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Planet Geography

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Hello, I'm Natasha and I provide high-quality geography resources for KS3 and KS4. https://linktr.ee/planetgeography




Hello, I'm Natasha and I provide high-quality geography resources for KS3 and KS4. https://linktr.ee/planetgeography
Mitigating Climate Change - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Mitigating Climate Change - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on what climate change mitigation is, the positives and negatives of using fossil fuels. Then mitigation is broken into four sections: Reduction of GHG, artificially alter global temperatures, GHG capture and storage and finally international agreements. Task 1: Starter - 3 exam questions OR describe the impact of each picture, then if it is a social, or economic impact. Task 2: Students to come up with a definition of mitigation then copy out the real definition. Task 3: Overview of the formation of coal, oil and gas. Then students identify the advantages and disadvantages of using fossil fuels. Task 4: Using the PowerPoint attached (can be printed for a handout) students fill in each type of renewable energy on their sheets. Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- Complete two exam questions “Describe how GHG emissions from energy production could be reduced?" “explain how alternative energy production and planting trees may help to reduce the rate of climate change” **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Climate Change - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Climate Change - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to describe how our climate has changed over time, why it has changed over time and interpret graphs that link CO2 to temperature to sea-level rise. Then students will identify the natural causes of climate change and the human causes of climate change. Task 1: Starter:- Knowledge recall on previous lessons and topics Task 2: Using the graph and information on worksheets, describe how the climate has changed through Earth’s history. Task 3: Using the graph, describe how CO2 concentrations affect global temperatures and how that affects sea level. Task 4: Interpret two pie charts on the human causes of climate change and greenhouse gases. Task 5: Main Task: Students to describe how our climate is changing using success criteria provided Task 5: Plenary: How do we know our climate is changing, what evidence is there? Lesson contains PowerPoint and worksheet
Climate Change: The Effects - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Climate Change: The Effects - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on the effects of human-caused climate change and how they impact different areas on the planet. Students will look at food production, migration, holidays and other factors that will be affected by climate change. Task 1: Starter - 5 Quick Questions- students to recap on previously learnt information. Task 2: Students to identify the data on the bar and pie chart and identify the amount of greenhouses gases in total emissions and which gas traps the most heat. Task 3: Students are given an information sheet with the impacts of climate change on the UK and Bangladesh. They are then to sort the impacts into social, economic or environmental impacts. Task 4: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Compare and contrast the possible impacts of climate change on a poorer part of the world with those on a richer part of the world” (6 marks) **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Global Atmospheric Circulation Model - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Global Atmospheric Circulation Model - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on the global atmospheric model, its components and its function along with pressure belts and surface winds and how the Coriolis force affects trade winds and westerlies. Task 1: Starter - Answer true and false questions about previous learning Task 2: Definition of global atmospheric circulation Task 3: Complete two exam questions about pressure belts and conditions. Task 4: Complete GAC sheet. Task 5: Main Task -Exam question practice “Explain how the global atmospheric system affects the weather and climate at the equator” (4 marks) Task 6: Plenary - On whiteboards, students to give ideas on how to help countries develop equally. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Future of Tropical Storms - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Future of Tropical Storms - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on the future of tropical storms and what could potentially happen to people living in these areas. Contains lots of graph analysis for students. Task 1: Starter - Answer true and false questions about previous learning Task 2: On white boards students to make notes on the video about tropical storms Task 3: Read through the information on the sheet and analyse the graphs about the future of tropical storms. Task 4: Main Task - Exam question practice, “Suggest how the distributiion of tropical storms could change in the future if the trend in temperature change continues” (4 marks) Task 5: Plenary - True or false about formation of tropical storms **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
War in Iraq, Physical Geography - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

War in Iraq, Physical Geography - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will learn where Iraq is located, its physical geography and then explain how physical geography affected the war in Iraq. Task 1- Describe where Iraq is Task 2- Watch video about Iraq war Task 3- Create timeline about the Iraq War Task 4- Colour in physical map about Iraq Lesson 5 out of 9.
Continents and Oceans - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Continents and Oceans - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

