MFL resources you can trust! Where? Polly Glott's Shop... I have shared my eye-catching, creative resources - already made and trialled - often with built-in differentiation to make your day a little easier. I have over twenty years MFL teaching experience in the classroom, so download my ready-made worksheets, packs and presentations to even out that work-life balance!
If you're browsing the shop, try typing in "French" or "Spanish" to find resources in that language.
MFL resources you can trust! Where? Polly Glott's Shop... I have shared my eye-catching, creative resources - already made and trialled - often with built-in differentiation to make your day a little easier. I have over twenty years MFL teaching experience in the classroom, so download my ready-made worksheets, packs and presentations to even out that work-life balance!
If you're browsing the shop, try typing in "French" or "Spanish" to find resources in that language.
A couple of puzzles to explore directions vocabulary in Spanish. One wordsearch, one crossword.
Language covered:
¿para ir a…? How do you get to …?
pase go past
hasta up to
cruce cross
siga carry on
tome take
suba go up
baje go down
tuerza turn
todo recto straight on
al final de la calle to the end of the street
está lejos/¿está lejos? it’s far/is it far?
la primera calle the first street
la segunda calle the second street
la tercera calle the third street
a la derecha to the right
a la izquierda to the left
los semáforos at the traffic lights
la rotonda the roundabout
la plaza the square
Originally a simple booklet made for Year 7 trip to Paris. Could also be used for Paris projects where, perhaps, Parisian landmarks are researched or creative writing is done. Booklet is A4 but designed to be reduced to A5 by your clever repro' bod.
Spanish -¿Cómo es tu barrio?
A PowerPoint to introduce the adjectives to describe your neighbourhood.
The first few slides introduce the vocabulary and are followed by activities which can be done to develop skills with them.
There is an accompanying PowerPoint which contains the activities without graphics or backgrounds so that you can use these for handouts to print. There are two slides of each so you can print two per page of A4.
Activities include:
One pen, one dice
Missing words
Broken words
Faulty translation
Four in a row game
¿cómo es tu barrio?
mi barrio (no) es
(no) es
más/menos que
A few sheets put together for Year 7s to learn Spanish vocabulary about Christmas. Matching/wordsearch/puzzle. Should last at least a whole lesson. They can always make their own puzzles or Christmas cards when they’ve done all these. Lots of colouring, too ;)
Reading comprehension/gap-fill/matching exercises. May help with reading and listening tasks you will do or can be a stand-alone document to go alongside what you already do. Contains some higher level language. Tip: set short time limits per block of questions and go through them with the class when the time's up! Then move on. Keeps them on their toes and avoids inattention and lack of motivation if they find a particular task hard. Or, use the sheet as starters over a series of lessons. The bottom exercise has one answer missing: hopefully superlearners will spot this ;)
Viva 1 Module 1
An interactive PowerPoint lesson to recap or introduce Viva 1 Module 1: greetings/name/where you live/how are you. It covers the vocabulary in the module and has in-built extension. Reading/speaking/writing skills covered plus a noughts and crosses game.
There are notes in the slides for guidance on how to deliver the activities, also.
Year 7 Spanish
First Spanish Lesson
Get to know your KS3 pupils.
Do your pupils come from a variety of feeder primaries? This resource can help you to clarify level of MFL depending on which primary your intake is from.
This is also a helpful resource if the timetable hasn’t started yet or your sets/groups are not sorted in the third week of term which happened to me one year and I had to cobble to something together for two weeks not knowing if the children would be in the group or not…
There is room to put in the name of your school.
For differentiation ideas, try putting anagrams of Spanish vocab’ on the board (or on certain tables if you know the ability…) or anagrams of famous Spanish speakers. Also see my free French version.
No prep’ for you!
Studio1 Module3 support booklet
or standalone French free time booklet as vocab’ included
Here’s a summary of what you get:
A 47 page booklet
20 activity pages for your learners
Comprehensive bilingual vocabulary list
Answers for all sheets (except longer writing task)
This booklet is based on vocabulary from Studio 1 Module 3 but would work well as a stand-alone booklet for revision or cover as the vocabulary is included. Alternatively, you as the teacher could print sheets as starter activities or homework.
Here are other hobbies resources I have made:
Here’s the vocabulary included in this distance learning pack:
Les ordinateurs et les portables
Qu’est-ce que tu fais …
avec ton ordinateur?
avec ton portable?
Je joue.
Je surfe sur Internet.
Je tchatte sur MSN.
Je regarde des clips vidéo.
Je télécharge de la musique.
J’envoie des SMS.
Je parle avec mes ami(e)s/mes copains/mes copines.
J’envoie des e-mails.
La fréquence
tous les jours
tous les soirs
tout le temps
de temps en temps
une fois par semaine
deux fois par semaine
Le sport
Je joue …
au basket
au billard
au foot(ball)
au hockey
au rugby
au tennis
au tennis de table/au ping-pong
au volleyball
à la pétanque/aux boules
sur la wii
Tu es sportif/sportive?
Je suis (assez) sportif/sportive.
Je ne suis pas (très) sportif/sportive.
Mon sportif/Ma sportive préféré(e) est
Qu’est-ce que tu fais?
Je fais du judo.
Je fais du parkour.
Je fais du patin à glace.
Je fais du roller.
Je fais du skate.
Je fais du vélo.
