
Mon kit de Survie
A Smartboard presentation on what students would have in their survival kits. This includes new vocabulary (not just pencil case items) along with an introduction to 'avoir' in the present tense. This is ideal for 2 lessons. This can be used with Studio 1 or as a standalone resource. All the listening are home-made embedded videos (using Xtranormal). All the reading materials are included as Powerpoint presentations.

Tu aimes manger a la cantine ?
A lesson based on preferences when it comes to eatiung at the canteen. It also includes a series of activities on that topic (amended version).

Le Monde des Medias (Unit of Work)
A Unit of Work on the topic of media and the news. There are four lessons worth of activities (understanding the news, interviews, weather forecast and reporting in the imperfect tense). Students can work through the supporting booklet.
The final activity gets the students into groups where they have to create their own TV show to include an opening, the weather forecast, breaking news and an interview.

A la télé - Expo 2 Rouge Module 2
A complete lesson introducing 'qu'est-ce que tu as regardé a la télé'. It includes a listening activity (based on the video) and a reading activity (the PPT presentation). The plenary is a challenging, yet fun pass the parcel.

Ma musique préférée (justifying)
Two worksheets on justifying why you like/dislike a certain type of music or artist. It could lead to the writing of an account of a concert.

1941 - La seconde guerre mondiale
An outline of what happens in 1941 in France, Europe and Russia. No presentation available for this one unfortunately.

la télé-réalité - Expo 3 Module 1
Based on the extension of Expo 3 Module , the lesson is focused on the reality-TV show 'les colocataies' and includes various activities.

Inviting someone out and making excuses
Interactive whiteboard presentation on how to invite someone out and accepting/making an excuse/refusing.
Supporting materials included.

1939 - La seconde guerre mondiale
A presentation of the main events in Europe and Russia leading to WW2.

Le futur simple
An introduction to the futur simple including some irregular ones. It is mostly focused on the first person singular but it can be easily adapted. It also includes a reading comprehension activity.

Indila - Dernière Danse
A challenging lesson focussed on a song that is currently number 1 in the French charts.
- Match the endings to the right pronoun
- Conjugate the infinitives in (taken from the lyrics)
- Listen to the song and fill in the gap (using the verbs just seen) – don’t show the video as it is the lyrics video (it will show the answer)
- Unjumble the key words (they can be found in the lyrics).
- Group discussion: what is the main theme of the song (answer: b. racism – although the other answers are also acceptable)

Il est hypercool
Based on Studio 1 Module 1. This presentation is used so that students are able to talk about their favourite artist (physical descriptions, character, likes/dislikes...). Most videos that are embedded are home-made (apart from the Rihanna one). I have also included a powerpoint to make it easier to change the content of the smartboard (just copy and paste after).

On peut
Lesson to introduce 'on peut' and 'on ne peut pas' in the context of presenting your town.
In order to introduce the vocabulary, pictures and words are to be revealed using the rubber (slide 4).

Weather past, present and future
A presentation about past present and future. It includes a reading activity in the past tense and a listening activity in the future tense.

GCSE French Revision Activity booklet (legacy)
A very comprehensive revision and activity booklet aimed at the 2009 GCSE Students that I have put together. It contains all the GCSE topics with revision activities as well as two annexes: one for summer activities, one for grammar explanation. Message me in case of typos. I have added the word document versions of each part (the formatting might be off as it has been created on Pages on an Apple Mac).

Pour etre en bonne santé, il faut manger
A lesson to introduce what to eat to stay fit and healthy. It includes a reading activity (find the french for).