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Nursery Report Writing Statements with SEND comments.
A bank of High/Middle/Lower/SEND report writing statements for all seven areas in EYFS. Could be used in Reception, mostly aimed at Nursery.
Anna Hibiscus' Song Story Sequencing Cards
Anna Hibiscus’ Story Sequencing Cards or can be used as pictures to write descriptions.
What The Ladybird Heard - Rhyming Words
Rhyming worksheet gives your children the opportunity to practice their rhyming skills in relation to the story ‘What The Ladybird Heard’.
Reception Report Writing Statements - With Targets & SEND
Report writing statements for Reception with SEND comments and targets in Math, Literacy and General.
Anna Hibiscus' Song Display Labels
16 Anna Hibicus’ Song Display Labels with pictures next to the keywords.
VIPERS Slides - Whole Class Reading
VIPERS slides with definitons of each skill, what the children need to support them and sentence stems to support whole class reading.
Reading - Sentence Stems for Children
Sentence Stems to support Oracy. This is intended for children to use in whole class reading/guided reading sessions related to the VIPERS skills.
0 - 10 Consolidation Number Mats
0 - 10 number mats to use alongside maths mastery or maths lessons to consolidate learning.
Fine Motor Skills - Magic Wands 1 -30
Use these wands to match objects to the numbers. Can be used as a maths resource or to develop fine motor skills.
Numbers 1 - 30.
Addition within 10
Ladybird addition with 10 worksheet. Single sheet - Can be printed multiple times to make a set.
I Am Reading - Poster
A poster for the classroom door to promote the love of reading and spark conversations about books between teachers and children.
Observation Checkpoints for Development Matters
An A3 PDF of all of the checkpoints in the new development matters 2021. This can be useful to have to check the children are on track or just for own reference.
Shortest to Longest
A range of objects to cut and order from the shortest to longest. Can be used as a carpet session activity or adult focus.
2020 New Development Matters - Early Learning Goal's Only
2020 Development Matters ELG’s. It could be used for personal references or for tracking children.
Early Years - All About Me
A useful form for when gathering information about a child during a home-visit or transition meeting.