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Nguseer's Shop

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Experienced Computing and IT teacher passionate about creating high-quality, exam-focused resources that work in real classrooms. Starting with Cambridge Nationals IT, due to the limited resources available compared to Computer Science, my growing collection aims to support teachers with time-saving, specification-matched materials including IT, Computing and PSHCE resources that help students achieve their potential.

Experienced Computing and IT teacher passionate about creating high-quality, exam-focused resources that work in real classrooms. Starting with Cambridge Nationals IT, due to the limited resources available compared to Computer Science, my growing collection aims to support teachers with time-saving, specification-matched materials including IT, Computing and PSHCE resources that help students achieve their potential.
Careers in Computing: Inspiring Year 9 Students

Careers in Computing: Inspiring Year 9 Students

A** FREE** comprehensive computing careers resource designed for Year 9 students, featuring an engaging PowerPoint presentation with interactive activities and accompanying workbook to inspire the next generation of tech professionals. This extensive careers resource was originally created for a 2-hour Learning Enrichment Day (LED) session, but can be easily adapted for shorter sessions. What’s included: Detailed Slides (PowerPoint) with consistent formatting and engaging visuals A Student workbook (Word) with: • “Do Now” starter activity and reflection questions • Career exploration matching activity for 20 diverse computing careers with accompanying careers sheet (activity may be amended to a card sort if preferred) • Venn diagram sorting activity to distinguish between computer science and IT skills • Technology trends section with note-taking templates Profiles of pioneering women in computing history and contemporary tech leaders Home learning extension task with QR code for further research File types: Careers in Computing - Workshop Slides.pptx Careers in Computing - Workbook.docx Career Exploration Activity - Careers.docx Key features: Challenges computing stereotypes to encourage wider participation Highlights diverse career paths suitable for different interests and abilities Connects technology trends to future career opportunities Emphasises inclusivity with focus on women in computing Provides practical next steps for students to explore computing Practical tips: Original session designed for 2 hours but can be easily edited down to 1 hour Teachers could add slides highlighting computing/IT subjects available at their school at KS4 and KS5 Technology trends section can be customised to focus on areas most relevant to your curriculum Consider inviting local tech industry speakers to complement the session Based on feedback from colleagues who delivered the session, recommended modifications include reducing the number of careers explored and reducing video content for time efficiency. Links to curricula: Supports Gatsby Benchmark 4 (Linking curriculum learning to careers) Complements KS3 Computing curriculum Helps inform GCSE option choices Develops awareness of post-16 pathways in computing and IT Encourages wider participation in computing subjects Please note: This resource was created in October 2023. Before delivering, please check that the QR code still works, YouTube videos are still accessible, and the technology trends mentioned remain relevant and cutting-edge. Technology evolves rapidly, so you may wish to update examples with more current innovations. This FREE resource provides everything needed to deliver an engaging and informative computing careers session that challenges stereotypes, broadens horizons, and inspires students to consider the diverse opportunities available in the tech sector.
OCR CNAT IT (J836) R050 10-Minute Tests

OCR CNAT IT (J836) R050 10-Minute Tests

This complete revision resource is specifically designed for teachers and their students studying OCR Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 in IT (J836), focusing on R050: IT in the digital world. Perfect for both classroom use and independent study, these materials provide structured assessment opportunities across all Topic Areas of the specification. . What is included: 28 Ten-Minute Tests (pdf) and a comprehensive mark scheme (pdf) . The ten-minute test booklet includes: 23 tests focused on each topic area, covering the whole specification - a variety of question types in each test: multiple-choice, short-answer, and long-response 4 mixed-topic tests that each feature multiple-choice questions and a design tool practice question (practice creating a visualisation diagram, a flowchart, a mind map, and a wireframe) 1 mixed-topic test that features multiple-choice questions and a 9-mark essay question for extended writing practice . Additional Support Materials: Detailed model answers for each design tool question and the 9-mark essay question (in the mark scheme booklet) Progress tracking sheet on the first page of the ten-minute test booklet . Learning objectives of this resource: Assess knowledge and understanding across all Topic Areas Build confidence in answering different question types Develop exam technique through regular practice Master design tool creation and application Improve extended writing skills . Practical implementation of this resource: Can be used as ten-minute starter activities Can be effective homework tasks Can be useful for self and peer assessment opportunities Useful as knowledge check points throughout the course A great revision aid for mock exams and final assessment . Links to specification: Covers all R050 Topic Areas: TA1: Design Tools TA2: Human Computer Interface in everyday life TA3: Data and testing TA4: Cyber-security and legislation TA5: Digital communications TA6: Internet of Everything (IoE) . This resource provides supports systematically assessing student progress and exam readiness while developing essential skills for the R050 examination. . Try before you buy! Visit my shop now to download a free sample pack: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Nguseer . Found this resource helpful? Explore more R050 materials in my shop
OCR CNAT IT (J836) R050 6ADay Revision MARCH

