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Upper KS2 resources.
Science Staff CPD session

Science Staff CPD session

Powerpoint and resources for an interactive, exciting, informative CPD session. Including: Dunk-a-bility test and resources (showing the difference in working scientifically skill across the key stages) Key vocab to know Working scientifically skills across the key stages Enquiry skills vs working scientifically Curly-wurly challenge Top 7 resources for Science planning Top two take-aways from the most recent ‘Inclusion in Science’ document released in 2022. British Science week - adapt to your school Assessment - where to go for guidance How to buy things - adapt for your school Moderation - resource included
Banksy Project

Banksy Project

Three lessons of a Banksy Project. Resources for a Banksy art gallery including Banksy money to ‘buy’ a smaller version of their favourite for activity. Lesson 1 - Debate about vandalism/graffiti, introduction to history of graffiti and Banksy. Visit your Banksy ‘art gallery’. Activity: ‘Buy your favourite, answer the questions about the piece of art you have picked and recreate it in your books.’ Lesson 2 - Re-visiting the Banksy ‘art’ gallery and sketching. Creating your own stencil Lesson 3 - Creating your own piece of Banksy inspired art work, leading to a competition. Thinking about what message you want in the school. This project was a favourite of many at the end of the year. Covers art objectives:  to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas  to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials  learn about great artists, architects and designers in history. Covers art aims:  produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences  become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques  evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design  know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Qatar: Introduction, history and comparison to the UK (2 lessons)

Qatar: Introduction, history and comparison to the UK (2 lessons)

Two lessons about Qatar One Powerpoint Two lesson activities Lesson 1: (You can decide which slides you want to keep for lesson 2, or you can just recap key information for lesson 2) Introduction to Qatar Where it is in the world compared to UK Capital city History of Qatar Comparison pictures Changes in the skyline History of Pearl Diving Finding oil WW2 Timeline of key historical moments Buildings in Qatar Futuristic buildings and their nicknames Traditional buildings The Pearl - man-made island Education in the UK Education in Qatar Interesting facts and information about Qatar Activity: LI:To recognise the differences between two periods of time Sheet of images from past Qatar and present Qatar, children to make notes of similarities and differences. Lesson 2 Recap powerpoint or any slides that were skipped during first lesson. Have powerpoint printed off for your groups/pairs and you need laptops/tablets. LI: To find similaries and differences between Qatar and the UK Sheet showing venn diagram and examples of information to find on the ppt.
Intro to Galapagos and carousel activities

Intro to Galapagos and carousel activities

Includes: Powerpoint introduction to the Galapagos Iguana outline for question to then be displayed on your wall. At the end of the topic, take down questions and children should answer them then stick them in their books. Worksheet to be taken to each station of the activity FOUR STATION ACTIVITY Digital station Globe station Atlas station Research station
Fossil lesson

Fossil lesson

Key learning: To recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago. Activity - To create a fossil record Includes: Handout with examples. Link to fantastic video Exit pass Link to Kahoot about fossils
Irrigation and farming lesson

Irrigation and farming lesson

Background information on irrigation and why it is needed for farming. Links to irrigation activity (you will need trays and soil) Pour water down the trays once completed to see if the water spreads evenly and if they have set up a successful irrigation system. Buy sunflower seeds along with this and set up a sunflower growing competition with the trays and soil. Really good practical lesson.
Humanities CPD session

Humanities CPD session

Humanities CPD session for staff covering: CULTURAL CAPITAL - What is it? How can we establish it? What makes an outstanding curriculum? Key takeaways from the most recent History review from Ofsted Key takeaways from Geography in outstanding primary schools – posted by Iain Freeland HMI, Ofsted’s subject lead for geography Inclusion in Humanities lessons Supporting ALL children in the classroom Ensuring all children are successful Retaining information Key vocabulary Online resources Adapt to fit your needs.
Fossil Hook Afternoon

Fossil Hook Afternoon

Fun, engaging fossil project afternoon. Includes: Resources for children Pack including space for each activity to be recorded Resources for adults Clear list of resources needed for each activity What teachers need to say and questions they need to ask Timetabling and organisation templates • Activity 1 - Microscope work • Activity 2 - Digging for fossils in the sandpit with paintbrushes • Activity 3 – Fossil Rubbing/drawing • Activity 4 – Laptop work – Who was Mary Anning? • Activity 5 – Watch David Attenborough - Galapagos • Activity 6 – Create their own fossil design
Bank of 10 minute brain breaks

Bank of 10 minute brain breaks

Bank of different activites no longer than 10 minutes to be used as brain break sessions. This document includes: Would you rather? (The different choices have different exercises to do) Calm drawing tutorials Just Dance songs - once you have followed one link, it will bring up the entire youtube playlist down the side where you can select more.