Introduce your students to databases and SQL / SQLite and build their knowledge through to a mini-project which uses their existing knowledge of Python and Tkinter.
1.3.2a - Database Concepts
Flat file databases
Entity identifiers
Primary, Secondary, and Foreign keys
Relational databases
1.3.2b - Database Normalisation
Relational DB design
Relationships and ERD
Referential integrity
Linking DB tables / Link tables
Normalisation - reasons and 1NF, 2NF, 3NF
1.3.2c Transaction Processing
Capturing Information
Record locking
1.3.2d SQL
Dot notation
Data types
SQL Worksheets
Customer database: Import provided flat-file database and query it
James Bond movies: Import provided flat-file database and query it. Note: this resource is available separately from my TES store
High Scores: Import provided relational database and query it
Marvel Cinematic Universe: examine provided SQL to create a new database
Mini-project: plan and create a relational database and use Python and Tkinter to build an interface. Note: this project expects students to have a basic knowledge of Tkinter and independently research how to implement SQLite 3 in Python. No support files are provided for this activity.
Complete scheme of work for J277 OCR Computer Science 2.1 Computational Thinking, including PowerPoint for each lesson, homework sheets, worksheets, unplugged activities, Python example files, end-of-topic exam, and mark sheets. Designed for my mixed-ability group with lots of simple explanations; large clear and bright diagrams; chunked lessons; and stretch and activity tasks for higher-achieving students.
Includes the following lesson PowerPoints and resources:
Scheme of Work document
2.2.1a Variables, Constants, Operators, Inputs, Outputs, Assignments
2.2.1b Sequence, Selection, Iteration (inc Python files) - Updated October 2022 to include Python Switch (match) Statements
2.2.1c Arithmetic and Arithmetic Operators
2.2.2 Data Types (inc worksheet and Python solutions)
2.2.3a String Manipulation (inc Python solutions)
2.2.3b File Handling (inc Python solutions)
2.2.3c Databases and SQL (inc worksheet, answers, and Python SQLite 3 database file)
2.2.3d Arrays
2.2.3e Subprograms
3 x Homework worksheets and answers
1 x End-of-topic test
Includes dozens of Python demonstration files and a Python-based SQLite 3 database for students to test their SQL commands.
Save yourself hours of planning. Download now.
Save planning time and money with this discounted J277 Computer Science Complete Component 2 bundle!
Includes the following units and content:
2.1 Computational Thinking: 14 lessons, 4 homework sheets
2.2 Programming Fundamentals: 9 lessons, 3 homework sheets
2.3 Producing Robust Programs: 6 lessons, 2 homework sheets
2.4 Boolean Logic: 3 lessons, 1 homework sheet
2.5 Programming Languages: 3 lessons, 1 homework sheet
Question-by-Question analysis spreadsheet and mail merge documents to create personalised student feedback sheets for supplied end-of-unit tests
Each lesson includes applicable resources (e.g. Python example files).
In total there are 35 lessons and 11 homework sheets, plus an end-of-topic test for each unit.
Cheaper than buying each unit individually! Get your weekends back, buy today.
Complete scheme of work for KS3 Computer Science theory topics, aligned to OCR R354 Entry Level Certificate in Computer Science. Introduces J277 topics and provides students with a comprehensive overview of the qualification before they choose their subject options.
There are a total of 11 lessons which, depending upon term length, leaves time for an end-of-unit test or the R354 exam papers to be taken as required by OCR.
Computer Hardware: external peripherals; internal components; input - process - output
Operating Systems: the six primary functions of an operating system
Applications Software: different categories of software and their purpose, overview of compression and defragmentation
Storage: primary and secondary storage types
Data representation: how computers use binary to store text, images, and audio
Binary: Converting between binary and denary numbers, and binary addition
Boolean Logic: introduction to AND, OR, and NOT gates; creating simple truth tables
Moral, Ethical, and Legal Considerations: concerns about the moral, ethical, and legal impact of computers
Computational Thinking: decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition, and algorithms; defining success criteria; and creating a test plan
Flowcharts: creating simple flowcharts
Programming techniques: sequence, selection, and iteration; code maintainability; and variables
Lessons consist of activities including: exam-style questions, discussions, research, and online tasks. Get your students ready for Key Stage 4 - download today.
Save countless hours of planning (and nearly a quarter compared with buying units individually) with these complete units of work for Component 1 of J277 Computer Science.
1.1 Architecture of the CPU: 5 lessons, 2 homework sheets
1.2 Memory and Storage: 10 lessons, 3 homework sheets
1.3 Networks: 11 lessons, 2 homework sheets
1.4 Network Security: 8 lessons, 2 homework sheets
1.5 Systems Software: 5 lessons, 1 homework sheet
1.6 Ethical, Legal, Cultural, and Environmental Impacts: 7 lessons, 2 homework sheets
In total, there are 46 complete lessons and 12 homework sheets
Save by buying in bulk and get your weekends back!
Complete scheme of work for J277 OCR Computer Science 1.5 Systems Software, including PowerPoint for each lesson, programming activity, homework sheet, end-of-topic exam, and mark sheets. Designed for my mixed-ability group with lots of simple explanations; large clear and bright diagrams; chunked lessons; and stretch and activity tasks for higher-achieving students.
Includes the following:
1.5.1a - The purpose of an operating system
1.5.1b - Interfaces, Users, Files
1.5.1c - Memory, Multitasking, Peripherals
1.5.2a - Utility Software
1.5.2b - Encryption, Defragmenting, Compression + Python encryption activity
Homework sheet (10 marks, plus answer sheet)
End of topic test (designed to look like an exam paper, 25 marks, plus mark sheet)
Save yourself weeks of planning by buying the Component 1 bundle at a reduced price!
Complete scheme of work for J277 OCR Computer Science 2.4 Boolean Logic, including PowerPoint for each lesson, homework sheet, worksheets, end-of-topic exam, and mark sheets. Designed for my mixed-ability group with lots of simple explanations; large clear and bright diagrams; chunked lessons; and stretch and activity tasks for higher-achieving students.
Includes the following lesson PowerPoints and resources:
2.4.1a Logic Diagram and Truth Tables
2.4.1b Logic Circuits
2.4.1c Solving Problems
1 x Homework sheet plus answers
End-of-module test paper plus answers
Save yourself hours of planning. Download now.
Full unit of work for Edublocks, moving KS3 from Scratch to Python Turtle programming, with an emphasis on Computational Thinking, ready for moving to IDLE. Everything is fully resourced for simple delivery: answers, example files, and an end-of-unit assessment using Quizizz
Lesson 1: Introduction to Python
Overview of Computational Thinking; overview of the Python language; drawing equilateral shapes using Edublocks and Python Turtle. Edublocks XML files included.
Lesson 2: Iteration
Count-controlled and condition-controlled loops; Python’s for and while statements; using iteration to simplify drawing shapes using Edublocks and Python Turtle. Edublocks XML files included.
Lesson 3: Variables
Fun unplugged activity to explain the need and purpose of variables; using variables to store data. Edublocks XML files included.
Lesson 4: Selection
A comparison between how humans and computers make decisions; introduction to if, elif, and else statements. Edublocks XML files included.
Lesson 5: Bringing it all Together
A step-by-step guide to creating a program which asks the user to enter a shape name, and Turtle drawing it. Edublocks XML files included.
Lesson 6: Revision and Assessment
Q&A Revision; link to a Quizizz assessment on the unit of work; and a chance for students to reflect on their progress during the topic.
Edublocks is a drag-and-drop programming language, visually similar to Scratch. My own students have enjoyed this topic and it has provided a good starting point for moving-on to IDLE.
Lessons and examples use Edublocks 4 (due for release in Summer 2021) making this unit of work future-ready and a time-saving way to prepare students for IDLE.
Complete scheme of work for J277 OCR Computer Science 2.1 Computational Thinking, including PowerPoint for each lesson, homework sheets, worksheets, unplugged activities, Python example files, end-of-topic exam, and mark sheets. Designed for my mixed-ability group with lots of simple explanations; large clear and bright diagrams; chunked lessons; and stretch and activity tasks for higher-achieving students.
Includes the following lesson PowerPoints and resources:
Scheme of Work document
2.1.1a Abstraction
2.1.1b Decomposition, including “Decomposing Mickey Mouse” worksheet
2.1.1c Algorithmic Thinking, including “River Crossing Challenge” worksheet
2.1.2a Inputs, Processes, Outputs, including “Problem Solver Cheat Sheet” and Python code example file
2.1.2b Structure Diagrams, including Python files
2.1.2c Flowcharts
2.1.2c Pseudocode, including worksheet, answers, and Python files
2.1.2d Common Errors, including worksheet, answers, and Python files
2.1.2e Trace Tables, including worksheet, answers, and Python files
2.1.3a Linear Searches, including example PowerPoint
2.1.3b Binary Searches, including example PowerPoint
2.1.4a Bubble Sort, including Star Wars Bubble Sort PowerPoint
2.1.4b Merge Sort, including worksheet and example PowerPoint
2.1.4c Insertion Sort, including example PowerPoint
4 x homework sheets, with answers
1 x end-of-unit test, with mark sheet
My students especially enjoyed the unplugged searching and sorting algorithms!
Save yourself hours of planning by downloading now.
A comprehensive unit of work covering operating systems, interfaces, accessibility, and an introduction to utility software. Ideally suited to Year 8, but with enough stretch and challenge activities for Year 9. I have also taught this module to Year 7 with some work removed.
The focus on operating systems feeds into J277 GCSE Computer Science; the interface aspects feed into BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Digital Information Technology.
This unit of work comprises:
Lesson 1: OS Functions
PowerPoint: Introduction to different operating systems and their primary functions
Worksheet and answer sheet
Lesson 2: OS Types
PowerPoint: More in-depth look at operating system functions and the difference between different operating systems.
Worksheet and answer sheet
Lesson 3: User Interfaces
PowerPoint: Command Line Interfaces, Graphical User Interfaces (WIMP and Touch-based)
Worksheet and answer sheet
Lesson 4: Accessibility and Design
PowerPoint: How users with different abilities can use computers and the evolution of the interface
Worksheet and answer sheet
Lesson 5: Utility Software
PowerPoint: Introduction to utility software; introduction to compression and defragmentation
Worksheet and answer sheet
Online defragmentation activity
Lesson 6: Recap and Quiz
PowerPoint: Recap of unit and link to Quizizz activity
This unit has been professionally designed (I’m an ex-graphic designer) and is suitable for delivery by subject and non-subject specialist teachers.
Download the complete unit today for less than 60p per lesson!
Complete scheme of work for J277 OCR Computer Science 1.6 Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Impacts, including PowerPoint for each lesson, two homework sheets, end-of-topic exam, and mark sheets.
Designed for my mixed-ability group with lots of simple explanations; large clear and bright diagrams; chunked lessons; and stretch and activity tasks for higher-achieving students.
Includes the following:
1.6.1a - Introduction to topic and Stakeholders
1.6.1b - Ethical issues
1.6.1c - Society
1.6.1d - Cultural issues
1.6.1e - Environmental issues
1.6.1f - Privacy Issues
1.6.1g - Legislation (includes courtroom class activity)
1.6.1h - Software Licenses
2 x Homework sheets (10 marks, plus answer sheet)
End of topic test (designed to look like an exam paper, 25 marks, plus mark sheet)
All lessons are tried-and-tested. Save yourself hours of work by downloading now. Save yourself weeks of planning by buying the Component 1 bundle at a reduced price!
