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Ed suffix matching game
Past and present tense matching game.
Ideal for a retrieval activity or as a learning reminder on tables

Who is Robin Hood worksheet
Great activity when introducing Robin Hood to encourage children to use key vocabulary to write simple sentences about Robin Hood

Sculptures design plan
This can be an edited document.
In year 1 it was used to create a plan of a sculpture of an animal

Forest school knot step by step instructions
Visual step by step instructions for stopper knot and round turn and two half hitches knot

Meet and greet door poster.
Poster perfect for the classroom door ready for morning meet and greet.
Size is A4 but can be adapted to A3

Brain break activities
Brain break activities if children are needing to release energy or swap places

Classroom rules
Visual classroom rules display following the 3 headings
How we show respec
How we show we are ready to learn
And how we stay safe.

Then, next, now maths story
This practical resource is perfect for KS1 children.
It is most practical when laminated.
Perfect for children when learning simple addition and subtraction problems. Children could draw the correct amount above the correct word to eventually form a mathematical sentence/ equation. E.g first there was 3 flowers, then 2 more grew, now there are 5 flowers

Animal book review display sheets (Alien, cat and pig).
Humorous A4 worksheet for children of all ages to complete after reading a book to which they can ‘publish’ a book review. Depending on the children’s writing ability then can rate the book out of 5 stars and describe what happens in the book (blurb) or draw a picture of something that happens in the book to inspire their peers to read.
Although this document is originally A4 size, the sizing can easily be adjusted to A3 if more writing and drawing space is needed for younger children.

Representing numbers to 10 in different ways - matching game
Matching game - match the pizza slices to the same number amount represented.
This activity will need to be pre- cut first to be able to play

Comprehension hat prompts
During guided reading or during a comprehension task these prompts are great to help children articulate their understanding.
I have printed and laminated the different comprehension roles onto different coloured hats