![Hero image](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/store_live/686356/imageHero.jpg?_=1472562900395)
GCSE listening skills
A presentation about listening skills and practice activities. Ideal as a revision session for students.
Mon kit de Survie
A Smartboard presentation on what students would have in their survival kits. This includes new vocabulary (not just pencil case items) along with an introduction to 'avoir' in the present tense. This is ideal for 2 lessons. This can be used with Studio 1 or as a standalone resource. All the listening are home-made embedded videos (using Xtranormal). All the reading materials are included as Powerpoint presentations.
La seconde guerre mondiale - Topics
A collection of texts and explanation about some very specific points about WW2, including:
L'univers d'Harry Potter
PowerPoint version for visual support that we have used for a year 7 Gifted and Talented French day along with the updated booklet. I have also added a task that they had to complete at the end of the day. This can be used as a standalone day or as a series of lessons on to revise and practice school.
Mes vacances (conditional tense)
Presentation (inspired by a WJEC worksheet) about holidays in the conditional tense including a smartboard presentation (with an embedded video) and the worksheet for the listening (fill-in the gaps of the script) and the reading comprehension (find the French for...). I used it with my year 11 lower ability but it could easily be adapted to a higher ability group.
Ma maison - my house
A lesson to introduce rooms of the house in French. This can be used in conjunction with Expo 1 (module 3, unit 2 - ma maison) or Metro 1 (module 5, unit 3 - le plan de ma maison).
Starter: habiter
Intro of Question
Intro of vocal
Reading comp - label the name of different floors
Reading comp (posters on PPT) - what is there is their house
Plenary: Where's Waldo in French - drag Waldo across the house
homework sheet: MTV cribs - Create a script for MTV Cribs and include details such as description of the house, where they live, their family...
Les technologies (iPad 2)
Using the iPad 2, a series of mini-activities based on the ipad adverts in French. It is a notebook file only, no powerpoint available.
Un crime au Chateau - Expo 3 Rouge Module 4
A complete series of lessons based on the Crime au Chateau offered by Expo 3 Rouge Module 4. I have tweaked a couple of activities to make them fit better with my classes. They really enjoyed this type of Whodunnit type of activity.
iPhone 6 - La technologie est partout
A GCSE Lesson on new technologies (notebook and PPT) based on the iPhone 6 and 6Plus and authentic Apple adverts in French. It focuses on understanding authentic materials.
Starter: match verbs with objects,
Main: Listening (put the activities in order), adjectives match up and gap fill,
Plenary: GCSE reading paper on Apple Watch.
Links to the videos from the French Apple website are enclosed.
etre - interactive dice game
An interactive dice game for students to practise etre and character (good for adjectival agreement).
Quel est ton sport préféré ?
Based on the London 2012 Olympics. A series of lessons and activities based on Olympic sports and favourite sports. The activities can be quite challenging but are very engaging.
NB: I am aware there is a slight problem with the answers on the slide for the reading grid and I am working on it to fix it.
iPhone 6 - La technologie est partout
A GCSE Lesson on new technologies (notebook and PPT) based on the iPhone 6 and 6Plus and authentic Apple adverts in French. It focuses on understanding authentic materials.Starter: match verbs with objects, Main: Listening (put the activities in order), adjectives match up and gap fill, Plenary: GCSE reading paper on Apple Watch. Update with links to the videos from the French Apple website.
Mon autoportrait
A Smartboard presentation on likes and dislikes that uses a lot of cognates which is great for first lesson for year 7. This is ideal for 2 lessons with the first one focusing on the lexis while the other focuses on the definite articles. This can be used with Studio 1 or as a standalone resource. All the listening are home-made embedded videos (using Xtranormal). All the reading materials are included as Powerpoint presentations.
Ma musique préférée (justifying)
Two worksheets on justifying why you like/dislike a certain type of music or artist. It could lead to the writing of an account of a concert.
Le futur simple
An introduction to the futur simple including some irregular ones. It is mostly focused on the first person singular but it can be easily adapted. It also includes a reading comprehension activity.
Es-tu en forme ? Expo 3 Vert Module 3
Based on Expo3 Vert, a series of lessons and activities on healthy lifestyle and choices. I have adapted some activities from the textbook to make them more accessible / interesting for my 'slightly challenging' group.
Comment je me vois
Based on Studio 1 Module 1. Introduction of personal identity and adjectival agreement with some intensifiers. It can be used with the book or as a stand-alone lesson. All videos (for the listening) are home-made and embedded.
Mes vacances (future tense)
Presentation about holidays in the (near) future tense including a smartboard presentation (with an embedded video) and the worksheet for the listening (fill-in the gaps of the script) and the reading comprehension (find the French for...). I used it with my year 11 lower ability but it could easily be adapted to a higher ability group.
1944 - La seconde guerre mondiale
A presentation about the main events that took place in Europe, Russia and Northen Africa in 1944 in the context of WW2.
Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire a l'avenir ?
A reading activity based on healthy lifestyle in the future (qu'[est-ce que tu vas faire a l'avenir pour rester en forme ?).