Complete scheme of work for J277 OCR Computer Science 2.5 Programming Languages and Integrated Delvelopment Environments (IDEs), including PowerPoint for each lesson, homework sheet, worksheets, end-of-topic exam, and mark sheets. Designed for my mixed-ability group with lots of simple explanations; large clear and bright diagrams; chunked lessons; and stretch and activity tasks for higher-achieving students.
There are two versions of lesson 2.5.2 – one for students using IDLE and an alternative for those using Thonny.
Includes the following lesson PowerPoints and resources:
2.5.1a High and Low-level languages
2.5.1b Translators, Compilers, and Interpreters
2.5.2 Integrated Development Environments (IDE) - IDLE
2.5.2 Integrated Development Environments (IDE) - Thonny
1 x Homework sheet plus answers
End-of-module test paper plus answers
Save yourself hours of planning. Download now.
Complete scheme of work for J277 OCR Computer Science 1.1 Memory & Storage, including PowerPoint for each lesson, homework sheets, end-of-topic exam, and mark sheets. Designed for my mixed-ability group with lots of simple explanations; large clear and bright diagrams; chunked lessons; and stretch and activity tasks for higher-achieving students.
Includes the following:
1.2.1 Primary Storage Lesson
1.2.2 Secondary Storage Lesson + Worksheet
1.2.3 Units of Data Lesson
1.2.4a-1 Binary Conversion Lesson + Links to Binary Bingo & Denary Bingo games
1.2.4a-2 Binary Addition Lesson + Worksheet + Answers
1.2.4a-3 Hexadecimal Lesson
1.2.4b Character Sets Lesson
1.2.4c Image Representation Lesson + Worksheet + Answers + Python task
1.2.4d Audio Representation Lesson + Worksheet + Answers + Python task
1.2.5 Compression Lesson
3 x Homework sheets (10 marks each, plus mark sheets)
1 x End of topic test (designed to look like an exam paper, 25 marks, plus mark sheet).
Save yourself weeks of planning by buying the Component 1 bundle at a reduced price!
Complete scheme of work for J277 OCR Computer Science 1.3 Networks, Connections, and Protocols, including PowerPoint for each lesson, homework sheets, end-of-topic exam, and mark sheets. Designed for my mixed-ability group with lots of simple explanations; large clear and bright diagrams; chunked lessons; and stretch and activity tasks for higher-achieving students.
Includes the following lesson PowerPoints:
1.3.1a Types of Networks
1.3.1b Performance Factors
1.3.1c Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer Models
1.3.1d Networking Hardware
1.3.1e The Internet, plus printable diagram
1.3.1f Star and mesh network Topologies
1.3.2a Wired and Wireless Connections
1.3.2b Encryption
1.3.2c IP and MAC Addressing
1.3.2d Standards and Protocols
1.3.2e The Concept of Layers
2 x Homework sheets (10 marks each, plus mark sheets)
1 x End of topic test (designed to look like an exam paper, 25 marks, plus mark sheet)
Save yourself weeks of planning by buying the Component 1 bundle at a reduced price!
Complete scheme of work for J277 OCR Computer Science 2.3 Producing Robust Programs, including PowerPoint for each lesson, homework sheets, worksheets, Python example files, end-of-topic exam, and mark sheets. Designed for my mixed-ability group with lots of simple explanations; large clear and bright diagrams; chunked lessons; and stretch and activity tasks for higher-achieving students.
Includes the following lesson PowerPoints and resources:
2.3.1a Defensive Design (plus Python files)
2.3.1b Input Validation (plus Python files)
2.3.1c Maintainability (plus Python files)
2.3.2a Testing
2.3.2b Test Data
2.3.2c Refining Algorithms (plus Python files)
2 x Homework worksheets plus answers
End-of-module test paper plus answers
Save yourself hours of planning by downloading now.
Use SQL to return results of queries on the supplied James Bond movie database (e.g. What is the average IMDB rating of movies directed by John Glen?)
The worksheet includes instructions for creating a new database, uploading the SQL file to it, then using SQL to obtain the answers to questions. Students can copy and paste their queries and results into the worksheet, then save or print for marking.
SQL commands used: describe, select, count, from, where, group by, like, and, or; and wildcards.
The database is a single-table flat database.
This is an intermediate-level task, suitable for students who are already familiar with SQL commands and structure. It also assumes that users will be using phpMyAdmin and they have sufficient privileges to create and edit databases.
My Year 12 and 13 Computer Science A-Level students enjoyed the lesson, which took around 1 hour for most to complete.
Included: SQL file, student worksheet, teacher’s answer sheet.
Complete scheme of work for J277 OCR Computer Science 1.4 Network Security, including PowerPoint for each lesson, homework sheets, end-of-topic exam, and mark sheets. Designed for my mixed-ability group with lots of simple explanations; large clear and bright diagrams; chunked lessons; and stretch and activity tasks for higher-achieving students.
Includes the following:
1.4.1a Forms of Attack Lesson
1.4.1b Social Engineering Lesson
1.4.1c Brute-force Attacks Lesson + Brute-force demo (Python)
1.4.1d Denial of Service Attack Lesson + Overview of AO3 DDoS attack, questions, and mark scheme
1.4.1e Data Interception and Theft Lesson
1.4.1f SQL Injection Lesson + Worksheet + Demo database to hack (Python)
1.4.2a Software Prevention Methods
1.4.2b Prevention Against Hacking
2 x Homework sheets (10 marks each, plus mark sheets)
1 x End of topic test (designed to look like an exam paper, 25 marks, plus mark sheet)
Save yourself weeks of planning by buying the Component 1 bundle at a reduced price!
Download the binary bingo card, then use the free bingo-caller website* to randomly generate numbers to call out.
How to use: each student choses four numbers between 0 and 15 and writes them onto the bingo card. The teacher loads the website onto a screen or SMART Board. A random binary number is chosen and displayed. Students convert the binary number into denary. The first student to get all four numbers shouts "BINGO!" and wins.
Called numbers are listed at the bottom of the screen, and can be clicked for conversion to denary.
A great plenary activity for KS3 and KS4 students which reinforces binary to denary conversion. Have fun :)
* The website URL is stated at the bottom of the downloadable PDF.
Create quiz questions and answers in a spreadsheet, export to a CSV file, and write a Python program to use the CSV files for a multiple-choice quiz. Printable student instructions; stretch / challenge tasks; and example files for teachers, this makes a great revision or end-of-unit activity! Students can re-visit the CSV file and add more questions as the year progresses.
CSV (comma-separated value) files
Python file-handling; two-dimensional lists; variables; iteration
Stretch / challenge activities:
Add a scoring system
Accept upper and lower case inputs
Fix a ‘bug’ where the same question may appear multiple times
Add a graphic interface
Files included:
Printable PDF worksheet (copy and paste is restricted so students must type their code
Sample CSV file with six questions and answers
Python file of the completed activity
Python file containing stretch / challenge solutions (except the GUI)
This is a great one or two lesson activity – ideal for a spare lesson at the end of term. Download for free.
** For use with the end of module tests in my J808 LO1 - LO7 SoW Bundle **
If you do not have the bundle, download it from my TES Shop.
Save hours of analysing test data with this complete question-by-question analysis pack.
Easy to set up
Enter student marks into the spreadsheet
Percentages and approximate grade are automatically calculated
Colour-coded columns allow at-a-glance analysis of which questions students performed well on
A Word mail-merge generates a “What went well” and “Even better if” list for each student which can then be used to provide individual feedback and help to fill knowledge gaps
Personalised reports can be printed or emailed directly to students
Step-by-step instructions included.
April 2021 update: Grade boundaries have been updated. Grades are now stored in a single table rather than multiple nested IF statements. This will make it easier for you to verify and edit grade boundaries and apply them to all test data.