
PSHE Bullying Awareness - Protected Characteristics Questions and Presentation Task
Bullying often involves abuse based on protected characteristics. This article about a young boy being bullied is followed by questions about bullying and a presentation activity based on protected characteristics.
If your students creates a great way of preventing bullying, we want to hear it! Record it and share with us at @NJMLearning or email us their work at learning@nationaljusticemuseum.org.uk

Stephen Lawrence Factsheet
A PDF information sheet about Stephen Lawrence Day with key facts about his case and his legacy.
The factsheet covers:
Who was Stephen Lawrence?
What happened to Stephen Lawrence?
What happened after the murder of Stephen Lawrence?
The Macpherson Report
Double Jeopardy
How can we remember Stephen Lawrence today?
The factsheet can be used to provide information to students ahead of Stephen Lawrence Day on 22 April. It can be used for comprehension activities, for research or displayed in class.

Black History Month Collection
A collection of resources created by the National Justice Museum Learning Team exploring:
Prominent People in Black British History (PowerPoint Presentation)
Legal Landmarks - The Race Relations Act (PDF document)
The Zong Massacre (PDF document)
The first black male and female police officers (PDF document)
The ‘Windrush Scandal’ (PDF document)
A timeline of Legal Milestones in Black British History (PDF document)
The trial of Somerset v. Stewart (PDF document)

English Language Law Themed Mock (Crime and Punishment)
Inspired by our national dedication to education around the justice system and careers within the law and legal systems, this is a fully resourced mock examination for the English Language paper two examination. This resource includes:
Line numbered sources
Section B writing task
Please send any interesting answers to us at learning@nationaljusticemuseum.org.uk or send an image to us at @NJMLearning on Twitter.

English Language Law Themed Mock (Age of Criminal Responsibility)
Inspired by our national dedication to education around the justice system and careers within the law and legal systems, this resource is a full mock examination for the English Language paper two examination. This resource includes:
Line numbered sources
Section B writing task
Please send any interesting answers to us at learning@nationaljusticemuseum.org.uk or send an image to us at @NJMLearning on Twitter.

GCSE English Debate Topics: Knife Crime
Debate is a core part of British values and very important to us at the National Justice Museum. We have made a debate topic using an article describing the impacts of knife crime on individuals. The article is first, followed by a debate task and some pointers for success.
If your students created a great debate, we want to hear it! Record it and share with us at @NJMLearning or email us their work at learning@nationaljusticemuseum.org.uk

GCSE English Debate Topics: Social Media Consequences
Debate is a core part of British values and very important to us at the National Justice Museum. We have made a debate topic using an article describing the potential consequences for misusing social media. The article is first, followed by a debate task and some pointers for success.
If your students created a great debate, we want to hear it! Record it and share with us at @NJMLearning or email us their work at learning@nationaljusticemuseum.org.uk

Judges of South Asian Heritage Factsheet
An information sheet celebrating judges of South Asian Heritage developed as part of South Asian Heritage Month.
The factsheet can be used to provide information about two judges of South Asian heritage - Lord Justice Singh and Judge Shant.
Suggested uses: comprehension activities, for research or to be displayed in class.

Explore the Law: Fracking Worksheet
Here at the National Justice Museum, we understand that laws are evolving things. With the current change in the legality of fracking announced, our worksheet aims to educate young people on what fracking is and why it is so controversial. It also gives a voice to the young people engaging in the activity so that they can see how important their vision and voices are within the legal system. Their voices can change the future and maybe create a brighter, more ecologically sound tomorrow. As an organisation which supports sustainability, we find that exciting!
The worksheet is self explanatory and requires no further resources.
Please send any interesting answers or ideas to us at learning@nationaljusticemuseum.org.uk or send an image to us at @NJMLearning on Twitter.

Antisemitism Lesson Scheme ( Two Lessons)
Here at the National Justice Museum, we examine justice throughout history and within our modern society. This PowerPoint seeks to educate about what Antisemitism is, where it came from and how to spot it in social media and popular culture. Lessons are designed to be engaging for students across all ability levels and from KS2 to KS5. Designed with PSHE in mind, these lessons can be changed to suit your class or group. Activities include creating a newspaper article and group discussions.
Outreach sessions can be booked at learning@nationaljusticemuseum.org.uk
If your students is inspired by this resource, we want to hear it! Record it and share with us at @NJMLearning or email us their work at learning@nationaljusticemuseum.org.uk. Likewise, if you believe that we could add more to this resource, please do get in touch.