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I aim to provide anything that may be helpful, especially for those new to the profession.

I aim to provide anything that may be helpful, especially for those new to the profession.
Place Value Consolidation

Place Value Consolidation

This lesson takes learners through a series of assessments to ensure they have met all their place value objectives. It has a series of tasks and discussions about the meaning of place value, reading and writing numbers and it follows a graduated release with I do, We do, You do format. The independent task is linked with Year 5, Year 4 and Year 3 place value skills so it can be differentiated for the learner, depending on their gaps and where they are in the phases. The sheets can be adapted easily to change numbers or volumes of digits. I am using this resource to consolidate after picking up a new class. I want to ensure they have met their objectives but I have also used it at the beginning of the year as an assessment to create flexible groups for my first place value lesson and adapt my unit of teaching to emphasis key gaps for the class, groups and individuals. Enjoy!
Remembrance Poetry KS2

Remembrance Poetry KS2

This pack includes 5/6 English lessons with Reading skills and comprehension mixed in. It is based on the text Peace Lily and uses this as a driver into writing cinquain poems. I recommend you buy a copy of the text or you can access online readings of the text on you tube. Every thing in here is simple but works very well. all slides included and any worksheets for lessons too. I’ve included my notes for some guidance too. This all meets UKS2 reading and writing objectives but can easily be slowed down for LKS2 with a few tweeks. Lesson 1 - reading the text and idenifying themes Lesson 1/2 - comprehsion questions (may need a second lesson for this) Lesson 3 - Analyse the poems and write a guided example Lesson 4 - plan and write a cinquain about Peace Lily, Nurses in the war. Lesson 5 - Proofread and edit against the success criteria and publish. I hope you enjoy!
7 times tables complete lesson Year 4

7 times tables complete lesson Year 4

This slide deck and accompanying printable is designed to help practice fluency of key facts and curiosity about these facts. The slides take you through some odd one out activities, counting using number stick visuals, spot the missing number, bar models, sentence stems, arrays, worded problems, times table bingo, beat the teacher and a mini quiz. As well as, independent practice using the provided resource sheet. my ethos is keep it simple. There is ordered and disorder questions, as well as reasoning and problem solving, littered with partner talk, guided and independent work. This lesson is fun, active and a great accompaniment to anyone preparing Year 4 for the Multiplication Check.
KS2 Visual Timetable

KS2 Visual Timetable

A simple visual timetable for KS2. Including a “whoops” to use in case there are last minute changes. Including all core and foundation subjects and a few general daytime activities such as break, lunch, assembly, reading, special events etc. Please leave a review if you find this useful or comment with any feedback on how to improve this product.
Guided Reading Cosmic Chapter 1

Guided Reading Cosmic Chapter 1

This is 3 reading lessons based around the text Cosmic by Frank Cottrell-Boyce. These lessons are aimed at Year 5 and take into consideration the recommendations made in the most recent DfE subject report. It includes the prologue and chapter 1 activities, including fluency and opportunities for reading aloud as well as a mixed skill comprehension questions including inference and sentence stems provided for inclusivity.
Art Gallery Banner

Art Gallery Banner

Banners save so much more time that letters! This is super simple printable banner to display in your classroom. Work smarter and not harder as they say!
Art Gallery lettering

Art Gallery lettering

Hi Guys, This is some pre-made Art Gallery lettering with a splattered paint design. To save the environment a little, you could print this on card instead of laminate it. Card is durable and can be recycled whereas laminated paper cannot. Please tag me on instagram to show me how you use my resource. I would love to see missHB_teacher. Thanking you kindly. xoxo
AfL Learning Triangle

AfL Learning Triangle

This is a simple assessment grid which can be used after a lesson or topic. It is great to get children reviewing their own learning and seeing what might be left to cover. Super way to represent pupil voice in anything that you are learning. Enjoy.
Dreams and goals poetry unit UKS2

Dreams and goals poetry unit UKS2

This is a 5 lesson poetry block based on the poem Dreams by Langston Hughes , including 5 lots of dyslexia friendly lesson slides and accompanying resources. Lesson 1 - Sparks creativity into the topic by discussing dreams and goals, with a short piece of writing related to their own. Lesson 2 - introduction of poem and analysis Lesson 3 - understanding metaphors and planning metaphors Lesson 4 - includes a shared write and independent write Lesson 5 - check against the success criteria/edit and publish using the theme Every lesson comes with a printable worksheet. All designed to save you time and be easy to follow and adapt. Aimed at UKS2 but can easily be adapted. If you enjoyed this resource, please leave a review.
The 8 times tables complete lesson

