There is an old saying in my home country that goes: "Crazier than a goat", way too funny, but after reading "Goats Are Great" by Alyse Sweeney from Reading A-Z we learned that goats are way far from crazy!!! I could have not imagined that these animals were so sweet and curious, and I bet my students did not think so either!
It is a very interesting reading about pros and cons of goats as pets, a perfect suitable text for a fact or opinion lesson. I also created a cut and paste sorting activity to go along with the book, but it can be used with or without a book about goats. This freebie includes both English and Spanish versions.
This freebie includes an English and a Spanish version.
A graphic organizer to recognize elements of a story to have students respond to some of our readings during Read Across America Week.
Easy and fun writing craft for multiple uses during the celebration of Read Across America week.
Spanish and English versions included.
Be sure to use set the two-sided printing option to print the writing pages.
Color and B&W versions included.
Easy and fun writing craft for multiple uses during the celebration of St. Patrick's Day.
Spanish and English versions included.
Color and B&W versions included.
Smartboard lesson created to explain the use of the two major contractions in the Spanish language, al and del.
Includes an interactive fill in the blank activity and a practice page.
Spanish CCSS
ACTIVINSPIRE/PROMETHEAN lesson created to explain and describe the usage of the simple future tense with regular verbs in first person in Spanish.
MIMIO lesson created to explain the use of the two major contractions in the Spanish language, al and del.
Includes a fill in the blank activity and a practice page.
Spanish CCSS
Smartboard lesson created to explain the usage of imperatives in affirmative and negative forms with regular and irregular verbs.
Includes a practice worksheet.
Unzip the file to get access to the Smartboard notebook and the PDF file.
8 colorful posters for your guided reading, small group, or whole group instruction. These posters contain kid-friendly I can statements for different reading strategies students can refer to. A smaller version is included too for students to use when working independently.
- 8 colorful posters 8.5 in × 11 in.
- 8 black and white posters 8.5 in × 11 in
- Student-size cards for individual use (color and black and white versions).
Also available in English.
*This resource has been created to be used with MIMIO software*
Engage your students in a conversation to ask questions a baby gorilla and lead the way to a meaningful session to understand why and how we ask questions when reading a text.
This presentation can help you introduce/ review the reading strategy of asking questions when reading a text. It also includes 2 graphic organizers for your students to record question before, during, and after reading a text.
*This resource has been created to be used with SMARTBOARD software*
Engage your students in a conversation to ask questions a baby gorilla and lead the way to a meaningful session to understand why and how we ask questions when reading a text.
This presentation can help you introduce/ review the reading strategy of asking questions when reading a text.
MIMIO lesson created to explain the usage of imperatives in affirmative and negative forms of regular and irregular verbs.
Includes a practice worksheet.
Unzip the file to get access to the Mimio file and the PDF file.
Teaching first graders how to write and how to revise their writing has been quite of a challenge for all first grade teachers I have had the opportunity to talk to (not to mention myself!!!) These AWESOME HELPER HANDS have been my life savers in my classroom, I created them based on my student's needs and we have made lots of progress in writing. This set includes:
- Helper Hand (color): Writing checklist
-¿Mi texto… Tiene un título?
Comienza con letra mayúscula?
Tiene espacio entre las palabras?
Tiene signos de puntuación?
Tiene sentido?
- Helper Hand (color): Transition Words: - Título, Primero, Luego, Después, Por último.
- Helper hand Individual size (color): Writing checklist
- Helper hand Individual size (color): Transition words
- Helper Hand (B&W): Writing checklist
- Helper Hand (B&W): Transition Words
- Helper hand Individual size (B&W): Writing checklist
- Helper hand Individual size (B&W): Transition words
- You may either print on separate sheets of paper and then assemble back to back or use each hand individually. Available in English or Bilingual.
This set of printable activities will help you reinforce the recognition of prefixes des and re and develop phonemic awareness in your K-1 students or as an intervention in upper grades.
Activities in this set reinforce:
- Tracing of uppercase and lowercase letters
- Sound-letter correspondence
- Syllabication
- Vocabulary
- Phonemic awareness
Look for the other sets and bundles in the Spanish Phonics Series!
This set of printable activities will help you reinforce the recognition of combinations mp, mb, nv, r and consonants, and develop phonemic awareness in your K-1 students or as an intervention in upper grades.
Activities in this set reinforce:
- Tracing of uppercase and lowercase letters
- Sound-letter correspondence
- Syllabication
- Vocabulary
- Phonemic awareness
Look for the other sets and bundles in the Spanish Phonics Series!
This set of printable activities will help you reinforce the recognition of prefixes ito, ita, ada, ado and develop phonemic awareness in your K-1 students or as an intervention in upper grades.
Activities in this set reinforce:
- Tracing of uppercase and lowercase letters
- Sound-letter correspondence
- Syllabication
- Vocabulary
- Phonemic awareness
Look for the other sets and bundles in the Spanish Phonics Series!
This set of printable activities will help you reinforce the recognition of sufixes mente, ido, and ida, and develop phonemic awareness in your K-1 students or as an intervention in upper grades.
Activities in this set reinforce:
- Tracing of uppercase and lowercase letters
- Sound-letter correspondence
- Syllabication
- Vocabulary
- Phonemic awareness
Look for the other sets and bundles in the Spanish Phonics Series!
This set of printable activities will help you reinforce the recognition of sufixes osa and oso, and develop phonemic awareness in your K-1 students or as an intervention in upper grades.
Activities in this set reinforce:
- Tracing of uppercase and lowercase letters
- Sound-letter correspondence
- Syllabication
- Vocabulary
- Phonemic awareness
Look for the other sets and bundles in the Spanish Phonics Series!