Je fais de la danse.
Je fais de la gymnastique
Je fais de la natation.
Je fais de l’équitation.
Je fais des promenades.
en été
en hiver
quand il fait beau
quand il fait chaud
quand il pleut
quand il fait froid
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?
le soir/le weekend
le samedi matin/après-midi/soir
J’aime …
… retrouver mes amis en ville.
… regarder la télévision (la télé).
… jouer sur ma PlayStation.
… écouter de la musique.
… faire les magasins.
… faire du sport.
… jouer au football.
… traîner avec mes copains.
… téléphoner à mes copines.
Qu’est-ce qu’ils font?
Il fait de la lutte.
Elle fait du jogging.
Elle a gagné le match.
Il est champion régional.
Elle s’entraîne (trois) fois par semaine.
Ils font de la musculation.
Elles écoutent de la musique.
Ils jouent au foot.
Elles regardent la télé.
Ils sont des clowns.
Elles aiment le R&B.
Les mots essentiels
en (été)
par (deux fois par semaine)
**Time saving codes for marking
French, Spanish, Italian…
Stick the A4 sheet into learners’ exercise books at the front or back. As you are marking, any common corrections and so on that they should complete have codes. You just need to write the code on the work. Learners then
write out the relevant target(s) on their marked work - and complete them, of course…
The language is described as the “Target Language” so that the sheet is appropriate for many languages.
Noël: A pack of French Christmas resources for years 7 to 11. 5 or more sheets per year group which eliminates the need to scrabble around every year as they are all different. Starts basic for Y7 with vocabulary based sheets/word search etc and by Y11 they have some multiple choice reading comprehension to do.
If you can’t fit these in to your SoW, why not use them for French club, HW or just for keen beans!
I’ve included a PDF of everything plus another copy which has hints/tips/answers also brought over from the original. Note: they print landscape.
A useful classroom wall display in Spanish. WYSIWYG! 51 pages. Print in colour on A4 and cut to the shapes. Organise the words under the correct word type heading and use the images to help understanding. They can then be used during lessons by students and you as the teacher can draw your attention to them to show how to improve speaking and writing skills.
In no time at all, liven up French quantities (kg/litre/slice/packet/box/tin/can/carton) for grocery shopping. Fits well with Studio 3 Vert Module 3. An uncomplicated work booklet or separate sheets, this resource is just what you need. Accessible worksheets will help your learners to get the vocabulary to stick. Activities include word matching, reading, wordsearch and a whole class bingo. Answers included.
une bouteille de – a bottle of
six tranches de – six slices of
une brique de – a carton of
un pot de – a pot of
un paquet de – a packet of
deux cent grammes de – 200g of
une boîte de – a box of
un bocal de – a jar of
un kilo de – a kilo of
un litre de – a litre of
un demi-kilo de – half a kilo of
cinq cent grammes de – 500g of
une canette de – a can of (soda)
un demi-litre de – half a litre of
Visit my shop for plenty more low or no prep’ workbooklets and resources.
Happy teaching!
Bring something different to** Easter in Spanish**. This is an engaging Spanish Easter booklet which will liven up any Year 8 Spanish lesson. 12 activity pages Semana Santa activity pages including word puzzles and reading tasks, word sodoku plus Easter cards to create. Covers Spanish Easter vocabulary, opinions, cultural info’ about processions, true/false and photo descriptions so that the packet can work alongside your every day teaching.
This resource works well because
☛ it’s a flexible 11 page learning booklet for your Year 8s to learn vocabulary for Easter in Spanish.
☛ it’s a really engaging work packet which will liven up any Spanish lesson.
☛ the booklet could be used for
in-person printables
distance learning
starter tasks
cover lessons
☛ it’s low or even no prep’ for you
☛ it can run alongside what learners are already doing to aid reading and deciphering skills e.g. photo description
☛ a bilingual vocabulary list included and answer pages where appropriate.
☛ a black and white version is also included
Vocabulary really is comprehensive in case learners are unable to look up words easily, so you may wish to remove this section if you prefer a more difficult booklet!
Booklets are flattened to protect my work and that of others within the resource and are un-editable.
unos chocolates
un conejo
un huevo
un cordero
una campana
un narciso
un pollito
una canasta
una cruz
una iglesia
la fiesta de Pascua
la procesión de Pascua
la búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua
una rama de palma
las calles
una carroza
una estatua
comer (como/comes/comemos)
gustar (me gusta (mucho))
hacer (hacemos)
tener (tengo/tienes/temenos)
ir (voy/vas/vamos/van)
comer (como/comes/comemos)
odiar (odio)
encantar (me encanta)
celebrar (celebramos)
pensar (pienso/piensa)
¿qué…? / ¿qué es/son…?
¿qué piensa?
¿qué llevan?
¿qué hay?
¿qué son?
en la imagen
se puede ver
puedo ver
a la izquierda
a la derecha
un pájaro
un nido
un gusano
el cesped
There is a full set of Spanish Easter booklets available for Years 7 to 11 so you’ll have something different each time.
If you like this resource, please come and have a look at my shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources! Click the link below. You can follow my shop there, too.
Happy teaching!
Christmas word search in Spanish. Translate the vocabulary into English.
There are other Christmas resources in Spanish and French. Take a look here:
If you like this, have a look at my TES shop: