Students will be able to recap where tropical rainforests are located globally, then they should work on defining what deforestation is, then students should identify the trends of deforestation shown in the choropleth map. Then students investigate the reason why deforestation occurs due to economic reasons. Finally students weigh up the economic benefits with the environmental costs of deforestation.
Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning
Task 1: Describe the location of tropical rainforests globally.
Task 2: Describe the trends shown in the choropleth map.
Task 3: Describe the trends in the pie chart for reasons of deforestation
Task 4: Main Task: Evaluate if the economic benefits of deforestation are worth the environmental cost
Task 5: Plenary: Recap of home learning expectation.
Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Students will be able to describe the route the Amazon river takes using longitude, latitude and countries, then students will be asked to identify confluences, tributaries and other physical features associated with rivers. Next students will be asked to knowledge dump everything they can remember about the water cycle in their books and then match up the labels with the correct definition. Finally students will learn about convectional rainfall and asked to describe the water cycle in the amazon through everything they have learned.
Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning
Task 1: Describe the path of the Amazon river from source to mouth.
Task 2: Knowledge dump everything you know about the water cycle.
Task 3: match the correct word to the definition.
Task 4: Main Task: Describe the water cycle that occurs in the Amazon, then explain how this causes convectional rainfall in the Amazon rainforest.
Task 5: Plenary: Recap of home learning expectation.
Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Students will be able to recap the difference between weather and climate then identify the different climates of South America. Students then learn the three components that affect biome distribution. Then students will describe the climate region for the Amazon Rainforest and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Students will then compare the climate graphs of two distinct areas to gain confidence in analysing climate graphs. Then students will create their own climate graphs for the Amazon Rainforest. Finally students will compare two areas of South America to show contrasting climates.
Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning
Task 1: Describe the difference between weather and climate.
Task 2: Describe the climate region for the Amazon Rainforest and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
Task 3: Analyse two different climate graphs of contrasting areas in South America
Task 4: Main Task: Create climate graph of the amazon rainforest.
Task 5: Compare two climate graphs from two areas in Brazil
Task 6: Plenary: Recap of home learning expectation.
Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Students will be able to recap the key terms of rivers and the types of erosion that occurs and the coast. Then students learn about Angel Falls in Venezuela as a case study for waterfalls. Students then lean how waterfalls formed and are tasked with describing them on their whiteboards and are then tasked with describing how a meanders and oxbow lakes occur.
Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning
Task 1:Recap the location of the Amazon River, and the key terms associated with them
Task 2: Describe how waterfalls form.
Task 3: Key terms with meanders and oxbow lakes
Task 4: Main Task: Create a comic strip about how a meander and oxbow lake forms using key geographical terms.
Task 5: Plenary: Recap of home learning expectation.
Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Students will use some GIS to work along the coastline of Brazil to see the different features present at each location, then students will recap hydraulic action and abrasion. Next students will identify features of the coast on an OS map using 4-6 figure reference. Finally students will investigate how a sea stack forms using weathering and erosion to describe how.
Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning
Task 1: Describe the Brazilian coastline using GIS to identify features
Task 2: Using the OS map, identify headlands and bays using 4-6 figure coordinates
Task 3: Using the photograph, identify the feature present on the coast.
Task 4: Main Task: Explain the formation of a sea stack.
Task 5: Plenary: Recap of home learning expectation.
Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
A fully resourced and up to date lesson on the continents and countries of the world, an introduction into scale, at both local, national and global.
Task 1: Starter - Name as many countries using the alphabet as possible.
Task 2: Student to put the locations in order of size
Task 3: Students to name each continent on Earth
Task 4: Students use an Atlas to fill in as many countries as possible in the Europe map.
Task 5: Label the 4 countries that make up Great Britain.
Task 6: Main Task - Describe where we live in the world using scale.
Task 7: Plenary
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Students will be able to outline the main long term and short term effects of Chernobyl and the consequences of these effects. Students will be able to evaluate the severity between the long term and short term consequences of Chernobyl.
Task 1: Starter:- Knowledge recall on previous lessons
Task 2: Using an atlas identify countries affected by the radiation leak
Task 3: Looking at the information on the worksheet students to rank these effects 1-9 in terms of significance.
Task 4: Main Task: Students to answer one of two questions about Chernobyl and its effects
Task 5: Plenary: What things would students pack in their bags if they had to evacuate.
Lesson contains powerpoint and worksheet
A fully resourced PowerPoint for Paper 1- Living in the Physical Environment for AQA GCSE Geography. This PowerPoint contains 30 slides with full information and case studies for each topic.
Case studies include:
Ecosystems - UK Pond
Tropical Rainforest - Malaysia
Hot Desert - Thar Desert
Rivers - River Tees
Coasts - Holderness Coast
Tectonic Hazards - Christchurch vs Haiti
Weather Hazards - Typhoon Haiyan
UK Weather Hazards - Beast from the East
**Download contains PowerPoint **
A fully resourced and up to date lesson on World War 1, an introduction into world war 1, where did it occur, and who did it effect.
Task 1: Starter - Key Vocabulary of terms used this week that students must go away and research.
Task 2: Students to draw a spider diagram and fill it with information they already know.
Task 3: Read through information about weapons, battlefields and technology on slides.
