Complete lesson pack focussing on converting length. Contains teaching presentations and also worksheets and pupil tasks, could easily be extended over more than one lesson.
Complete lesson pack exploring subtraction of 1 digit numbers from 3 digit numbers with crossing tens boundaries. Comes with editable pupil tasks (within lesson presentation) and supporting visual aids for exploring the concept.
A lesson bundle to introduce numbers to 100,000, including teaching presentation, simple worksheet to consolidate and reasoning questions to challenge. The lesson is in various formats- Smart, Promethean and PowerPoint, although is only editable in SMART (this software is downloadable for free)
Complete lesson pack, with teaching presentation in Smart and Power Point format, image files of all slides and task sheets (which are editable in Smart if required).
A nice introduction to fractions using cubes to show and make fractions. Comes with teaching activities and children's tasks/ games. Could be extended over more than one lesson.
Complete lesson pack with whole class reasoning tasks and three independent tasks, that encourage children to work systematically and prove their findings.
A bank of 23 reasoning tasks, in both whiteboard and prinatble pupil tasks format, which would be well used to practise reasoning skills in relation to fractions in preparation for KS2 tasks. Has a mixture of types of tasks.