This is lesson 2 in a series of lessons about location and introduction to geography. Throughout the lesson students will aim to: To explain where the seven continents are located To identify the oceans that are present on Earth. Explain the features of a certain continent.
Introduction to Sex & Relationship Education - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Introduction to Sex & Relationship Education - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

First in a series of lessons about Sex Education, aimed primarily at students in year 9/10. Covers physical and emotional changes to our bodies that occur during puberty and identifying ways to manage the changes. Contains powerpoint and worksheet. Works best if all powerpoints are used with worksheets and the worksheets provide good evidence of progress in a PHSE topic.
Map Skills Revision - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Map Skills Revision - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

The first PowerPoint in a series to help students to recap their knowledge of OS maps and other Cartographic skills. The first few slides recap the importance of using maps and some historical knowledge on why we use OS maps. This lesson contains: Task 1: Students are asked in groups to match up a key map term along with a definition and example of the feature. Recap on compass directions Task 2: Stick the compass direction on the sheet and then differentiated further task to encourage looking into orientation. Four figure grid reference recap Task 3: Find harry potter characters on the sheet and write the grid coordinates for them. Plenary: Confidence check on how students are feeling about the coordinates.
Identifying height on a map - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Identifying height on a map - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on how to identify height on a map, why we need to know height on a map and what it can be represented as. Task 1: Starter - Recap on previous learning from previous lessons Task 2: Students on worksheets to join up the high lines to show the height of the land. Task 3: Then they are to colour in each height to show the height of the land. Task 4: Main Task - Explain why contour lines are important. Task 5: Plenary **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Map Reading - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Map Reading - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on an introduction to OS maps, how to read map symbols and why we use map symbols on maps Task 1: Starter - Recap over the last 3 lessons Task 2: Students identify the different symbols on the map Task 3: Students to explain why we use symbols on maps Task 4: Students identify all the symbols and what they mean. Task 5: Main Task - Describe why we use symbols on a map and when would we use them Task 6: Plenary - Map symbol bingo **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Scale on a map - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Scale on a map - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on the continents and countries of the world, an introduction to scale, at both local, national and global. Task 1: Starter - Recap the last few lessons and information they have learnt. Task 2: Students to identify which pictures are bigger and smaller depending on the scale. Task 3: Students to watch a video about the scale and then answer questions about the video and scale. Task 4: Main Task - Finish the sentences in books about what the scale is used for in books and how you would use scale. Task 5: Plenary 3,2,1 **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
The Challenge of Natural Hazards - (Full SOW) (KS4 - Key Stage 4)

The Challenge of Natural Hazards - (Full SOW) (KS4 - Key Stage 4)

18 Resources
An AQA specification topic for KS4 in GCSE geography about Natural, Tectonic and Weather Hazards around the world and the effects they have on both LICs and HICs. This bundle also covers the climate change topic as well. Lesson 1: Introduction to Natural Hazards Lesson 2: Structure of the Earth Lesson 3: Plate Tectonics and Plate Boundaries Lesson 4: Christchurch Earthquake Lesson 5: Haiti Earthquake Lesson 6: Tectonic Hazards Mitigation and Adaptation. Lesson 7: Comparing the Christchurch and Haiti Earthquakes Lesson 8: Global Atmospheric Circulation Model (GAC) Lesson 9: Tropical Storms Lesson 10: Future of Tropical Storms Lesson 11: Effects and Responses to Typhoon Haiyan Lesson 12: UK Weather Hazards Lesson 13: Beast from the East Lesson 14: Climate Change: Natural Causes Lesson 15: Climate Change: Human Causes Lesson 16: Climate Change: Effects Lesson 17: Mitigating Climate Change Lesson 18: Adapting to Climate Change Throughout the series of lessons students will be able to accurately describe what natural hazards are, different types of natural hazards, and describe the structure of the earth. Then students will investigate the structure of the Earth along with learning about plate tectonic theory and continental drift, this will then be used to describe the plate boundaries along with their characteristics and physical features. Finally students will learn about the Christchurch 2011 (HIC) case study and the Haiti 2010 (LIC) as two areas of contrasting wealth along with the effects and long term/short term responses. In weather hazards students will be able to accurately describe the distribution of the climate globally using the GAC. Then describe the location and formation of tropical storms along with their effects through the case study of Typhoon Haiyan. Next students will look at the weather of the UK and finally describe an extreme UK weather event. In the last few lessons students will look at our changing climate and how this occurs both naturally and also anthropogenically, they will identify the effects and how we can adapt and mitigate them.
Resource Management - Reducing Food Miles and Agribusiness - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Resource Management - Reducing Food Miles and Agribusiness - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on what consumer demand is, strategies to reduce carbon footprint and the importance of agribusiness. Task 1: Starter - Application of geographical skills, 3 exam style questions about previous learning. Task 2: Definition of consumer demand Task 3: Students are to complete a table of the positives and negatives of; seasonal produce, locally produced food and limit Uk food imports along with subsistance farming. Task 4: Using your table, categorise the following into positives and negatives of the agribusiness process. Task 5: Main Task -Exam question practice “Assess the extent to which agribusinesses are a beneficial change in food production” (6 marks) Task 6: Plenary - What ways has the energy consumption in the UK changes? **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
GCSE Geography Issue Evaluation 2023 Cayman Islands - Paper 3 (AQA) (Pre-Release)

