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Phiree245's Time Saver Shop

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You have enough to do so let me do some of the hard work for you. I have been a teacher in England for almost 10 years but I've been working in schools even longer than that. I have taught across year groups from Year 2 upwards in primary schools therefore I know what good resources look like and require. I also know how little time teachers have to prepare quality resources so wanted to share great resources for teachers to have the option of using instead of creating their own from scratch.

You have enough to do so let me do some of the hard work for you. I have been a teacher in England for almost 10 years but I've been working in schools even longer than that. I have taught across year groups from Year 2 upwards in primary schools therefore I know what good resources look like and require. I also know how little time teachers have to prepare quality resources so wanted to share great resources for teachers to have the option of using instead of creating their own from scratch.
Newspaper Report Examples KS2

Newspaper Report Examples KS2

Need quality examples of newspaper reports for KS2? These newspaper articles are based on true stories but have been modified for children in KS2 - most suitable for Years 4, 5 or 6. There are 4 articles and each one has a different newspaper name, date and focus. Each report uses the features of a newspaper article (as expected for KS2 children in the UK).
Play script Writing Planning Sheet - UKS2 (Year 5 & 6)

Play script Writing Planning Sheet - UKS2 (Year 5 & 6)

This handout will help children to structure their playscript writing. It contains skills for Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and 6). The examples link with the story Wolves in the Walls but can be used with a variety of texts. It helps to identify the features of a playscript and structure the writing skills to encourage the pupils to engage with skills that they may usually find difficult or lack confidence with. There are 3 sheets in total. 1 x heavily modelled examples. 1 x partially modelled examples. 1 x blank boxed up sheet for recording own ideas on.
The Last Bear -Character Description Writing Mats- Year 5 & 6

The Last Bear -Character Description Writing Mats- Year 5 & 6

This character description aid will help anyone writing a description about the characters April or Tör from the book, The Last Bear by Hannah Gold. Containing adjectives specific to Tör and April about their personalities and appearance. There are example noun phrases and a short modelled piece of writing for each character to show how writing skills can be brought together.
Newspaper Report Writing Non-Chronological Planning Sheet - UKS2 (Year 5 & 6)

Newspaper Report Writing Non-Chronological Planning Sheet - UKS2 (Year 5 & 6)

This handout will help children to structure their newspaper (non-chronological) report writing. It contains skills for Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and 6). The examples link with Kensuke’s Kingdom storyline. It helps to identify the features of newspaper and structure the writing skills to encourage the pupils to engage with skills that they usually find difficult or lack confidence with. There are 3 sheets in total. 1 x heavily modelled examples. 1 x partially modelled examples. 1 x blank boxed up sheet for recording own ideas on.
Drop-in '-ed clauses' Worksheet KS2

Drop-in '-ed clauses' Worksheet KS2

This is a great worksheet for those KS2 teachers looking to put children’s understanding of adding ‘-ed clauses’ into their writing. It is a great writing tool and one that children can struggle with ideas for in Upper Key Stage 2 so this scaffolds their knowledge to get progressively harder. The word bank at the bottom is useful for the lesson and as a future reminder the children can turn back to for models and ideas.
Year 5 - Writing - Editing with Adjectives

Year 5 - Writing - Editing with Adjectives

This resource is aimed at encouraging children to upgrade sentences by editing existing ones with adjectives. The resource includes an adapted version too for children who need more support with editing. This editing task is mainly for the descriptive writing of a setting - specifically a seaside location. The task is aimed at children who have just started in Year 5 but this could be used in Year 4 to Year 6 depending on the ability of the children in your class. The sentences are loosely based around the story Malamander but could be used away from the book if you are looking at setting descriptions.
Diary Writing Planning Sheet - UKS2

Diary Writing Planning Sheet - UKS2

This handout will help children to structure their diary writing. It contains skills for Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and 6). It helps to identify the features of diary writing and structure their use of writing skills. The examples link with the poem, The Highwayman but can be used with a variety of texts. There are 3 sheets in total. 1 x heavily modelled examples. 1 x partially modelled examples. 1 x blank boxed up sheet for recording own ideas on.
Beowulf Character Word Map, Scaffold Sheets

Beowulf Character Word Map, Scaffold Sheets

Beowulf can be hard to describe uniquely and engagingly but this resource will aid students to do so. Suitable for Upper Key Stage 2 and 3. Using this word bank and a variety of sentence examples (based on a range of senses and writing skills) inspires students to choose vocabulary carefully and challenge them. Having example sentences for them to magpie or use as a structure will give them the confidence to explore. This comes with a list of relatable adjectives, an artistic interpretation of Beowulf, examples of expanded noun phrases, metaphors, similes and up to 5 sentences for each of the 5 senses. *Look out for other resources on my site which will help with any Beowulf themed writing topics. *
Beowulf's Sea-Hag Character Word Map, Scaffold Sheet

Beowulf's Sea-Hag Character Word Map, Scaffold Sheet

The 'Sea-Hag’ in the story of Beowulf can be hard to describe in a unique and vibrant character description. Using this word bank and variety of sentence examples (based on a variety of senses and writing skills) inspires students to choose vocabulary carefully and challenge them to use more adventurous vocabulary. This comes with a list of relatable adjectives, an artistic interpretation of the Sea-Hag, examples of expanded noun phrases, metaphors, similes and up to 5 sentences for each of the 5 senses. *Look out for other Beowulf related resources on my site which can aid you in teaching this writing topic. *
Black History - Walter Tull Fact Sheet and Scaffolding KS2

