
AQA psychology a level psychopathology notes
all the content you need to get high grades in the psychopathology section of the AQA A-Level in psychology
these notes include both the required amount needed for a01 and detailed evaluation for a03
this is written by a A* student who used these notes alongside many past paper questions

Aqa social influence a level revision notes
all the content you need to get high grades in the social influence section of the AQA A-Level in psychology
these notes include both the required amount needed for a01 and detailed evaluation for a03
this is written by a A* student who used these notes alongside many past paper questions

Research methods aqa a level psychology notes detailed
detailed notes needed for a level research methods
includes evaluation points for required content
written by a A* student

Attachment psychology detailed revision notes
detailed revision notes for attachment. perfect for 16 mark essay plan and short answer questions. created by a A* student

Stress revision notes *advance information* aqa psychology
detailed revision notes for stress
written in accordance to the bullet points that are listed in the 2022 advance information so are missing the components that arent mentioned
includes enough points for a01 and a03
topics included are
The physiology of stress
Sources of stress: life changes, daily hassles and workplace stress
Measuring stress
Managing and coping with stress: drug therapy, stress inoculation therapy and biofeedback
Gender differences in coping with stress
The role of social support in coping with stress

Aqa memory a level psychology revision notes
all the content you need to get high grades in the memory section of the AQA A-Level in psychology
these notes include both the required amount needed for a01 and detailed evaluation for a03
notes for-
research into coding, capacity and duration of memory
multi store model
working memory model
types of long term memory
forgetting (interference and retrieval failure theory)
eyewitness testimony (leading questions, post event discussion and anxiety)
cognitive interview
this is written by a A* student who used these notes alongside many past paper questions

Aqa a level psychology paper 1 revision notes
all the content you need to get high grades
revision notes for attachment, memory, psychopathology and social influence
detailed ao1 and ao3
good luck on your upcoming exams!

Issue and debates notes a level aqa psychology
detailed revision notes for issues and debates
written in accordance to the bullet points that are listed in the 2022 advance information so are missing the components that arent mentioned
includes enough points for a01 and a03
topics included are
nomothetic and idiographic approaches
free will v determinism
scientific emphasis of causal explanations
ethical implications and social sensitivity

aqa a level BIOPSYCHOLOGY revision notes
all the content you need to get high grades in the biopsychology section of the AQA A-Level in psychology
this is written by a A* student who used these notes alongside many past paper questions
these notes include both the required amount needed for a01 and detailed evaluation for a03
notes for-
organisation of the nervous system and functions
endocrine system- glands and hormones
fight or flight response
neurons- structure of motor, sensory and relay, electric transmission
synaptic transmission- neurotransmitters, excitation, inhibition, summation
lateralisation- sperrys research
plasticity- synaptic reweighting, creating new synapses, synaptic pruning
functional recovery after trauma- neuronal unmasking, axonal sprouting, recruitment of homologous areas
ways of studying the brain- fMRI, EEG, ERPs, post mortem (detailed evaluation of each method)
biological rhythms- circadian (endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers), infradian, ultradian

a level aqa APPROACHES psychology revision notes
all the content you need to get high grades in the approaches section of the AQA A-Level in psychology
this is written by a A* student who used these notes alongside many past paper questions
these notes include both the required amount needed for a01 as well as the assumptions for each approach and detailed evaluation for a03
notes for-
origins in psychology- wundt and introspection
the emergence of psychology as a science
learning approaches- behaviourist (classical (pavlov) and operant conditioning (skinner)) and social learning theory (banduras bobo dolls and role of mediational processes)
cognitive approach- theoretical cmputer models, schemas, cognitive neuroscience
biological approach- genes, biological structures, neurochemistry, evolution
humanistic approach- maslow and rogers
psychodynamic approach- freud- unconscious mind, defence mechanisms, psychosexual stages and structure of personality
comparison of all approaches!