The 8 times tables complete lesson

This slide deck and accompanying printable is designed to help increase recall and fluency of key facts and curiosity about these facts through reasoning. The slides take you through some odd one out activities, counting using number stick visuals, spot the missing multiple, bar models, sentence stems, arrays, groups, worded problems and using known facts, paired with engaging activities such as beat the teacher, times table bingo and a mini quiz. The slides follow an I do, We do, you do approach and have a sheet with varying levels of challenge to ensure independent application. My ethos is to keep it simple, remove barriers to understanding and cognitive overload by keeping the slides clean, relevant and dyslexia friendly. There are ordered and disordered questioning, reasoning, problem solving, lots of oracy opportunities and discussion. This is a fun lesson - tried and tested by myself and my colleagues!
English Working Wall Headings

English Working Wall Headings

When creating a working wall, it is essential that students can access the information there. Yes, they aren’t suppose to be polished-perfect spaces but learners must be able to find what they are looking for, otherwise we end up placing more barriers on them trying to access the information they need to help them. These signs support that. Laminate them or print on card (better for the environment) then add to your working wall. Add examples under the headings throughout the unit to ensure when they get to their final piece, children can write independently and know where to look for reminders of the expected standard.
6, 7 & 8 Times tables bundle!

6, 7 & 8 Times tables bundle!

3 Resources
Buy all three complete lessons with resource sheets for this bargain price. These lessons are fantastic for Year 4 MTC prep. Simple, well-selected and ordered content to speed up that recall and improve fluency overall…
9 times table lesson

9 times table lesson

This is a complete lesson focusing on recall of the 9 times table. There are lots of lessons involving reasoning and problem solving but often, not quality, resources focused on the speed, fluency and accuracy of recall. The apps that often bridge the gap between home and school are excellent but do not come with the quality teaching content that shows children strategies for recalling their facts with increasing speed. This lesson, as with all the lessons in this series, includes counting activities (add multi-sensory opportunities with body percussion for an added pizazz), bar models, odd one out, sentence stems, arrays, quick fire games, mini quiz, which is all built upon buy guided practice following the graduated release model, consolidated with independent learning using the worksheet provided. I love to get children moving around and counting in pairs or threes, using clapping with their chants and where concrete apparatus are necessary, that too! These lessons are perfect prep for MTC. If you find it useful or have any feedback on how you used it, please comment, leave a review or show me on my instagram page @misshb_teacher
Ready Respectful Safe Lesson

Ready Respectful Safe Lesson

I think it is of great importance to discuss these values with learners so they know what they look like, you can address misconceptions and really set the tone for the classroom atmosphere. These slides have lots of discussion prompts with follow up exercises of drawing and writing sentences about these school values as well as a game at the end for pupils to demonstrate what these expectations look like in action. 8 slides, approx 45 minutes of activity. You can adapt as you need.
English Working Wall Headings Midnight Star

English Working Wall Headings Midnight Star

These working wall headings ensure that learners can access the help they need. Working walls are meant to be made in action and that means they are not always polished-perfect - And that is okay! But we need to ensure learners can access what they need to help them. These headings add a little order to the disorder and mean that when learners are stuck, they know where to look and any barriers to them finding what they need independently are removed. These can be printed on a4, laminated or use card for a more stable background (and more eco-friendly). Trim them up and stick them on! Voila…
The 6 times table LKS2

The 6 times table LKS2

This is a simple lessonon the 6 times tables. No fuss or confusion. Fun and simple. High participation. Approx 30-45 minutes long with a mixture of 6 times table practice and games. I have been teaching Year 4 and we used an additional after lunch slot for times table practice and I wanted it to be fun, fast-paced, packed with verbal fluency, visuals and games, and focused on recall and fluency as we were digging deeper in our maths lessons. This lesson comes with a set of slides, dyslexia friendly, and a resource sheet for some quick recall. Slides are adaptable so please, make them your own. If you enjoy this resource or have any feedback - please leave a review! Miss HB Teacher
Year 5 Roman Numerals lesson

Year 5 Roman Numerals lesson

This is a full lessons set of slides for Roman Numerals aimed at Year 5 students. I create my own slides and activities to allow students to better access the worksheet tasks from a well-known maths scheme. This lesson includes arithmetic warm up, a review of previously learned roman numerals, fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Its adaptable so you can add your own photos etc.
Addition and Subtraction Mental Strategies Year 5

Addition and Subtraction Mental Strategies Year 5

These are slides prepared to teach mental strategies to Year 5 pupils. I have used a selection of materials aligned with Whiterose but mixed with some of my own creations. I find it easier to teach from my own slides rather than WR as the individual clicks drive me mad. There is some slow paced strategy-practise and then some more fast-paced problem solving, all building towards independence.
Shades of meaning vocabulary display

Shades of meaning vocabulary display

Hi all, This is just something I whipped up on word to accompany my vocabularly teaching. I use Jane Considine’s “The Write Stuff” approach but I like to have something visual on my working wall as a reminder to focus on word choice for meaning and effect. I print these as the paint selection ones from DIY stores are great for individual use but are too small for display. I write words on with a black permanent marker for my working wall. I hope you find them useful or save you a few minutes instead of making them from scratch. Please let me know how you use them by tagging me on Instagram @Misshb_teacher xo