Black History - Walter Tull Fact Sheet and Scaffolding KS2

A significant contribution to society through football and in World War One makes Walter Tull an inspirational person to study as part of Black History Month. This resource provides facts and scaffolded notes/planning sheets to teach others about his achievements and his enduring legacy. Aimed at children in KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5, 6), this resource provides - 2 pages of facts which are broken into sections 1 basic planning format 1 advanced planning format
Setting Description with Scaffolding for Upper KS2 (Year 5 & 6)

Setting Description with Scaffolding for Upper KS2 (Year 5 & 6)

Setting Description with Scaffolding for Upper KS2 (Year 5 &6) This activity is for children in Year 5 and 6, who are looking to write about a setting. It contains 3 different colour images about different types of settings. Each setting contains a scaffolded structure to aid children to reach the same level of description. Additionally, there is a peer and self review slip which states objectives you may expect to see related to setting descriptions (figurative language techniques). Each one of the skills has an example next to them so children can see good examples of each skill. The slip also allows for other students to leave feedback on the review slip (this is another Yr5 expected skill - to leave feedback for others).
Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, 1000 with Reasoning Problems

Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, 1000 with Reasoning Problems

There are 3 levels of questioning for the children to choose from for each multiplication of either 10, 100 or 1000. Then there are 3 levels of division questions which they can choose how much they answer and at what difficulty. Then another sheet provides reasoning based questions related to multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 & 1000. The lesson is aimed at Year 5 but could be for Years 4, 5 and 6. An answer sheet is provided for every question.
Verb Tenses Worksheet Activity KS2

Verb Tenses Worksheet Activity KS2

This worksheet provides questions around verbs and their tenses. There are 3 levels of activities which require pupils to show their understanding in different ways. This worksheet uses the characters from the book, The Escape Room by Christopher Edge but could be used without any knowledge of the book. Best aimed at Year 4 and Year 5 children. It comes with answers too.
Example Newspaper Report, Toolkit and Editing Targets -(Using Kensuke's Kingdom)

Example Newspaper Report, Toolkit and Editing Targets -(Using Kensuke's Kingdom)

This newspaper example aims to show how Year 5 and 6 writing objectives can be put into a newspaper report. Using Kensuke’s Kingdom as the newspaper report focus. The point where Michael and Stella (the dog) fall off the boat during a storm and the newspaper is written as a way of reporting the boy’s disappearance. There are two versions of the same article. One is written as a whole page of a newspaper report. The second is partly written with the idea being that you could give the less partial version as a way of getting pupils to edit and improve it. The resource also comes with a target board with different writing objectives to encourage children to include a variety of different skills. Finally a toolkit for newspaper report writing in KS2 which contains a self and peer checklist for pupils to check against.
Multiplication (Short) Column Method

Multiplication (Short) Column Method

This sheet is best aimed at Year 5 but could be used with any child in Years 4, 5 or 6. The worksheet starts with 2-digit multiplication questions using simpler times tables then progresses in difficulty. It moves on to harder multiples. Then 3 digit multiplication. Questions 16 and 17 require children to use greater than and less than symbols and then Q18 to Q20 are balancing equation questions about multiplication. The sheet is particularly useful as it is written on squared paper so children could write on to the sheet using the correct column method. 1 page plus an answer sheet.
Setting Description Images with Writing Space (KS2 & KS3) Pack 1

Setting Description Images with Writing Space (KS2 & KS3) Pack 1

This resource provides 24 various and interesting images of settings. This is a Word doc that has 3 images and 3 writing boxes per page - to allow pupils to write their descriptions or notes next to the images. This is Pack 1. (Note- These are the same images that are in Pack 1 of the presentation version available on my site.)
Year 5 Arithmetic and Reasoning Questions - Autumn Term

Year 5 Arithmetic and Reasoning Questions - Autumn Term

There are 2 arithmetic tests, aimed at children in Year 5, which contain 20 questions in each test. Additionally, there are reasoning based questions for children to apply their numeracy understanding to. 21 reasoning questions which are presented in a variety of methods. If your school uses White Rose then this will be a great resource to support preparing children for assessments.
Conversation Conversion (Speech) Beowulf Themed

Conversation Conversion (Speech) Beowulf Themed

This resource is for children who are practicing writing speech for narrative stories. It uses a Beowulf theme so there is a conversation between Beowulf and King Hrothgar. There’s two levels - Level 1 uses shorter sentences and words for children who struggle with longer passages. It also structures their ideas to get them to edit their work to include better adverbs and synonyms for said. Level 2 is more advanced. It encourages children to edit their work to include split speech and advanced the plot through actions. An additional sheet with potential answers for you to refer is provided too.
Mr Bean Inspired Diary Entries KS2

Mr Bean Inspired Diary Entries KS2

12 Mr Bean-inspired diary entries which are based around some of the events which you may have seen in his television series. The diary entries are from the point of view of Mr Bean and touch on some of the events. This is ideal as a model for children in KS2 and Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 & 6) who could use this as a basis and then look to edit and improve the diary entries too. Some of the entries may be based around the same event but it provides an example of how you could write differently about the same event.
Year 5 Writing Objective Slips

Year 5 Writing Objective Slips

This resource is designed for children in Upper KS2 to have a writing checklist in front of them while they’re writing. When they have used the skill, they remove the slip which displays that specific skill. It means that they are motivated to demonstrate all the skills and can easily see their gaps. It’s great for motivating and targetting children during the editing process.