repeats (main) This lesson consists of: A starter revising how to find one more and one less of a number. An Interactive Whiteboard introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart teaching how children can use resources to make their own repeating patterns. A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary. A 3-way differentiated set of independent tasks where children use resources to make their own repeating patterns. A Next steps / AFL Challenge plenary where children work together to create and identify repeating patterns using concrete equipment.
Year 1 Term 1-2 Week 1 Day 4 Odd and even numbers

Year 1 Term 1-2 Week 1 Day 4 Odd and even numbers

A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity. Also included is a youtube video and resources for distance learning. Learning Objectives:: LO: To add and subtract numbers to 20 and beyond. (starter), LO: To recognise odd and even numbers. (main) This lesson consists of: A starter where the children solve simple subtraction problems including missing numbers. An Interactive Whiteboard introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart teaching how to recognise odd and even numbers. A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary. A 3-way differentiated set of independent tasks where children recognise odd and even numbers. A Next steps / AFL Challenge plenary where children are challenged to identify which numbers are odd and which are even in the range of 1 to 10.
Year 1 Term 1 Week 5 Recognising sequences and odd and even numbers

Year 1 Term 1 Week 5 Recognising sequences and odd and even numbers

5 Resources
A complete week’s worth of lessons each including a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required. The lessons cover the following learning objectives Starters: • To use Part, Part Whole to add numbers. • To recognise one more or one less of an object • To be able to count forward in tens and ones from any number. • To add and subtract numbers to 20 and beyond Main Teaching • To identifying the part of the pattern that repeats. • To recognise odd and even numbers
Year 1 Term 1-2 Week 1 Day 5 Odd and even numbers

Year 1 Term 1-2 Week 1 Day 5 Odd and even numbers

A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity. Also included is a youtube video and resources for distance learning. Learning Objectives:: LO: To count on in 1s or 10s. (starter), LO: To recognise odd and even numbers. (main) This lesson consists of: A starter where the children count on in 1s or 10s from any given number on a hundred square. An Interactive Whiteboard introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart teaching how to recognise odd and even numbers using ten arrays. A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary. A 3-way differentiated set of independent tasks where children recognise odd and even numbers. A Next steps / AFL Challenge plenary where children apply their knowledge of odd and even numbers, in order to negotiate a maze.