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Flat Stanley Comprehension Questions
Used with a Year 2 class.
Set out in Weeks 1-5
Main Version and SEND version.
SEND version include widgits/speed sounds

George's Marvellous Medicine Colourful semantics
Colourful semantics used for creating a marvellous recipe.

Year 5 Flanders Field Diary Entry
This resource includes everything you need to turn Flanders Field into a diary and was planned for an observed Year 5 lesson. The pack includes poppies to write emotive language on, a planning sheet, an example diary sheet, decisions decisions based on vocabulary within the poem and a diary vocabulary sheet which will be useful for ALL diary writing. Files included are word and publisher.

Colourful semantics - how to stay healthy
Used in a year 2 class but could be adapted. These colourful semantics will allow children to write independently about how to stay healthy.

Little Red Colourful Semantics
Little Red Riding Hood colourful semantics and space to write simple sentences.

Vocabulary cards for all writing genres
In the resource there are word mats for the following genres:
Balanced Arguments
Diary Entry
Instructional vocab
Newspaper openers
Non-chronological reports
Persuasive arguments
These can be adapted to suit the writing that you need.

Early morning work template
A template that can be edited and used daily for displaying dinners, early morning work and key facts in history.

Sunflower diary
Space for children to observe and record their findings when growing sunflowers. A widgit board is also included.

Diary of a Killer Cat - Wanted Poster
Example of a wanted poster and colourful semantics which are useful for SEND children.

Diary of a Killer Cat Comprehension planning
Comprehension planning for a diary of a killer cat. There are questions planned for each day (over two weeks).

George's Marvellous Medicine GR
There is a five week plan for George’s Marvellous medicine. There are daily questions. There are also comprehensions for each week one for SEND and one for whole class. This was designed for a Year 3 class.

Philosophy thought tug of war!
I have created these for a Year 3 listening PSHE lesson but they could be used across all Key stages. There are five questions that promote philosophical thinking and listening skills. Children have to choose whether they agree or disagree with the statements and justify why they feel this way. Tug of thought questions consider statements such as: “I can think myself happy”. There are also round robin cards which could be used as a starter.

Letter from Santa
A letter from Santa used with a Year 3 class introducing our Elf. Fully editable so you can put your name and class name in.

Varjak Paw Comprehensions and planning.
There are around 6 weeks of comprehension planning based on a Year 3 class. There are also weekly comprehensions to complete with your children. All questions are based on test style questions.

Y2 3D shape sorting - AGD TAF statements
Lesson observed as outstanding in a Year 2 lesson. Resource includes 3D shape images for children to sort into a carroll diagram, riddles and resources to ensure AGD TAF statements are made.

A Bad Spell for the Worst Witch Yr 2 Prompt style SATs focused questions
Includes lots of SATs style questions.
Introduction - looking at the blurb and linking it to a book they have read before.
Questions for children to answer on the following chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3/4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6/7
Chapter 10

Colourful Semantics - GFL artefacts
Colourful semantics to allow children to write independently about the Great Fire of London.

David Walliams Biography Descriptosaurus
Biography vocabulary used with a year 3 class to write a biography on David Walliams.