A worksheet explaining how to create a Security Night light using a Light Dependent Resistor including Serial output to screen. Includes a switch so user can manually turn light on as well. Learners build own circuits, code and test online, then download code and build own circuit and upload code to an Arduino Uno to test.
Resource shows how to build a circuit with leds, distance sensor and a buzzer using a breadboard and how to program using Arduino. Explains how distance ultrasound is used to measure distances in introduces a sequence of if statements to create a reverse parking sensor which uses sequence of lights and alternating tones from a buzzer to simulate a parking sensor using Tinkercad. Introduces for loops to control brightness of an led and changing the tone of a buzzer. Explains how Square waves can be used to output analogue data. Used for year 9 to make coding more engaging in preparation for choosing Computer Science at GCSE.
Used in Year 8 and 9 to introduce Students to Computer Science and gets them away from standard software such as Python, Scratch. Great for cross -curricular links - Physics/Electronics/Programming/Technology.
A set of resources that explains how to make programming more fun interactive using LEDs, Buzzers controlled by the Arduino micro-controller.
Students are introduced to an Arduino circuit building simulator to practise how to create circuits using a breadboard and how to connect to Arduino and code to control their circuits.
Includes : source code, circuit diagrams, and photographs of set ups and videos programs running. Information about how the Arduino works and where the best place to buy all the components you need. Also see my other resources designed in Tinkercad.
Arduino - Yr 7 & 8 Technology, 9 & 10 Electronics, Design & Technology
A range of worksheet activities with circuit diagrams and code covering Computer Science and Physics curriculum. Can be used to make programming more interactive / fun building practical systems. With links to all the Tinkercad devices for immediate / hassle free access :
Arduino–Getting-started-with-TinkerCad-Simulation : how to build circuits, code
2.TinkerCad-Traffic-Light-Simulation : create own traffic light system.
3.Using Loops in programming the Arduino using Tinkercad : learn how to use for
4.TinkerCad-Knight-Rider-Simulation : create iconic strobe effect with sound
5.TinkerCad-Parking-Sensor-Simulation with flashing leds and sounds and distance
6.Tinkercad Night Light Simulation with LDR and push switch.
Tinkercad Electronic Dice with Push button
Tinkercad Creating and displaying characters using an LCD
Includes a Summary of aims / learning for each lesson too. Over 60 pages of instructions / activities.
If any of links to projects online do not open ( I update them every 30 days as they expire on the site) please email me : narud@outlook.com. Please let me now if there any other issues and give me feedback, so I can improve ( and you can download the improved versions).