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Narcud8's Shop

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Computer Science teacher 20 years in school, college and University. Range of resources for all levels.




Computer Science teacher 20 years in school, college and University. Range of resources for all levels.
Data storage managing memory, data types and variables, real, long,floating point, byte,string

Data storage managing memory, data types and variables, real, long,floating point, byte,string

Resources for GCSE Computing course for the Data Representation topic. The Resource explains how different data is stored, so introducing data types and variables and shows how important it is to make sure the correct variables are selected by the programmer. Uses examples in Python and an excel program ( input form and vba coding) has been created for students to investigate for themselves, what can go if wrong data types for variables are chosen by the programmer. Overflow error, type Mismatch, rounding up errors, Validation etc.
Computer Security Crossword

Computer Security Crossword

Quck Crossword, created in Excel for students to answer in Excel. Summarises different types of Maware threats and techniques used to secure a computer system.
Introduction to Home Networking

Introduction to Home Networking

General questionnaire to find out how much students understand about their own home wireless network Activity that explains in basic terms how a modem works
Introduction  to the Internet Crossword  in Excel

Introduction to the Internet Crossword in Excel

A crossword with answers created in Microsoft Excel which is designed to be used as the first lesson after watching a video - link provided in heading of Crossword. Students research key terms such as Browser, internet, Homepage World wide web, Broadband, Server ,Fibre optic cable , Internet service provide Client ,www , then identify them in the crossword.
Creating a poster in Microsoft Word

Creating a poster in Microsoft Word

Creating an an attractive Poster on A Super Hero conference (lots of images provided) or a Dancing Show : A worksheet showing basic tools needed to format images and text. Created to give Year 7 / 8 students a basic grasp of handling graphics and text using Microsoft Word. Worksheet Step by step screen shots showing how to … Add logos - (all images have a transparent background, so can be overlapped ). Colour page background Insert images from the internet and format them and position them using layers Handle and format shapes Create text using text boxes and format
2.Using Tinkercad: Creating a Parking sensor for the Arduino and using For loops

2.Using Tinkercad: Creating a Parking sensor for the Arduino and using For loops

Resource shows how to build a circuit with leds, distance sensor and a buzzer using a breadboard and how to program using Arduino. Explains how distance ultrasound is used to measure distances in introduces a sequence of if statements to create a reverse parking sensor which uses sequence of lights and alternating tones from a buzzer to simulate a parking sensor using Tinkercad. Introduces for loops to control brightness of an led and changing the tone of a buzzer. Explains how Square waves can be used to output analogue data. Used for year 9 to make coding more engaging in preparation for choosing Computer Science at GCSE.
1.Using Tinkercad : Create and program with Arduino - Traffic Light  and Knight Rider strobe

1.Using Tinkercad : Create and program with Arduino - Traffic Light and Knight Rider strobe

A tutorial ( part 1 &2) showing how to use Tikercad to create circuits and program with the Arduino Microcontroller. A fun introduction to programming can be used for Year 8 to 11 learners. Used to practise circuit bulding and programming before building their own circuits using leds, breadboard and Arduino connected via usb to their computer. Used with Year 9 to introduce electronics and programming. Lesson 1 : Controlling an led Lesson 2 : Creating a Traffic Light Simulation. Lesson 3 : Creating a strobe light effect - Knight Rider car Tinkercad is great simulation program , students learn quickly and then are much more confident at to being able to take the exported code and build their own circuits. Makes it much easier to manage a class of 25 Year 9s all doing practical.
Styling Websites :  Introduction to CSS (internal and external ) and how its used in websites.

Styling Websites : Introduction to CSS (internal and external ) and how its used in websites.

An introduction to how css can be used internal css to change style in a single webpages to external css to apply to whole websites. Simple explanation with source code and a style switcher - A CV page to show -off tech skills containing a clock animation created using flash actionscript and an iPhone with scrollable screen and interactive buttons using Javascript to allow users to switch styles to plain print view styled page. Shows why Cascading Style sheets are so important. Another example to show how websites can allow users to switch between large and small text. Excellent visual way to explain why websites must allow the user to customise websites in terms of colours, size of text, background images etc, or risk discriminating / isolating users using Cascading Stylesheets. Can be used for all levels.
Binary Search in Python a Simple practical explanation

Binary Search in Python a Simple practical explanation

This resource includes a python program with a commentary and guide that shows exactly the steps a Binary search. GCSE computer science students often find it difficult to understand Searching algorithms. So I have written as basic a program to help explain how it works with full details of how each line of the algorithm works.Includes trace table and code allowing each variable value to be printed as each line is executed.