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Times Tables Card Game - Turn and Times

Times Tables Card Game - Turn and Times

A times tables game that transforms the process of learning multiplication into a challenging, engaging and motivational experience, helping children build essential math skills whilst having fun. Rules of play: Aim: To be the first player to cross out all multiples of your chosen times table. What you’ll need: A Turn and Times board 2 sets of number cards 1-12 (I use an old deck of cards relabeling Jack = 11, Queen = 12 and King = 0. Someone to play against (optional) How to play: Begin by shuffling one set of number cards and placing them onto the pink space provided. From the second set, take one card that matched the times table that you’ll be practicing, and place onto the purple space. Each player then chooses a side and writes down six different multiples of their chosen times table. (E.g. if practicing their 3’s, they may choose 9, 30, 18, 27, 33 and 0) Play begins by turning over the top card on the pink deck. Players multiply both numbers together and if they can match the answer to one of their chosen six, they cross it off. Discard the top card and continue to turn and times until one player crosses off all multiples on their side. They win! Alternatives Players could use both sets of number cards to practice all multiplications 1-12. It would also be suitable for a single player to practice independently. Let me know what you think!