An introduction to adding 4 digit numbers, linking to varied methods of understanding and recording, include whole lesson Notebook and worksheets and investigation in PDF and fully editable format.
A visual resource to support children in understanding the concept of finding the difference between two numbers (Up to 15). Contains two levels of worksheets for the children to complete.
A complete pick up and teach lesson pack to support using the bar model to find change. Comes with 3 pdf pupil tasks that are also in the notebook, so are fully editable to extend/ simplify as appropriate for your class.
Contains whole lesson pack and differentiated worksheet in PDF Format that are also in the notebook so can be fully adapted. 15 page notebook file with fully manipulative images.
Lesson introducing prime numbers, with teaching slides in Smart and PowerPoint format as well as in image files. Comes with task sheets and investigation questions.
A complete lesson pack, introducing using the distributive law to multiply with partitioning numbers in ways other than using place value. Contains Smart and Promethean version of the lesson presentation and also worksheets and challenge card.
Complete lesson pack, with teaching slides in PowerPoint and Smart format, as well as image files of each slide. It also comes with a selection of pupil tasks.
A complete lesson pack to support reasoning within the context of algebra. Comes with teaching presentations that could be used over more than one lesson, and editable pupil tasks.
A huge collection of the Year 1 lesson packs I have for sale, excellent value. Contains 20+ complete, fully resourced lessons. (Worth nearly £60 individually)