A huge selection of resources to support the use of place value counters understand place value and calculation. Worth over £50 separately. A great set of lessons to support introducing and using this resource.
A whole lesson pack to support teaching fractions of amounts using the bar model. Contains whole lesson flipchart and editable children's tasks and extensions
A selection of lessons for introducing and practising Roman Numerals. Contains several whole lesson flipcharts and children's tasks that allow the children to improve their fluency with recalling roman numerals. All activities are easily adapted to simplify or extend as required.
A nice activity involving deciding toys to have in a toy shop. The children calculate how much it would cost to buy 10 and 100 of each toy, and then decide the toys they will have in their toy shop. A pick up and teach complete lesson pack.
A greate visual lesson pack that explores adding tenths using 10 frame, including adding tenths to make more than one whole. Children can practically use the ten frame and counters to support their working.
A complete bundle of resources to support introducing ratios, includes shading ratios, simplifying ratios, Smarites ratios and word problems involving ratios. Over 40 pages of teaching sequence resources and 7 pupil task sheets.