Task 4: Main Task - create a cover page in their book about what WW1 is and use key facts figures and links to other topics.
Task 5: Plenary - With green pen students to fill in their earlier spider diagram with any information they have learnt in this lesson.
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Students will identify different biomes throughout Russia and understand how climate affects the locations of biomes. Students will also be able to describe the vegetation and animals that are located through the biomes of Russia.
Task 1: Starter: Key words match up
Task 2: Describe location of the biomes in Russia
Task 3: Fill in sheet with characteristics of different biomes
Task 4: Main Task: Students to describe what vegetation/ animals they would see throughout their journey.
Task 5: Plenary: Quiz at the end of the lesson to summarise learning.
Students to write down the characteristics of pictures of favelas and describe what the conditions look like in these areas. Students will identify why people live there and why they have moved there. Advantages and disadvantages of living in a favela and jobs that are there.
Task 1: Starter - Recap on previous learning
Task 2: Identify why people live in favelas and identify the characteristics of favelas.
Task 3: Advantages and Disadvantages of living in a favela along with the jobs there.
Task 4: Main Task - Describe the opportunities and challenges of living in a favela
Task 5: Plenary: Class question - How would the government fix this issue?
Lesson 4 out of 8
A fully resourced and up to date lesson on what is consent, why do we need consent, and what consent looks like.
Task 1: Starter - On whiteboards, class discussion and ask students opinion.
Task 2: Describe consent to someone who doesn’t know what it it.
Task 3: Create a spider diagrams on situations where you would need consent.
Task 4: What are the signs of consent, how do you know if you’ve been given consent
Task 5: With sheet students to work in pairs to answer questions about consent
Task 6: Plenary - Consent Quiz
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Students will understand the definition of geopolitics, along with identifying the features of Russia’s soft power then finally explaining how Russia uses its power to influence politics.
Task 1: Located and describe Russia
Task 2: Overview of Russian history and Soviet Union
Task 3: Video of Ukraine Russia conflict
Task 4: Write a news report about conflict and its impact on peoples lives.
Lesson 7 out of 9
A fully resourced and up to date lesson on Typhoon Haiyan, the location, case study, primary and secondary effects along with planning, preparation and monitoring.
Task 1: Starter - Answer true and false questions about previous learning
Task 2: Students to accurately describe the path of the typhoon.
Task 3: Read through the information sheet and add the effects and responses on their sheet.
Task 4: Main Task - Exam question practice, "Using an example, describe the primary and secondary effects of a tropical storm. (6 marks)
Task 5: Exam Question Practice - "Using an example, describe the short-term responses to a tropical storm (4 marks)
Task 6: Plenary - Explain why planning and preparation is the best option for reducing the effects of tropical storms.
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Students will explain how conflict affects the different human, environment and physical geography of an area. Starter activity to recap on previous learning then discussion on how these affect geography.
Resources attached to this but also on last slide of powerpoint
Lesson 2 in a series of lessons regarding conflicts and its implications on the physical and human world
First in a series of lessons about Sex Education, aimed primarily at students in year 9/10. Covers physical and emotional changes to our bodies that occur during puberty and identifying ways to manage the changes.
Contains powerpoint and worksheet.
Works best if all powerpoints are used with worksheets and the worksheets provide good evidence of progress in a PHSE topic.
A fully resourced and up to date lesson on hygiene during puberty and how to stay clean, students will learn the importance of hygiene and what routines they should keep in order to stay hygienic.
Task 1: Starter - Create a definition of what hygiene is and examples of hygiene.
Task 2: To label on an image areas that could end up unhygienic if not looked after.
Task 3: Put hygiene options in order of importance to keep hygienic and clean
Task 4: Main Task - Complete their own hygiene plan to ensure that students know what routines they need to do to stay hygienic
Task 5: Plenary - Quiz about how to stay clean and tidy.
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Students to define what sustainability is and how social, economic and environmental factors must be taken into account to make something sustainable. Then students will read through the worksheet and choose which option is the best for sustainability. Finally, students will put everything they have learnt together in a final secondary assessment.
Task 1: Starter - Recap on previous learning
Task 2: On whiteboards, come up with a definition of sustainability
Task 3: Identify which management strategy is the most sustainable and why.
Task 4: Main Task - Secondary Assessment - Evaluate the protection of the Amazon Rainforest.
Task 5: Plenary: 3,2,1 - Class Discussion - Why do people cut down the rainforest?
Lesson 8 out of 8
A fully resourced and up to date lesson on how physical geography and its features can effect conflict. A recap on what physical geography is, features of physical geography that can affect conflict.
Task 1: Starter - Recap on previous learning with 5 questions.
Task 2: Define physical geography
Task 3: Read through the battle of hastings and identify how the physical geography of the area affected the battle.
Task 4: Match up the key terms and how they affect conflict
Task 5: Main Task- Using an Atlas students to look at global maps and topographical maps and decide which country would be easiest and hardest to invade and why.
Task 6: Plenary - What are some of the ways countries avoid being invaded.
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Students will state where the Middle East is along with recognising the countries in that area along with the physical geography of the Middle East. The final task is where students describe the physical features of the Middle East to show comprehension.
Lesson 4 of 9 about conflict.