GCSE Geography Issue Evaluation 2023 Cayman Islands - Paper 3 (AQA) (Pre-Release)

This lesson is the introduction to the Paper 3 Pre-Release section for 2023. It introduces the first 3 pages of the booklet, discussing what tourism is, the benefits of tourism including job opportunities and the positive multiplier effect it creates. Then an evaluation into which countries rely on tourism the most, along with a discussion on the compound line graph and how to read it, then the growth of cruise tourism in the Caribbean. Task 1: Knowledge Retention - Answer questions students have previously learnt. Task 2: Describe how tourism creates jobs and what knock on effects these have. Task 3: Describe the trends that are present in the graph Task 4: Which country receives the most tourism? Description and evaluation of a compound line graph. Task 5: Describe the trends seen in the bar chart of number of cruise passengers. Task 6: Evaluation of infographic on cruise ships in the Caribbean. Task 7: Describe the location of the Cayman Island. Final Task: What are the social, economic, and environmental effects of cruise tourism in the Caribbean. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Resource Management - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Resource Management - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

7 Resources
An AQA specification topic for KS4 in Geography about Resource Management, with a specification on water. Throughout the series of lessons students will be able to accurately describe what resources are, why it is important to management them sustainability. First students start of with an overview of energy in the UK, then the provision of food in the UK along with how to reduce food miles and an introduction to agribusiness. Finally students will focus on the resource of water at the UK scale with Kielder Dam, in Northumberland as a water transfer scheme. Then focus on the larger scale of global distribution of water. With the focus on the south-north water transfer scheme in China. Then how to sustainability increase water supply with the Mali Water Aid case study. Lesson 1:Introduction to Resource Management. Lesson 2: Provision of Energy in the UK Lesson 3: Provision of Food in the UK Lesson 4: Reducing Food Miles and Agribusiness Lesson 5: Water Management in the UK Lesson 6: Global Distribution of Water Lesson 7: Water supply, insecurity and sustainability. Students will improve skills such as graph reading, data interpretation, and case study analysis. This bundles contains fully resourced lessons along with worksheets.
Classroom Bunting - Continent Theme

Classroom Bunting - Continent Theme

This geography themed bunting is perfect to liven up any classroom! With all the continents displayed in the background and clear crisp font in the foreground, this bunting will allow you to personalise your classroom, and say whatever you want on them. The digital download allows you to print off your own bunting at home or at work and hang it up on the same day. The font used is Fink Heavy, which is clear, readable and easy to see from a distance. This is a digital download, no physical product will be sent to you! No refund policy due to the nature of a digital download.
Structure of the Earth- (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Structure of the Earth- (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on the structure of the Earth along with plate tectonic theory. A great introductory lesson into natural hazards and tectonic hazards. Task 1: Theorize why the Earth is like an egg. Task 2: Describe the characteristics of the structure of the Earth. Task 3: Quick video to recap the structure of the Earth. Task 4: Watch the video about slab pull and convectional currents Task 5: Describe the global distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes (4 marks) Task 6: Peer mark **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **