This download includes 4 A4 Pages (landscape format) with Learning Objectives for 4 different PSHE/Citizenship Themes based on 4 Week Blocks.
Can be used as a guideline for SOW/Planning.
Covers the following themes:
All about Me
British Values and Child Rights
Friendships, Relationships and Bullying
Health and Wellbeing
Ideal for KS1/KS2
Can be used with any of my PSHE/Citizenship resources
Check out the following links (there are many more in my shop!)
Character Traits KS1
Manners KS1
We are all Unique KS1
British Values KS2
Happiness and Wellbeing KS1 KS2
Included in this 12 page download are over 10 Questions to encourage students to have a Growth Mindset rather than a Fixed Mindset.
Additional-A4 page with all the questions included - this can be stuck into a homework diary, students should be encouraged to read it and answer the questions on a daily or weekly basis.
Ideal for PSHE/Tutor Time and/or Circle Time for KS1.
Tackle bullying before it starts with this little PSHE pack.
It covers the story of Gemma and Lucy and both wanting friendship. Ideal for Circle Time.
The pack has been put together to encourage speaking and listening during a PSHE lesson.
21 Slides in total. Can be used for display areas and/or used further in Literacy Lessons.
Students of all ages will love this fun quiz!
This can be used as a Back to School icebreaker, an activity to get students talking during transition days and/or for End of Year fun!
Ideal for KS1/KS2/KS3. KS4 students will still get a giggle out of this resource and it could make for some hilarious debates!
Grab this resource today for a bargain price of only £2.50
A prime part of the curriculum for the early years is PSE/PSHE.
This pack will help children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others, form positive relationships and develop respect for others. The pack includes 1 black and white and colour materials. These can be used for Literacy Stations/Centres and/or Circle Time activities.
The 37 page pack encourages students to have good manners, recognise the importance of sharing and taking turns.
For EYFS - colouring sheets clearly show children the types of things that they need to be doing in order to achieve good manners.
For KS1 - there are several writing activties.
An extensive pack-one that you and your students will love!
A prime part of the curriculum for the early years is PSE/PSHE.
This pack will help children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others, form positive relationships and develop respect for others. The pack includes 1 black and white and colour materials. These can be used for Literacy Stations/Centres and/or Circle Time activities.
The 42 page pack discusses characteristics and what makes a good citizen. This can be used in conjunction with the unit British Values.
For EYFS - colouring sheets clearly show children the types of things that they need to be doing in order to achieve good manners.
For KS1 - there are several writing activties.
An extensive pack-one that you and your students will love!
You can check out another PSHE pack here.
Manners (EYFS/KS1)
Almost 25 years ago, the world made a promise to children: that we would do everything in our power to protect and promote their rights to survive and thrive, to learn and grow, to make their voices heard and to reach their full potential. In spite of the overall gains, there are many children who have fallen even further behind. Old challenges have combined with new problems to deprive many children of their rights and the benefits of development.
The 20th November is World Children's Day and this pack will enable you to include it as part of your learning this term. The pack can be used all year round.
Included in this 25 page pack is everything you need to promote a positive learning environment in your classroom and to tackle the topic of Human Values and Rights of the Child.
It includes writing templates, printables (no prep required, just print and go!), mindmaps, project task cards, certificates and more.
It touches on the areas of -
-Right to be Safe
-Right to an Education
-Covers areas of learning such as building self-esteem, strength and weaknesses
Students will love the tasks and worksheets set out in this pack.
Check out the preview!
Ever suddenly take ill and realise you have left NOTHING for the substitute teacher or are YOU a substitute teacher often left in the position with absolutely nothing to do at short notice?
This pack is ideal for those who may SUB on a temp basis and/or for permanent teachers to leave in a cabinet/drawer for those unfortunate sick days!
Includes a huge variety of worksheets, differentiated and cross curricular.
Covers Literacy, Maths, PSHE, Citizenship, Geography and Science!
Grab this bargain today.
You can find other related resources in my shop!
Mastering the art of debate takes time, skills, patience and understanding.
Weekly debates in your classroom will have long-lasting benefits for students.
Debates encourage critical thinking and effective communication skills
Students need to be learn to independently research topics and issues and work in a teamwork and/or individually.
Debate teaches students to make informed judgments about crucial issues.
Included in this download
Over 40 Critical Thinking Task Cards
Suitable for KS3/KS4/KS5
This Love Trumps Hate pack can be used for PSHE/Literacy Lessons, starting points for discussion or writing, Valentine's Day or part of a PSHE lesson. Covers Equality, Diversity and Rights, Islamophobia, Homophobia and more.
Includes over 15 posters