OCR CNAT IT (J836) R050 6ADay Revision MARCH

This daily revision resource provides structured question practice for students studying OCR Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 in IT (J836), focusing on R050: IT in the digital world. Perfect for building consistent revision habits through March. What is included: Daily sets of 6 questions with comprehensive mark schemes Questions covering all R050 specification content Topic Area references in mark schemes to guide revision focus Mix of short-answer questions, mix and match and some multiple choice Mark scheme digital format for easy distribution via learning platforms Clear model answers for all questions Learning objectives: Build consistent daily revision habits Reinforce knowledge across all R050 Topic Areas Practice answering various question types Identify areas needing further study through Topic Area references Develop independent revision skills Practical implementation: One set of questions per day throughout March Each set designed to take 10-15 minutes Designed to be used for independent revision, but can also be used as starters, plenaries and homework. Flexible delivery via online platforms or printed sheets Self-marking using provided mark schemes Links to specification: Covers all R050 Topic Areas: TA1: Design Tools TA2: Human Computer Interface in everyday life TA3: Data and testing TA4: Cyber-security and legislation TA5: Digital communications TA6: Internet of Everything (IoE) This resource supports systematic daily revision while helping students identify and strengthen their understanding across all Topic Areas of R050. Look out for April Six-A-Day coming soon to support continuous revision right up to the summer examination! Found this resource helpful? Explore more R050 materials in my shop: [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Nguseer]
OCR CNAT IT (J836) R050 6ADay Revision FEBRUARY

OCR CNAT IT (J836) R050 6ADay Revision FEBRUARY

This daily revision resource provides structured question practice for students studying OCR Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 in IT (J836), focusing on R050: IT in the digital world. Perfect for building consistent revision habits through February. What is included: Daily sets of 6 questions with comprehensive mark schemes Questions covering all R050 specification content Topic Area references in mark schemes to guide revision focus Mix of short-answer questions, some multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks and mix and match. Mark scheme digital format for easy distribution via learning platforms Clear model answers for all questions Learning objectives: Build consistent daily revision habits Reinforce knowledge across all R050 Topic Areas Practice answering various question types Identify areas needing further study through Topic Area references Develop independent revision skills Practical implementation: One set of questions per day throughout February Each set designed to take 10-15 minutes Designed to be used for independent revision, but can also be used as starters, plenaries and homework. Flexible delivery via online platforms or printed sheets Self-marking using provided mark schemes Links to specification: Covers all R050 Topic Areas: TA1: Design Tools TA2: Human Computer Interface in everyday life TA3: Data and testing TA4: Cyber-security and legislation TA5: Digital communications TA6: Internet of Everything (IoE) This resource supports systematic daily revision while helping students identify and strengthen their understanding across all Topic Areas of R050. Look out for March and April Six-A-Day LITE resources coming soon to support continuous revision right up to the summer examination! Found this resource helpful? Explore more R050 materials in my shop: [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Nguseer]
OCR CNAT IT (J836) R050 – Full Mock Paper

OCR CNAT IT (J836) R050 – Full Mock Paper

Complete R050 IT in the Digital World mock exam pack including full paper, detailed mark scheme, automated grade calculator, and structured feedback lesson resources. What’s included: Full mock exam paper (Word document) – Section B themed scenario focusing on a leisure centre’s digital systems Comprehensive mark scheme (Word document) with detailed answers and level descriptors for extended response questions Automated score calculator spreadsheet with grade and UMS conversion - simply input raw marks to generate grades. Teacher can edit further to analyse class performance. Student self-reflection worksheet (Word document) mapped to topic areas for targeted revision Customisable feedback lesson slides (PowerPoint) with teacher notes for delivering whole-class feedback - easily editable to suit your students’ specific needs and areas for development Question Design: All questions are original content, carefully crafted to mirror the official examination standard while ensuring zero overlap with past papers. The paper includes: Balanced distribution of Low, Medium and High challenge questions matching examination weightings Comprehensive coverage across all topic areas Variety of question types including: MCQs; Mix and match; Short response questions; Extended writing tasks; Design tool application (flowchart) Links to specification coverage: TA1: Design tools TA2: HCI in everyday life TA3: Data and testing TA4: Cyber-security and legislation TA5: Digital communications TA6: Internet of Everything File types: Mock paper (.docx) Mark scheme (.docx) Grade calculator (.xlsx) Student reflection resource (.docx) Feedback lesson slides (.pptx) - fully editable for customisation The mock paper follows the OCR exam format with scenario-based questions progressing from short-answer to extended responses, ideal for exam preparation. Found this resource helpful? Explore more R050 materials in my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Nguseer
OCR CNAT IT (J836) R050 10-Minute Tests - FREE SAMPLE

OCR CNAT IT (J836) R050 10-Minute Tests - FREE SAMPLE

FREE SAMPLE - OCR Cambridge Nationals IT (J836) R050 Ten-Minute Tests Try before you buy! This free sample includes: Test 1 (TA 1.1 Types of design tools) with mark scheme Test 10 (TA3.4 Storage of collected data) with mark scheme Test 25 (Mixed Test with visualisation diagram practice) with mark scheme Model answer for the visualisation diagram design tool question Example of topic-specific and mixed-style questions Experience firsthand how these carefully crafted resources support teaching and learning of R050: IT in the digital world. This sample demonstrates the format, style, and comprehensive nature of the full resource pack. Want the complete set? Head to my shop to access: 28 Ten-Minute Tests (pdf) and a comprehensive mark scheme (pdf) The 28 tests comprise of: 23 tests focused on each topic area, covering the whole specification - a variety of question types in each test: multiple-choice, short-answer, and long-response 4 mixed-topic tests that each feature multiple-choice questions and a design tool practice question (practice creating a visualisation diagram, a flowchart, a mind map, and a wireframe) 1 mixed-topic test that features multiple-choice questions and a 9-mark essay question for extended writing practice Additional Support Materials: Detailed model answers for each design tool question and the 9-mark essay question (in the mark scheme booklet) Progress tracking sheet on the first page of the ten-minute test booklet Visit my shop now to purchase the full resource pack!